By yorkshire
Hi everyone.
hope you are all well today, I thought It best if I came clean with you all, as some of you would have noticed we have a new member on GOY, she goes by the name of Pita, well I just thought it fare that I reveal she is my daughter, some of you know already but I thought I should tell you all, she is gardening mad and a very good amatuer photographer, I wanted her to join GOY a long time ago but she refused as she felt she would be intruding on me, silly girl. I do hope you will look out for her blogs and photo’s, I have been trying to explain about adding people and photo’s to her favourites, this way she can build up like the rest of us,
love to you all,
Yorkshire xx
17 Apr, 2012
Previous post: What a Mess
Next post: I think I have had another dodgy PM from KATEUU
thank you Pam she will be so pleased
17 Apr, 2012
That's lovely Yorks - I'll look forward to "meeting" your daughter. Great for you to have another gardener in the family too :))
17 Apr, 2012
she is a chip off the old block!!! ~ in the nicest possible way!
and a FABULOUS photographer!
17 Apr, 2012
I was admiring her photos yesterday :o))
17 Apr, 2012
She is a stunning photographer Yorkshire, a great addition to our family here :-)
17 Apr, 2012
Thank you 'Yorkshire!' - am I aloud to refer to you as mum again?? hee hee
Thanks for the nice introduction too!
Hi Everyone! :D
Have a lovely day one and all!
Pita x :D
17 Apr, 2012
thanks for welcoming her to GOY all, since when did you start call me Mum young lady, only when you are cross,
17 Apr, 2012
How splendid that your daughter is interested in gardening! I wish......... ( but otherwise she's wonderful!)
Welcome from me, too.
17 Apr, 2012
I just checked out all Pita,s photos. They are stunning .
You must be very proud of her . I look forward to seeing lots more soon :-))
17 Apr, 2012
thankyou Meadowland, Ojibway and Helen, yes I am very proud of her,glad you enjoyed her photo's
17 Apr, 2012
And she lives near me!! Now Mrs Yorkie, there's no excuse for when your'e down south!!!
17 Apr, 2012
I wondered when you would see this Lou, your right, no excuse at all, the waterpark is only about ten minutes from her house. see you in the summer then,
17 Apr, 2012
Ohh no Lulu - now I'll never get rid of her! (ha ha Valerie - only kidding!!)
Thank you everyone - this is a very friendly place! :D
17 Apr, 2012
Wow Pita is very talented her photos are stunning;0))
17 Apr, 2012
thanks Carol, she is a clever girl, she is brilliant at art work also,
17 Apr, 2012
are you hooked/addicted to GoY yet then Pita??
17 Apr, 2012
she is now talking about giving up work and just staying on GOY all day, she is certainly addicted
17 Apr, 2012
"I can hear you lot!" I'm a bit blown away by how lovely everyone is - its so nice to find such a lovely group of people - thank you for making me feel so welcome! :D
Now please excuse me whilst I go and cry - its all too much for me! ha ha ha :)
17 Apr, 2012
oh dont go pita and DONT cry, just make a cup of tea and come back on.
and dont tell anyone im addicted to it too
17 Apr, 2012
Iwould too but my batteries f
17 Apr, 2012
hee hee!!! I'm back - just had to sort out Skype for Yorkshire! I'm off now as apparently one can burn the dinner if you get addicted to this site and these people!
Have a lovely evening! Catch you later xxx
17 Apr, 2012
can one really?? surely not!!!
17 Apr, 2012
and what I ask is she making for dinner tonight, something nice for her spoilt OH
17 Apr, 2012
Moi ?
17 Apr, 2012
we're having home made vegetable risotto....big tick in the healthy eating box... I've still got one easter egg left......
