I think I have had another dodgy PM from KATEUU
By yorkshire
Just logged on here and noticed I have a PM from someone called “Katuee” wants to be my friend and wants me to contact them Her/He by email. as anyone else received the same thing, going out for lunch and will check in later when I will flag it, I noticed they have not written about themselves or what country they are from, said if I email they will share their photo’s etc with me,they are wanting love that they have been lacking all their lives, they have written to the wrong person if that’s what they are looking for,
27 Apr, 2012
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I haven't had one yet, still there's time. LOL
27 Apr, 2012
you can have mine if you like tulsa lady!
27 Apr, 2012
Not had one either,for a change..she/he must have gone off me..happy days .:o)..and no,I dont want yours either,Yorkshire and Sticki !
27 Apr, 2012
Somebody made me their favorite, when I looked there was nothing, no details or blogs or anything......so I deleted it
27 Apr, 2012
not quite sure i want to see the photos i have to admit !!!
27 Apr, 2012
have you flagged it Sticki, I have not as I was leaving it for a while
27 Apr, 2012
I have had the same in the past Val, I just deleted it!!
27 Apr, 2012
not sure i can be bothered!! perhaps that is the attention they want ?? who knows???
27 Apr, 2012
I haven't had one today but have had some very strange ones in the past ,I always flag them !
27 Apr, 2012
I flagged it Amy, if they are looking for love then they are on the wrong site here to find that, Lol
27 Apr, 2012
There was one on Meanie's page one day asking him for love and wanting him to give her his email address ,it was in strange foreign wording , I don't know if he ever saw it or not I flagged it straight away ....
27 Apr, 2012
best thing to do Amy is flag them
27 Apr, 2012
I get these too yorkshire .....especially now since I have had my haircut and I am looking so very handsome again....hahaha - I have to chase them away with my rake :-)
27 Apr, 2012
fancy looking for love on a gardening site Richard,
27 Apr, 2012
You should have flagged it immadiately. It's obviously something suspicious. No point in waiting with things like this. I hope they've deleted them all now.
27 Apr, 2012
I wonder what they would do if we all responded on mass do you think they would panic. lol. I have had them in the past, just delete it and ignore them. they are such sad people who get the wrong idea about what we are all up to.
27 Apr, 2012
not deleted yet Hywel,
27 Apr, 2012
good idea Olive, they have given me two email addresses to contact them on, we could make their computer crash, or as you say, panic them
27 Apr, 2012
I delete them right away without opening them if I think they are dodgy, sometimes they contain a virus...
27 Apr, 2012
it was sent via Private Mail Richard, so I could not delete it,
27 Apr, 2012
OK Yorkshire thanks I will keep a look out if I get anything like this...thank you for sharing yorkshire.. :-)
27 Apr, 2012
Haven't they deleted it yet ? They are so slow to do things like this. It's annoying. Actually I think they don't care for GoY any more
:o( They're not really gardeners are they.
27 Apr, 2012
I flagged it about 3 to 4 hours ago Hywel, maybe no one is home today, Lol
27 Apr, 2012
I think that the last one was called Janeuu (from French West Africa)...probably the same person...getting desperate...lol
27 Apr, 2012
makes you wonder Karen as they both end in euu.
27 Apr, 2012
...and can't speak English! lol
Was the avatar a sweet picture of a baby or chidren, by any chance??
27 Apr, 2012
avatar was just that tree that comes on when they have not added a picture, no details at all,
27 Apr, 2012
It's usually something sugary, Yorks
Such a shame that we can't do a GoY group reply saying something like, 'Go away and don't come back. There's nothing for you here!'...might work better in French though...lol
27 Apr, 2012
I ask you Karen, they are asking me for love. silly b----r, as if I want love at the ripe old age off nearly 66
27 Apr, 2012
Karen, her name is Kate so she must think I am GAY, Lol, she says there is no age, race, colour and religion when it comes to love.
27 Apr, 2012
I wouldnt mind a bit of love, but not with that person !!
27 Apr, 2012
I should hope not Cinders she is a woman, Lol
27 Apr, 2012
I know, thats why I said it.
27 Apr, 2012
THAT'S HER, YORKS!!!! So, she's back again!
...colour, creed, gender, age, own hair/teeth...she's not bothered - as long as you're breathing and have a bank balance lol
27 Apr, 2012
well done detective Karen, I flagged it but its still not been taken off. she won't be getting into my bank account,
27 Apr, 2012
'she' probably isn't a woman - or even one person, Yorks - just keep flagging (but don't delete before you've flagged)
But, having been there, I think we should all be a bit wary of new members from West Africa. The clever ones speak English fluently...and won't start off by asking for friendship, love or money...
Just keep keeping your hand on your ha'penny, Yorks
27 Apr, 2012
Janneauu thats who added me as a favorite, can we flag favourites? Anyway I deleted it.
I,ve been getting those phishing emails supposedly from the bank....Banks do not send this type of email......delete.....delete. (exterminate!)
I was told never to open attachments from someone you don,t know well
Ugh...gives me the shivvers...
27 Apr, 2012
I had one today from her/him as well! Flagged it straight away about 3/4 hours ago. I obviously didn't reply!
27 Apr, 2012
Oh, Pam (trust me I've lived in the land of the 419ers), you're doing the right thing - they're educated and cunning...delete everything with no real provenance.
