Plans for next year !
Hi all, I took my laptop back to Asda today (sunday), It wouldn’t upload pics so swapped for a brand new one with another 12months guarantee :))) not bad eh.. This is the reason I havent wrote a blog for a while but, I have been buzy shopping online and planning for next year too..
The weather has been mild and the furniture is still out! also still a few jobs to do, ive been a bit lazy lol..
Remember the chairs i bought to go on the decking? I bought a water/sun-proof awning from ebay too, so,looking forward to dressing the area up, I have an idea that includes Mind your own business (soleirolii) and round rocks :))) I have new lights for the area and im already planning the hanging baskets, succulents and trailing plants, maybe a palm tree or 2 lol..
Mind your own business..
See the bare fence on the right? Behind the raised bed, I have a mirror for there now, I think ill hang Trellis either side and plant a climber, Something bright and in your face, Maybe Barbie Pink lol..
Here,s a pic from last month of the Nicotina i grew from seed, Never again :) The leave,s were huge and sticky, I stuck to them every time i passed and they were covered in dead blackfly, They flowers weren’t all that either, they are supposed to be scented but you had to stick ya nose right into them to get a faint soapy scent!!!
Overwintering my Precious Colocasia Esculenta, hehe.
Every year i try new plants from seed, So far i have..
cleome violet cream. Also known as Spider/flower plant I believe..and scented..
cleome Pink queen.
Amaranthus Tricolour Splendens,
The Awning i purchased, gonna change the color to red :))) Sorry couldn’t insert this pic above!..
I started this blog last night lol Still finding my way around the new computer, Phew, im worn out..
28 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Heatwave next week :)
Next post: I need advice from my Goy friends..
Hi Amy, Thanks for your comments, The pic of the awning is from Ebay, I bid on it and won. I wish i did have a stream in my garden lol.
I have puppy training mats under the plants in the shower. Fingers crossed the tray wont mark, I dont water them much either so should be OK..
28 Nov, 2011
Thats a good idea the puppy training mats in the shower ,they don't need much water in the winter do they ? Did you have to fetch the awning yourself or did they deliver it ,how are you going to change the colour that sounds a big job !
28 Nov, 2011
It had free delivery Amy, Ill buy a new "cover" from the manufacturer, in the Jan sales lol..
Yes Meadowland I remember, its above the fence now, it took a battering in the winds at the weekend, its fine tho..
Is yours still growing? I bet its huge..
28 Nov, 2011
lovely pictures,did not know there were different leaf colours on the mind your own business. Do I assume you only bathe in the summer in your
28 Nov, 2011
Glad you got your laptop changed ok. all looking nice in your garden. Do like your new chairs. :)
28 Nov, 2011
i know you will sort it all out ~ computer and garden, i love those mind your own business
your garden always looks stunning.
28 Nov, 2011
hi not bin on much either lol , at least youir nicotinia flowerd ,mine just leaves ................ lovely blog , your gardens stuning as allways ................. xx
28 Nov, 2011
Hahaha Bjs, hub insisted he wanted a shower and never uses it! I love a bath, good job its a biggish bathroom:)
I didn't know there were different colour MYOB either, ill have to look that up..
Thanks Hollyeves, Sticki and Cristina, You only got leave's Cristina! Puh, that was unlucky, horrible arent they..
28 Nov, 2011
Hi Dee nice to see you again , not bad getting new laptop, hope you get use to it soon lol, do you have to shower with the plants over winter hehehe, look forward to seeing the new changes to your garden, it always looks fab anyway but just hope we get a summer to go with it all :o))
28 Nov, 2011
Hi San, You OK? yeah im a jammy Bug*a, there was only 4 weeks left on the Guarantee!! Thanks for the lovely comments, I have to fill my garden with warm colours to give the illusion of summer lol..
28 Nov, 2011
Nice to see you back Dee, know what you meen about laptops, mine gave up the ghost, I'm using my desktop computer now... Thank god I still have it.
Seems like you've been busy?... Lovely job :o)
28 Nov, 2011
Hi Daisy! Lovely to see you back! That's a brilliant idea to get a new cover for your awning in the sales! I completely forgot you could do that, I was thinking that you would need a heck of a big marker to colour that all in!! Lovely idea with the soli, soilro, tut! mind your own business!! They'll be like mini box balls, soooo cute!