17 Apr, 2012
i have an easter egg left also, only because I keep eating OH's chicken breast here stuffed with tomato pesto,
17 Apr, 2012
ooh Yorkie that sounds lovely....maybe tomorrow.....;O)
17 Apr, 2012
i didnt have an easter egg :-(
no tea tonight; OH has a meeting.
chicken breast with tomato sounds very good
and risotto ~ wonderful, love it.
17 Apr, 2012
what are you having then you poor little mite
17 Apr, 2012
17 Apr, 2012
Nooooooooo thats fattening,
17 Apr, 2012
That's great Yorkshire - look forward to her blogs and pics :))))))))))))))
17 Apr, 2012
well its what i feel like
17 Apr, 2012
maybe have some scrambled egg in a bit
17 Apr, 2012
thank you so much Paul, she has a lot of photo's on now, and 2 blogs
17 Apr, 2012
scambled egg sounds healthier
17 Apr, 2012
17 Apr, 2012
will have a look :)))))))
17 Apr, 2012
report back won't you please,
17 Apr, 2012
You're making me feel a tad guilty . . . the smells wafting from our kitchen are wonderful . . . it's Tuesday, so OH is cooking!! (shepherd's pie tonight, so not healthy at all, but didn't have any Easter eggs, lol).
17 Apr, 2012
17 Apr, 2012
. . . he's just brought me a glass of red wine, to improve my typing? (that was nearly tuping . . )
17 Apr, 2012
looking through now Yorkshire - excellent pictures
17 Apr, 2012
They are, aren't they Paul . . . she's got the eye . . .
17 Apr, 2012
thanks Paul thanks Sheila
17 Apr, 2012
I shall look forward to seeing Mama & Baby Yorkie this summer. Pity you don't live closer, David's got free tickets for Newbury on Friday!! And planning to go to York races on the 26th May........BTW WE NEED A WINNER SOON!!
And just to get in with the beat, David's got salmon for supper and I've got smarties!!
17 Apr, 2012
very much sheila :)))
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Pita nice to know you, :)
17 Apr, 2012
Everyones having chocolate for supper but I,m not sure about adding chocolate to scrambled eggs Sticki....is ita new trend?
17 Apr, 2012
having to cook now, he changed his mind.
no more chocolate
17 Apr, 2012
I was really good,and had Tuna and cottage cheese salad,with a Jacket potato...lost my Halo now,and just had a mini Magnum..note I said Mini ! could have eaten two actually .:o))
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Pita and welcome I'm off to look at your photos , BTW I've only been able to make a decent Yorkshire pud since having you Dads recipe .. LOL.........
17 Apr, 2012
Sorry, Only just come on. Pleased you have made it clear Yorks. You have a lovely daughter, and her photos are amazing.
17 Apr, 2012
I agree..Pita is a natural at Photography..wonderful pics ,Yorkshire...glad you let us all know about your daughter :o)
17 Apr, 2012
Oh thats lovely Yorkie, thanks for the tip, off to have a look....
17 Apr, 2012
Well well, fancy that ! :o)
17 Apr, 2012
Had a look Yorkie, they are smashing photo's, wish I could get shots like that....
17 Apr, 2012
Just going to meet your lovely daughter thanks for the tip off Yorks :o)
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Yorkshire Well i met your daughter Peti I can see why you are so proud of her, in 5mins I had added to my favs a number of her lovely pictures!! now off to read her blogs so glad she decided to join you on GOY :o)
17 Apr, 2012
Hi Yorks. delighted to meet your daughter on here and yes her photos are incredible, a very clever young lady.
18 Apr, 2012
thank you so much, I thought some would be upset if I had my daughter on here, but then thinking you are a great lot and I knew none of you would mind, your comments about her and her pictures are fantastic,
18 Apr, 2012
Why should anyone be upset,Yorkshire? ..Anyone and everyone is entitled to join...plus she can keep you in order ..and vice versa !Lol...I think a number of her lovely pics could be this years entry for Countryfile Calendar..I love the Damsel fly ones .:o)
18 Apr, 2012
Why should anyone be upset at your daughter joining. Oliveoil's daughter joined didn't she ? Bikerbob's wife joined, and Bulbaholic/Moongrower are husband and wife .... and anyway it isn't anyone's buiseness is it ? Anybody in the world can join.
