By yorkshire
HIi everyone
just popped in to say hi, hope you are all fine, I have not been on lately the reason being my computer has broken down, only had it three and half years, I have a new computer and hopefully my daughter will have it up and running by the weekend, I am using my husbands laptop to write this, I don’t like it I much prefer a desk top computer, I just want to say thanks for emails ans PM and once my new computer is ready I will reply to you, in the mean time behave yourselves and I hope to join you next week
love Yorkshire, x
24 Oct, 2012
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Hi Yorks. Nice to see you ...
I'm also getting used to a new computer.
Good luck with yours ! .. see you soon :o) x
24 Oct, 2012
Hi Yorkie! Be good to have you up and running again my friend.. You and I have got to keep Ba on her toes now that she is back in the fold again..LOL! Great to see you\0/xxx
24 Oct, 2012
Hi Yorkie glad you're back on air so to speak but look whats happened to Waddy in yourr absence.... I think she's found the fountain of youth. :0)))
24 Oct, 2012
Good to know you are ok Yorkie, I`m the opposite cannot get on with hubby`s comp at all, love my laptop, he however makes a right ole fuss if I ask him to check something out for me as he`s useless on the laptop, lol....
24 Oct, 2012
I wondered where you were Yorkshire...Im glad you are coming back to us xx
24 Oct, 2012
It will be nice to have you back on :o) x
It isn't the same when someone is missing ...
24 Oct, 2012
Hi Val lovely to see you and so sorry your computer died on you, we rely on them so much, isnt till something happens that we realise this, iv been pacing the floor on occasion when iv lost my internet or my laptop has brocken, hope you get the new one going over weekend, take care :o)))
24 Oct, 2012
So,that's the reason,Val,wondered where you were..I hated it when mine had to go in for a few days,,I was lost without it..how sad is that ! :o).apart from that,I hope you and Ralph are well..so hope to see you back in the fold before long :o) xx
24 Oct, 2012
I too thought you were on a super holiday good luck with the new computer I hope it lasts longer than your last one look forward to your company :o)
24 Oct, 2012
hi Val good to hear from you,look forward to seeing you back:))))
25 Oct, 2012
I only wish I had Pamg!
25 Oct, 2012
Glad to hear that you are Ok and look forward to seeing more of you soon!! x
25 Oct, 2012
Good to have you back and start having a bit of craic again.
25 Oct, 2012
Hi Val you have been missed, pleased you are now back and now have a new Computer ;0))
25 Oct, 2012
Never mind the craic with Yorkie Johnjoe ....we were fine without her:-)))
27 Oct, 2012
Hi there, thank you all for your lovely comments, we are nearly there now just the odd things to do, daughter working on OH laptop also, Bornagain, you might have been fine without me but John wasn't, xx
27 Oct, 2012
She's got the hump Yorkie cos Bloomers going away without her....:0)
27 Oct, 2012
Oh yer Pam. I had forgotten about that, serves herself right,
27 Oct, 2012
Have you forgotten Pam ...I'm travelling in her trunk?
Yorkie, so lovely to hear from you ...I kept your friend John happy while you were away so no need to worry about him:-)
27 Oct, 2012
See you at the airport,Ba..hope you have plenty of money..you are paying for the excess luggage :o).See how polite I am..I refrained from saying baggage ! Lol.
27 Oct, 2012
Sandra, I will deal with BA shortly, just want to say I had a good laugh at your comment,the bottom two lines, x
28 Oct, 2012
Oh, I didn't realise it would cost me any money:-(
Yorkie, I'm sure my friend Sandra didn't mean what I think you think she meant, no I think you think that Sandra is not the nicely brought up girl she obviously is....that's what I think you think when I think about what you think ...which isn't often:-)
28 Oct, 2012
28 Oct, 2012
Yes Val, I had fun with B/A but there is fun & fun if you know what I mean.The best of luck to Bloomers on her holiday and what ever you do Bloomer, don't loose the
key of the luggage or there will be a right stink......Loi,,,
By the way Val thanks for the present it arrived the other day with out a scratch and is just lovely, I wonder what B/A will bring me from her trip.
28 Oct, 2012
glad the present arrived safely John, and yes I do know the difference between fun and fun, xxx
28 Oct, 2012
I think after your last,comment,Ba.I can't think whether I know what you think I think ! Lol..and Johnjoe..the seeds of an idea has set me thinking! :o).,or it could possibly be think or thwim ..sorry, seem to have a unexplained speech problem ..can't think what brought that on ! Lol.
Too many thinks going on :o))
28 Oct, 2012
Not even sure I should venture on here Yorkie..Is that Ba giving you trouble again? We added bromide to her Horlicks but it isn't helping..and now she is trying to smuggle herself onto a cruise..Is there no end to her inventive machinations???
Watch out Bloomer, make sure that you have your luggage checked thoroughly..hahahahahaha..\0/x
31 Oct, 2012
I just hope she isn't wearing that Halloween witches hat,Flori..a good slug smuggler,if ever I saw one ! Lol.Goodness knows what could be lurking in the green hair ...I wonder if she will 'beep' at passport control ?? ha ha..
31 Oct, 2012
That's not just a hat Bloomer, it is the actual shape of her head, though we might be able to squeeze the odd slug or two under the brim.. You can see our Ba is environmental though with all those green tresses. I'm beginning to think she just might be a recycled teenager! As for Passport control, it won't so much beep as have hysterics! tee hee hee..Oh I bet she has missed us all so much..\0/x
31 Oct, 2012
....and the thoughts of her being frisked...oh,no I can't .....too much information..I really don't care what is under that long black outfit ! :o)))))
31 Oct, 2012
hope they don't make her have a strip search, no telling what they will find under that green stuff on her head, Bloomer keep your eye out tonight, Flori reckons BA will be out flying in her witches outfit on her Dyson, Lol I can just picture it,
31 Oct, 2012
Not one of those purple flying Dysons,Val ? ..oh,that is so not colour co-ordinated .with the hair ..surely not?