28 Nov, 2011
Great Daisy! cant wait to see it all done :))))))
SHame about your Nicotina..I always grow them from seed and they are gorgeous..amazing scent..I noticed yours are all white..I have coloured ones..maybe they are better? I am about to bin them once this wind and rain has stopped..but they have flowered for months!
Well done you! :))))
28 Nov, 2011
Garden looking fabulous, Daisy! Love the MYOB too - great idea for a "rocky" area - are they OK in sun??
Good luck with the Cleome (violet cream sounds interesting): I grew them last year with advice on here, which was to keep them cold for two weeks, then sow. Yup, it worked. :))
29 Nov, 2011
yes good here thanx Dee, i will be doing the same next summer, lots of colour :o))
29 Nov, 2011
yep hun and there still here too ............... i do like the flowers tho , so maybe i,ll gv it another go !! ................xx
29 Nov, 2011
Awww Thanks Avis and Myron x
Lol Libet, replacement covers arent too expensive. about £40 I think, Ill search untill i can get one cheaper tho :))
Thanks Pixi, I thought the same, maybe mixed have a better scent, good luck with lifting them, they are big and fat, mine went into the brown bin, I had to bash them in hahaha..
Hi Sheilabub, MYOB grow in any position. I had some growing in an old crazy paved area before we put decking down, i thought i got it all out but it still grows and pops up through the decking! Thanks for the Tip about the Cleome, I didn,t know that. Cheers..
Yeah San, go for lots of colour next year, we need it to feel like summer if nothing else :)
Give them another go Cristina, I wonder why you didn't get flowers, maybe plant them in another position, mine were in full sun, front and back gardens..
29 Nov, 2011
Hi Dee, your garden is looking wonderful , very tropical, love the Awning and your new chairs too, your plans are very exciting for next year look forward to seeing it all. You did well to get a brand new laptop, I still use my desktop P.C
Its a shame about your Nicotina,s I rather like them but havent tried them from seed, Im growing Salvias at the moment ;0)
29 Nov, 2011
Thanks PansyP, I love Salvia, i buy them every year, They just keep on flowering :)
29 Nov, 2011
HI YDD wondered where you had been, thought you might have emigrated to the tropics lol I love to see pics of your tropical garden, we grew Cleome this year, unfortunately they did not have enough room to do well, you have put me off the Nicotiana, so I wont !! Your plants in your shower made me laugh, couldn't happen here we only have a shower, no bath!! keeping all our tender plants in the sun room, they are all growing away like crazy!!
Looking forward to seeing all your new ideas for next year, good luck with the new pc I am sure you will soon master it.
30 Nov, 2011
Hi Dd, How you doing ? I bet your still digging and moving fences etc :)
I read that Cleome can get big and multible flower heads, thing is, its hard to know how a plant will grow, last year i planted far too many Cosmos out, I had to pull some out to make room for other plants, i suppose its trial and error, rather too many than too few lol..
Im happy about your plants in the sun room, I would love a sun room :) I still have 2 Phoenix in the Ghouse waiting to go into Sis's Conservatory, when i pluck up the courage to ask her. ive cleaned them up (excess compost etc) washed the pots and drip trays and put some of those sticky pads on the bottom so her floor wont get scratched :) Ill have to hurry its Gettin'g cold up here..
I am making progress with the PC, slowly :)
Great to talk Dd, not long to spring woohoo..
1 Dec, 2011
Yes YDD we are still moving fences, we have also bought another arch, this time a traditional rose arch, which looks enormous, busy painting it at the moment, and waiting for one of the SILs to help put it in the ground, far too heavy for me, would like to get it in before Christmas, as we have the roses waiting to go in, made several changes to the garden in the last few months, will post pics when all is up and running......
2 Dec, 2011
It never ends Dd, My minds working overtime with idea's for next spring :)
The Arch sound great, will you and your SIL put it up!!! Hard work that..
Looking forward to the pics, i know it will look Amazing :)
I love new builds and design's...
3 Dec, 2011
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I love those chairs Ydd .... they look so comfy . your decking area looks so pretty with a huge selection of lovely plants , I don't think I would be brave enough to put pots in my shower I would be worried about them leaving marks will you put an old towel or something under them ? is that a stream running through the garden ,lucky you ! I'm not that keen on those big Nicotine plants either they are o.k if they are tucked away in a big bed .. I'm glad you were able to change your computer for another new one you will soon find your way round it ....... good luck with all your plans for next year :o)
28 Nov, 2011