Bulbs & Daylilies
Big excitement in my front yard today – I got my first flower on a Cypella herbertii that I started from seed. It is an Irid native from Mexico to Argentina, and the color has been described as French Mustard. It is fairly large – 3" across, and has a strange habit of the petals twisting like a propeller.
Finally opening is Herbertia Lahue:
Here is Moraea karroica. It used to be Homeria tricolor. It is salmon with a yellow throat and bright orange eye.
Moraea britteniae is also open:
Not the usual spring flowers!
Then there are the daylilies that have woken up. There are 2 that I want to register this year. The first is Unk x Free Wheelin’:
The second, which I am still working on a name for it, is Better Lucky Than Good x Facepaint:
Then there are the others, and standing out is Creative Design x Neighborhood Watcher. I registered N.W. a couple of years ago, and I am loving this offspring, which is very open because the petals are spatulate (an Unusual form where the ends are wider at the end because the first part is quilled).
Judge Nancy has been busy with two offspring where it is the pollen parent for both. First using the Eder seedling 0009 x J.N.
Then [(Amber Rhum x Kazoo) x Life is a Highway] x J.N.
What makes the daylily photos different is that they were taken last evening at 5PM. They spent the day in the sun and bright light, but have kept their colors very well.
22 Apr, 2019
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I agree with Eirlys about your exotic Cypella, and enjoyed looking at your Daylily crosses.
22 Apr, 2019
Some beauties there Wylie but I especially like the spatulate form day lily or whatever you want to call it. That's a stunner!
23 Apr, 2019
Thanks! It is also great to find out this morning that the Cypella remains open for more than one day. I have gotten used to the Moraeas and Daylilies being open for only a day, and some even less than that.
23 Apr, 2019
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Wow! That is a truly beautiful alien- like flower. No wonder you are excited. We would be too.
22 Apr, 2019