Leaf mulch.
By usernut
the garden is slowly and surely getting there, should be nice and colourfull come the summer.
all my bulbs are coming up and all the seeds I planted in my makeshift mini greenhouses are doing better than I expected, now need lots of plantpots to transfer them to.
I just noticed at work we have an area where they have been dumping all the leaves that they pick up from the range. They have been dumping them there for three years.
When I heard this I had to go round and see and sure enough there,s loads of the stuff, well rotted.
I dug into it and filled a bag of the stuff from the bottom of the pile, I wont use it as a mulch to cover my soil but will dig some in as a compost and keep some in the shed for mixing in to my plantpots for seeds and cuttings.
love getting free stuff ..lol
26 May, 2009
Previous post: getting there slowly.
Next post: nice weather.
Always like free stuff LOL!!
26 May, 2009
i was thinking of using it as a mulch in the front garden but in the back there are loads of slugs and it's a constant battle to keep them off my plants so i,m a bit wary of putting a mulch on there as it can give the slugs a place to hide and to lay their eggs.
26 May, 2009
Try mixing some sharp sand with it - could well deter the slugs... though not a lot does!
26 May, 2009
Good idea. Pitty for it to go to waste.
27 May, 2009
I would like to think that we had such a supply of leaf mould. We make as much as we can but it is only enough for our potting compost requirements - none left over for mulching, I am afraid.
27 May, 2009
Well now you are retired and can collect the leaves up from half the village...
27 May, 2009
I am thinking of a short phrase that ends in 'bike'!
27 May, 2009
27 May, 2009
may give it a try with the sharp sand - tried everything else.
fed up using my beer for the beer traps even though they work well.
27 May, 2009
If you have a 'local' that you go to regularly ask them if you can have the slops... I'm sure they will be delighted to give them to you!
27 May, 2009
Ooooh, great way to go "green!" Well done for collecting it! It's great stuff! I've bought 6 bags for collecting leaves this autumn, we usually get loads coz of all the trees behind us, can't wait!
Also, see my blog on slugs and snails, it may help! Hand picking is the best method tho', tbh!
5 Jun, 2009
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Usernut if you have access to lots of free leaf mould it is great for mulching!
26 May, 2009