31 Oct, 2012
you can expect anything from BA Bloomer, green and purple, YUCK
31 Oct, 2012
And "All done in the best POSSIBLE taste" knowing Ba..! tee hee hee..Ladies we are so dead when she catches up with all of this...How fast can you run????? I'll have the Getaway car on idle.. LOL! \0/xxx
31 Oct, 2012
Would that be the re resurrected clapped out one,Flori,or the one you have now? Lol.I do hope it's your latest model,you know the price of oil these days..:o)
31 Oct, 2012
bloomer, can you just see me running with my walking stick, Lol
1 Nov, 2012
I was thinking more of a Skateboard for you,Val..or a Zimmer on wheels might be better..something to hang on to..on second thoughts,we could getaway in your Ferrari ?
.the red one please,leave the other at home for Ralph .Lol.
1 Nov, 2012
NOOOOOOOO not a Ferrari please, I got in one in Italy and smashed my head trying to get out, can I have a Zimmer on wheels please Bloomer.
1 Nov, 2012
It could only happen to you Val ! Lol...ok,I will order a souped up one for you....shall I have a brake put on,and a reverse light? ..seems logical to me :o)
1 Nov, 2012
definately a brake, there is no telling where I will end up without one, can you arrange for one of those beepers that go off when you reverse please,
1 Nov, 2012
You are Sooo going to in trouble.......its alright for you Bloomer you're skipping the country......and I know you gave Ba the wrong airport.........I can see her blacklisting you and we'll have to bribe passport control to get you back in the country
And as for Flori and Yorkie Well! I,m sure she will look lovely on a purple dysonwith green hair flying.........especially with the orange legs.......
1 Nov, 2012
Lol Pam. wonder which airport Bloomer gave BA, as for orange legs, give up its enough to make one feel sick.
1 Nov, 2012
You will be glad to know Bloomer, that the Skoda has long gone, last seen going up a steep hill with flames coming out the exhaust! LOL! We have a Berlingo now, and no that isn't a nasty rash before someone suggests it! lol..Well girls, its gonna be a quiet week now Bloomer off on her cruise..If it doesn't stop raining here, we will soon be resuming Ark building once more...LOL! \0/x
1 Nov, 2012
raining here too, and the witch has been bopping up and down on here,
1 Nov, 2012
I caught the train into town and got utterly soaked walking to the shops.....still at least I know my new anorak is waterproof....
1 Nov, 2012
Now now,Pam and Val,there is no need to mock the witch..She is definitely coming..it's arranged,and the right airport too...a slight alteration to the flight path..The Pilot is detouring via Aldridge,to save her getting to Manchester Airport...it will be rush hour,and we didn't want her broomstick to get delayed in a mid air traffic jam...She will be on top of that pretty church near her home..and winched up into the baggage hold...as..erm..baggage :o) We will help her off the carousel at the other end..or if she doesn't behave,we might just let her go round..and round and round,till next week and pick her up on the way back ! Lol..Simples!
What do you think Flori? ..I know I know. ,it's very thoughtful,isn't it? she is so looking forward to coming,It's the least we can do ...bless her :o)
1 Nov, 2012
What a wicked lot you are ...I'm busy making effigies of all of you ... et tu Pam?
On reflection, I've decided not to travel in your trunk Bloomer ....I know when I'm not wanted ... sniff ....I just wanted to have friends ...sob .... I'll just plough my lonely furrow... sniff ...don't worry about me .... sob .... I'll be alright .... big gulp .... have lovely time .... see you all around sometime .........(brave smile) :-]
1 Nov, 2012
Well,don't say I didn't think of you ,Ba..you should never look a gift horse in the mouth..or any old nag,for that matter.. you have turned down the offer of a lifetime....shall I contact the control tower,to leave you where you are..on top of your church? ..hope you know a steeplejack,to get you down....it's going to be mighty cold up there.! see you soon..and I'll give you a wave :o))xxx
take care.:o) just enjoy a Bloomer free week ! Lol.
1 Nov, 2012
Now I know why I got soaked yesterday!!
Oh Ba I really thought the orange tights suited you.........
I,m glad you're not going on that cruise......it wouldn't be much fun
on a hammock in the bilges........
2 Nov, 2012
Brilliant idea leaving BA on the church tower, maybe we could arrange for all the planes flying over head to drop water bombs on her, Pam you had better let her borrow your raincoat she might just need it. what effegie of you made of me BA, something beautiful no doubt
2 Nov, 2012
You lot are so nasty to poor Ba, don't you worry mate, I'll get some super fit Firemen to get you off that steeple and then they will all be sooooooo envious..Might take a week or two mind.. LOL! \0/x
6 Nov, 2012
Just seen this Flori ...and I called them friends ...thank goodness for your and your contacts in the fire service:-))
6 Nov, 2012
Ah shucks, for you Ba..Anything! \0/x
7 Nov, 2012
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- Awaiting Renewal or delete
29 Nov, 2012
- WARNING. Received this from our friend,
31 Oct, 2012
- Im Back
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Hello Yorkshire, great to see you back, I just assumed you were away enjoying some exotic sunshine!
Only had your computer 3 1/2 years...my goodness that's not long. I've had my trusty Lap-Top about 12yrs now (hope I haven't spoken too soon..) Look forward to you being back properly next week :)
24 Oct, 2012