And if it bother's anyone, then that's their problem ... and they'd better come to terms with it ....
18 Apr, 2012
I did not know about all these others Hywel, and thank you for your reply, I do agree with what you say, xx
18 Apr, 2012
thank you Bloomer, your very kind also, yes I have been thinking about the country file Calendar also, I love the damsel fly one as well, she really is good at photography, took some nice one's of my 65th last year,
18 Apr, 2012
Oliveoli's daughter is Karensusan. I thought everyone knew that.
Bikerbob's wife is Cmsue (Hope I've spelt it right lol)
I thought everyone knew that too :o)
18 Apr, 2012
I agree Hywel, lovely happy goy family
18 Apr, 2012
'We are the ovaltineys, happy girls and boys'............well something like that anyway, was trying to say, like Pam. and everyone on here, that we are a great crowd and are like a family and give each other support when needed.
18 Apr, 2012
sorry Hywel I did not know that, I agree with you also Pam about a happy family, Grandmage you are so right with what you say, I like that, the ovaltineys, nice way of putting things,
18 Apr, 2012
Does anyone remember that advert I wonder!!! x
18 Apr, 2012
I remember it
18 Apr, 2012
I have no idea about it but hey!
Thank you everyone - I feel very loved! Happy days!!! :D
virtual hugs for all..... ((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))
You can fight over the kisses xxxxxxxxxxx hee hee
18 Apr, 2012
your only a baby you would never remember the Ovaltineys,
18 Apr, 2012
I'm going to look it up on Google!
18 Apr, 2012
its a very old advert, see you tomorow, xxx
18 Apr, 2012
I remember the Ovaltiney's ad and now I,m driving myself mad cos can't remember all the words and its going round and round in my head, thank`s you lot, lol...
18 Apr, 2012
Thanks for the Ovaltiney's troops ! It's started in my head like yours, Lincs .
It used to be on Radio Luxembourg during Dan Dare , I think . There was also an irritating man who used to spell out Kaynsham K-A-Y-N-S-H-A-M , it was something to do with the football pools .
Pita , hello , hope that you'll enjoy GOY .
18 Apr, 2012
Thats it Driad, little transistor radio on in bed 11pm Sunday`s on Luxembourg to listen to the top twenty, hiding it undercover so as not to disturb the parents and younger kids, no earplugs in those days, lol...Adverts annoying if they cut off a record....
18 Apr, 2012
AHHHH!! thats who the special person is eh !! Mystery solved, Happy Days indeed.
18 Apr, 2012
Hello Driad - nice to meet you!
Is this the Ovaltiney's song? Follow link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EQ11Ob-d4A
Now sing along people...... altogether now......GO!
"We arethe Ovaltineys, little girls and boys
Make your requests, we'll not refuse you
We are here just to amuse you
Would you like a song or story?
Will you share our joys?
At games and sports we're more than keen
No merrier children could be seen
Because we all drink Ovaltine
We're happy girls and boys."
I have NO idea if that's right - but seemed fun! ha ha
:D x
18 Apr, 2012
Yes, showing my age, but thats the right words Pita.
18 Apr, 2012
Phew! it's a catchy little number! hee hee
Was it an advert for Ovaltine? (probably a stupid question but I actually don't know!)
18 Apr, 2012
I think it is lovely to have your daughter on here, and I will be popping over to see her pics, and yes I remember Radio Luxembourg listening under the sheets, so parents wouldn't hear, and that annoying man spelling out Keynsham, happy memories.....know all the words to the Ovaltine song....how sad is that?
18 Apr, 2012
Me too DD. Yes Pita it was a commercial for Ovaltine.
