Dare I say it? Three fine days in a row!
By wildrose
Today, the temperature reached 13 degrees and the sun was trying to shine!
What a difference it makes to me.
To be able to out into the garden without waterproofs and a hat has been such a treat!
I have a few photos here, taken today. The last one was only taken at 5.45pm so it looks as if we really are on the way to spring…….but dare I say it?!
This is taken through the wisteria by our kitchen door. The two plant pots with labels were bought yesterday, they contain wallflowers ‘Sugar Rush.’
The pot on the right contains a very tiny daffodil called ‘Snow Baby.’ It is about 10 cms high.
The hellebores are also growing near the house in an attempt to create a small woodland bed, but as you can see, a lot of forget-me-nots have barged in as well!
The primrose patch has been in flower for a long time but the primroses are now looking fresher and healthier than they did.
The trellis is still bare so not quite spring just yet!
Final photo.
I went into Homebase for a lamp shade but couldn’t resist looking at their plant centre.
In the spring sunshine, the pots of bulbs, violas and primulas looked very pretty and were really good quality. I came away with these 6 primulas in the pots on the right, a small pot of Bridal Wreath narcissi and a large pot of daffodils – oh yes, and a lampshade!!
I hope that you have all had some respite from the miserable weather and I also hope that it continues for a little bit longer! ??☀️
18 Feb, 2018
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It all looks so good, I do love a natural looking garden with primroses nestling under trees. Like you we have been enjoying some quite sunny mornings and have managed to get in the garden, roll on spring!!.
18 Feb, 2018
Your garden shows great Spring promise Chris ... 13 degrees eh? We thought 9 was good! I spotted some Primroses blooming today, ones I bought in Helston, Cornwall many years ago. Don't those Forget-me-not seedlings get everywhere ... grrr!
18 Feb, 2018
I always wonder how other gardeners have no sign of last year's fallen tree leaves in their garden. Or do they just gather them up and dump them in mine overnight?
18 Feb, 2018
I think ours blow away Andrew! Some of them get caught up in the fuchsias- a kind of effort free mulch...
Your flowers are a real joy Wildrose - your garden's looking great. The irises especially are always a joy aren't they?
Do you find the celandines spread everywhere? I just can't get top side of mine at all, though they are very pretty when they flower.
18 Feb, 2018
Hopefully Karen, it will be downhill all the way, there is a feel of promise on the air anyway!
Stroller, I too love primroses and particularly like to see them growing naturally in the wild.
Shirley and Stera, our garden is covered in celandines and forget-me-nots......I can only blame poor management and the fact that they are more persistent in wanting to flower than we are in getting rid of them!!!
Andrew, we have weeds instead of an abundance of fallen leaves and most of them like to return to us each year!! There are plenty of fallen leaves lying around too, come to think of it!
18 Feb, 2018
Coming along lovely W'rose, we had a couple of really good days, however the rain returned with a vengeance last night, I did get to prune my roses last Saturday and have another tidy around the beds and borders so progress has been made.....Lovely photo's..
19 Feb, 2018
It's all looking lovely. I sat out in the garden on Saturday for 10 minutes with no coat on in the last sunny spot before it got dark and it was lovely. I only went in because the dog was feeling cold! The days are getting longer as well, so Spring is definitely on it's way.
19 Feb, 2018
Love your Hellebore patch, Wild Rose. Do I spy a weaved willow edging fence in that photo, did you make it yourself?
19 Feb, 2018
Lots of colour, WR, so Spring must be around the corner.Your miniature daffs are so pretty and the Heathers are doing well.
19 Feb, 2018
Linsclass, that is all we have been able to do so far, a bit of pruning and general tidying! Our soil is heavy clay so I don't expect to get near that for ages!!
Lisam, just like you I have sat in the sun in a sheltered spot for a short while. It is such a lovely feeling! Let's hope for more sunny days!
Siris, we haven't got a willow fence but John, my husband has made a number of plant supports using willow. I shall suggest that he could attempt a low woven fence next time!
Eirlys, I do rely on pots of bulbs to give some colour at this time of year. It is nice to look out of the kitchen window and see something springlike!
Thanks to all of you for looking.
19 Feb, 2018
Some happy Spring photographs, you seem to be further along than we are, managed to get on to some of the borders, but the majority are far too wet to work on....a cheerful blog to keep us going thanks Wildrose..
19 Feb, 2018
I am jealous 13C. That would seem like a heatwave here lol. The rain let up long enough for me to pop out and take a photo of my snowdrops just then the sun came out. It is the first time I have seen the snowdrops properly open and we even had some open crocus. This winter seems to have lasted forever but maybe we will have a good summer to make up for it. We missed the SRGC Show in Dunblane on Saturday as OH was feeling groggy. Those 'Sweetheart' Primulas are lovely. I bought 8 in the supermarket last week. I love those short narcissus I must keep a look out for 'Show Baby'. Your heather is setting off the pots of bulbs very well or vice versa. The wild primroses and hellebores seem very happy. The camellia will soon be out too. Thank you for sharing.
19 Feb, 2018
It's all looking wonderful,Chris..so much in flower,and spring has definitely sprung for you in Devon..but hopefully ,with this mild weather we have had this week,I do see more signs of spring here too..Your pots are so colourful,and I love your Hellebores..it certainly lifts the spirits,to see your well filled garden ...
19 Feb, 2018
Scotsgran, I too attempted to remove small weeds from a bed that we want to clear and start afresh. It wasn't easy and not very successful and I ended up with two damp knees!
Bloomer, as you know I cope happily with my pots but the rather weedy beds are a project too daunting for me to tackle at the moment!!
20 Feb, 2018
Your garden looks wonderful WR, so much colour surely spring must be just around the corner. Your miniture iris seem to be doing well, sadly this looks like the second year mine haven't shown.
20 Feb, 2018
Waddy, only small parts of the garden are looking good! The iris were only bought this year so their success is nothing to do with me.......I can predict now what might happen to them next year!
20 Feb, 2018
I hope you have better luck than me Chris. I keep thinking I might get some more and try again.
20 Feb, 2018
D.D I am a lot more cheerful once the rain has stopped and we are well on the way to spring! Our flower beds are also unworkable and have a lot of celandines which must come out!
20 Feb, 2018
Waddy - the trick is plant them deeply, much deeper than you would normally do for such small bulbs.
20 Feb, 2018
Thanks, I'll remember that Andrew.
21 Feb, 2018
lots of lovely colour on show in your garden. love the mini daffs.
22 Feb, 2018
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Lovely! I have started to dare to believe it will soon be spring as well. The birds are definitely singing a lot more. We have worked outside this weekend too. Im sure theres still more winter to come, but its all downhill now....isnt it?!
18 Feb, 2018