Santa Claus is coming to town
By urbanite
Along with many (most) of us i’m looking forward to the new gardening season and, as I am still trying to fill my tiny yard, I was browsing the web to see what might be in the garden centres this spring.
Now we are more than half way through February and I figure that GCs should be stocking up by now so I’m surprised that so many of them haven’t got around to advertising this but are listing the arrival of Santa in November as ‘latest news’.
Is this laziness, lack of time, lack of Internet-savvy or is Christmas really creeping closer?
21 Feb, 2015
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The owner's of these GC's are probably out of town now and are currently in some sunny warm location spending and enjoying their profit from last season. When they return in time to reopen for spring business they will reawaken their web sites.
21 Feb, 2015
Haven't been to any of the GC's since before xmas so cannot comment on their stock, I did however go to our local nursery yesterday with my daughter, its our favourite and we like to investigate their £1 polytunnel through the different seasons, my daughter was in dreamland wandering amongst the spring flowers and trying to decide which ones to choose, the scent as soon as you entered the polytunnel was gorgeous, I actually resisted temptation, they do not accept vouchers of which I have a fair amount, its a shame but at least I can still keep looking for that extra costly something to buy without feeling guilty.
As to the last comment I s'pose it is creeping closer when you think about it, won't panic until it appears to be running, lol.....
21 Feb, 2015
I passed a house on the way up to Edinburgh that had "guid new year" in lights strung out across the front.
21 Feb, 2015
Chinese New Year perhaps?
22 Feb, 2015
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I'm pretending you didn't write that last line Urbanite!
There aren't any garden centres anywhere near here, only one or two small nurseries - they don't have advertisements never mind Santa! But they do have a poytunnel half full of scented prims - wonderful!
21 Feb, 2015