18 Apr, 2012
Do you know I`ve gone full circle, from a kid to hiding my radio under the covers, now I'm a nighthawk who wears earphones so as not to disturb my daughter if watching telly in the early hours, lol...
19 Apr, 2012
Found this on wikepedia:
''Keynsham rose to fame in the mid-1960s after featuring in a long-running series of advertisements on Radio Luxembourg for Horace Batchelor's Infra-draw betting system.To obtain the system, listeners had to write to Batchelor's Keynsham post office box, and Keynsham was always painstakingly spelled out on-air, with Batchelor famously intoning "Keynsham – spelt K-E-Y-N-S-H-A-M – Keynsham, Bristol". This was done because the proper pronunciation of Keynsham – "Cane-sham" – does not make the spelling of Keynsham immediately obvious to the radio listener'' Lol.
19 Apr, 2012
well I am sorry but I am a loss with you lot now, Daughter of mine stop pretending your an OAP, and where did you get the words for the Ovaltine from. G/M do you mind if I go lay down for a few minutes, I really am at a loss, thought it was bad enough when me and Sticki started but your beating us,
19 Apr, 2012
ha ha ha - I'm practising for when I retire!
(I have no idea what they've all be on about - just thought it would be fun to join in!!)
:D xx
19 Apr, 2012
you'll get used to it, they start off on one thing and end up on something completely different, surprised they have not started with food yet on here,
19 Apr, 2012
Going off on a tangent its called!!!! Lol. We were saying did we remember a man on the radio who was always spelling out the name of Keynsham!!! It was to do with the football pools I think!!!!???? Yorks. you up yet?
19 Apr, 2012
no still sleeping, I'm going to ask my OH about this fellow your on about,no he never heard of it either,
19 Apr, 2012
Ok then Girls, what's for supper then?!
Pita, thought you'd like to know that I returned safely (without getting lost) from Bristol!
19 Apr, 2012
Yay! Welcome back Lulu! I was wondering if you'd return! lol x
19 Apr, 2012
I am being begged by my husband to go racing with him at Newbury tomorrow...My wardrobe has ended up on my bed. I am going for the Bohemian, layered look. Fresh Tuna was for supper but Hubby, David, has had to go to a band practice after being housebound waiting on the mare to foal..
So far I have eaten parmesan on ryvita..!
19 Apr, 2012
Hi , Lulu , sounding well , there . Hope that you enjoyed Newbury and weren't rained out . It's time that the Bohemian look came back into fashion , it's an interesting look .
Well researched , Grandmage , it's strange the things that we remember ; it was the Ovaltinies that brought Kaynsham back !
Yorkshire and Links , I'm still in trouble with listening to the radio , OH does not like the music that I do . I used to have such rows with my Dad over "pop " music .
20 Apr, 2012
Hi Driad, you started all this Keynsham chat. Lol!!!!
20 Apr, 2012
..))))) !
20 Apr, 2012
Newbury was fab! Bohemian look looked chic and out of place when I was invited to the royal box!! Sunny day and the studs horse came 3rd!
20 Apr, 2012
Royal box.!!......greetings ma.am......
21 Apr, 2012
Get you Lou!!!! (bow,scrape!)
21 Apr, 2012
did not know they had a royal box at newbury, I know they have private one's for venues, gosh I lived there for long enough, we used to go to all the meetings there,
21 Apr, 2012
It's the main box, and very elegant. I suppose called the royal bow because the queen was in it yesterday, innit!
21 Apr, 2012
No queenly chat with her. I noticed she has soft powdery cheeks!
21 Apr, 2012
thats great val, must welcome her aboard :o)) x
21 Apr, 2012
thanks San
22 Apr, 2012
Yorkie, check out map blog check in!
26 Apr, 2012
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How lovely Yorkie, I,m going to search forher now and add to my favorites.....tell her we,re all 'family' here.....;0)
17 Apr, 2012