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Since I grow Amaryllis belladonna, I use Hippeastrum instead of Amaryllis for the following flowers. I use a grow light to get them to bloom in the winter months, which also provides the warmth they need to flower. I would also mention that many of the photos I take are also used by me as the background photo on my desktop computer.

I added a couple of doubles this year. First is ‘Elvas’. It had only a couple of flowers on each stalk, but there were 3 stalks at different times, extending the show.

The other double is ‘Happy Nymph’. This had the flowers on each stalk open at the same time, producing a large head of 4 and 5 flowers.

Another Hippeastrum that produced a very large head was ‘Tres Chic’. It had 10 flowers open at once.

If you like stripes on flowers, the ‘Exotic Star’ is the one. I was able to cross this with ‘Elvas’, and there are 3 very large pods developing.

I also had one from the local feed store. I don’t know its name, but it is orange.

An amazing combination of colors is ‘Gervase’ Here it is with and without Krull.

A small flowered that has bold stripes is ‘Santiago’. Two stalks flowered at once, and there is now a third stalk growing.

Hippeastrum papilio is green with red stripes. I suspect it is used in a lot of the hybrids.

The last to open is ‘Mandela’. This is actually a darker red. There are 2 stalks, the shorter one opening first.

I really like the smaller Hippeastrum cybister ‘Quito’. The cybister types have thinner petals that curve.

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Wow! You have so many! They are all stunning. Mine gave me a lot of joy over Christmas. Now let me see…which do I like best? I think Gervase, especially with Krull!

17 Jan, 2025

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