27 Apr, 2012
Of course, you would have Karen, luckily the first one I got was from bank that I don,t have an account with so I thought it was phishy..........:0)
27 Apr, 2012
There are lots of these people still on GoY
:o( I don't know why they don't delete their accounts. I have told them about it but they take no notice. .... See ! They don't care any more. And not long ago there were several unsavory blogs on for many days before they got deleted.
27 Apr, 2012
I remember that Hywel...Chinese...they went on for days and days....
27 Apr, 2012
just logged on to see if the boys had deleted it, its ten past eight and still there, not good aye,
27 Apr, 2012
no, no...it's not, Yorks.
27 Apr, 2012
not me
27 Apr, 2012
Its now ten to ten Saturday morning and the boys still have not removed it,
28 Apr, 2012
Has anyone tried the "contact us" section at the bottom of the page to ask this person to be removed? If they were bombarded with requests they might do something? Might be worth a go?
28 Apr, 2012
when you flag it they should remove it straight away Suzy
28 Apr, 2012
Oh ok, they haven't removed mine yet
28 Apr, 2012
now 12-30 and its still there!!!!!!!
28 Apr, 2012
I think that you 'contact us' with a message, Yorks...in fact, maybe everyone who flagged should do the same...
28 Apr, 2012
think your right Karen, its approx 23 hours since I flagged it, will contact them now,
28 Apr, 2012
just sent it to the boys Karen
28 Apr, 2012
Hi Val i have loads of these types of messages from the same person as you got and from others.I just report them then delete the message.:)))))
28 Apr, 2012
I'm not worried about it Mark I have had them before, my moaning is because I like others on here flagged it yesterday and we still have them on, they should have been removed a lot sooner
28 Apr, 2012
I fully agree with you they should be moved quicker:))))
28 Apr, 2012
over 24 hours since I flagged it
28 Apr, 2012
when this kind of email talks about "love" it's usually the kind that has to be paid for! if it's not an attempt to hijack your pc.
28 Apr, 2012
exactly Fran
28 Apr, 2012
Can't you delete it as well,Yorkshire ? I can't remember if you can,when you flag it,but think I used to..
28 Apr, 2012
no Bloomer, the reason being I was waiting to see how long it took the boys to remove it,
28 Apr, 2012
I'll send a message to the "contact us" page too, worth a try. I'm not worried about it either, just think that if so many people have flagged it then that person should have been removed by now. Will do it now :)
28 Apr, 2012
I've not had one.
28 Apr, 2012
I think you're right Suzy...if someone has been 'flagged' by loads of members, it should not take 24 hours for them to go away!
28 Apr, 2012
mine is still there in PM's
29 Apr, 2012
Kateuu's not been removed yet then, Yorks...
29 Apr, 2012
no. terrible isn't it,
29 Apr, 2012
It's not really sending 'her' the right message, is it?
29 Apr, 2012
Wonder if they can't delete it,with it being a PM,Yorkshire..
If it had been a public blog,for everyone to read,it would be different,I'm sure but I would be inclined to think they aren't allowed to interfere with a PM..so maybe you need to delete it ? Hope someone can clarify this,as it's only my thoughts on this...come on you experts,lets be hearing from you..
29 Apr, 2012
could it be that the 'boys' dont work at weekends on this??
29 Apr, 2012
Maybe,Sticki..just not sure how the system works..but like Yorkshire,I would like to know,in case I ever get another one.I have always flagged them before,then deleted..and it has usually gone quite quickly..
29 Apr, 2012
Hmm, but you have to have an account to be able to send a PM...and when an account is deleted, everything disappears, as if it never existed, I think...So if the message is still there - does that mean that the account is still open? I don't know...
29 Apr, 2012
Well I sent a message on the "contact us" page and copied and pasted everything she wrote including her userid, I also included my email address in the hope that they will email me back. Did this yesterday, not heard yet, but maybe they don't work weekends... If I get a reply from them I'll let you know!
29 Apr, 2012
its still in my PM's ladies,
30 Apr, 2012
I,ve flagged things at weekends or emailed 'the management' and not had a reply, but you flagged it 4 days ago.....
30 Apr, 2012
correct Pam, is yours still on then. mine is,
30 Apr, 2012
It's not good really, is it? Considering that we're a site that 'police' ourselves...makes us seem a bit ineffectual...
...I wonder how that seems to the likes of Janeuu and Kateuu and Anneuu and all the other 'euu's out there...
30 Apr, 2012
I deleted it myself, I put janneau into the search box and the profile (or lack of one) didn,t come up but a comment from Pixi in november as she,d had a pm from janneau then........I know what you mean Karen...its not very nice.
30 Apr, 2012
Like minds, Pam - I was just thinking to click 'search' on Kateuu...
I suppose that whole conversations can't be deleted because of 'mentions'...
...and...I've just remembered that I had PM conversations with a member who's account was subsequently deleted (by choice or not, I have no idea).
The conversations remained but all other evidence disappeared.
So 'she' is very probably gone...?
30 Apr, 2012
That was the same with me,Karen..the PM with another member remained,but that was all..
30 Apr, 2012
Aha Kateuu has now disappeared! Received an email today in reply to my message to "contact us" saying they will sort it. The message from Kateuu has now disappeared from my PMs :)
30 Apr, 2012
I.ve just had an email from the boys also saying they are removing her,
1 May, 2012
All ok now then until the next time........
1 May, 2012
yes I agree pam
1 May, 2012
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join the club yorks ~ i got one too!!! makes me laugh
27 Apr, 2012