I need advice from my Goy friends..
Some of you might remember our dog Cassie :) A rescued Border Collie, Robbie our friend was her original owner but his girlfriend couldn’t handle or want her when she was pregnant, (girlfriend not Cassie) and asked us if we would look after her untill the baby was born! even tho we allready had 2 Staffie’s at the time we agreed, That was 14 years ago and we still have her :)))) Although to this day cassie still loves Robbie more than she does’e us, yes, Robbie is still our mate and has since rescued 2 more dogs, he is with another girl who loves dogs and they have a family together, Baby to first girl is now 14 and is still very much in Robbies Life :))) Didn’t want you to think he abandoned his son as he did Cassie I suppose lol.. At the time they were VERY young :))
The advice i need is about Cassie….
About 3 months ago she started to wee in the house, She couldn’t help it, didn’t even know she was doing it! The vet gave us some medicine and it worked a treat..
3 weeks ago she went totally and suddenly blind in both eyes, I know thats not normal, Robbie and family came to ours and we all just cried our eyes out, we phoned the vet and she said to keep her calm and bring her in the next morning..By then she had gained the site back in one eye (phew) she is on the second course of antibiotics but there is no change in the blind eye which is bulging with blood behind it..
I Know Cassie is very ill, I just know it, She has dimentia (vet agrees) and its heartbreaking to watch her stare at walls and getting confused, sometimes not recognising family members..also forgetting to sit at the door to be let out and instead doing her business in the house (poor girl)..
she go’s back to the vet in 2 weeks as she suspects Cassie has diabeties (im measurung her fluid intake) and to take fluid from a hard golf sized lump under her front leg!
The thing is, She is still eating (a lot) and going for her walks (Gets tired half way) cleaning her self etc..
The advice i need is, How long do i let her go on like this, she is over 15yrs old, When it was time to let go of my Staffie’s, They let me know, not eating or wanting walks etc, If Cassie has another fit I will have to get her
put to sleep (I think) it was distressing for her and us :(
Phew, I dont know what to do, Help..
4 Dec, 2011
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Oh bless her, I know what a dreadful decision this is, heartbreaking. The vet will guide you on this one, my little dog had medicine, then it was time to let go took me a week didnt know which way to turn, awful decision for you. If she still has some quality of life hang on or maybe the vet will just say the time has come. So sorry, havent been much help. Maybe she will rally round and with meds and improve i hope so, events and time will tell you.
4 Dec, 2011
My heart goes out to you Youngdaisydee. When our Samoyed, Randall, was identified as having cancer he was weeing before he could get outside. He was utterly miserable but we agreed that the vet could operate. He was fine for 2 months and it started up again. My OH took him to the vet who said another operation would be necessary but could not say if that would be the end of it. We had already talked it over and agreed if the cancer had returned we should allow him to be put to sleep. OH brought him home having told the vet our decision, with the instruction to bring him in later in the week when the deed would be done. My OH could not do it and when the end of the week came it fell to me to go. I was half way there and torn in two about the decision we had made when a man came up and said what a fine animal he was and explained he had bred Samoyeds. I told him I was on my way to the vet and that he had cancer of the bladder. The man patted me on my arm and said "I'm sorry my dear but you will need to be prepared to lose him. There is no treatment that will give him more than a couple of months. Kinder to puthim to sleep." That took me the rest of the way to the surgery. The vet wanted me to leave him but I insisted on staying until the lethal injection was administered. It was quick and pain free. I know I did the right thing for the dog but would not want to have to do it again which is why we have never had another dog. Although he belonged to my mother in law he was my dog. We had to take him when we got married because he was too strong for her to cope with. He needed to be walked at least 4 miles every day which I loved. When I went in to have my babies he stopped eating and went daft when I came home again. He looked after the children and was their best friend. You will know what to do for Cassie.
4 Dec, 2011
My lovely retriever Gemma developed altzheimers, couldn't see or hear much, the vet gave us some medicine and when it didn't work came to the house to give the injection which was without stress for Gemma, it was obviously very upsetting but the crying and disorientation was awful, she had no quality of life at all.
4 Dec, 2011
Daisy my heart goes out to you, I `ve been in this situation myself, if you think Cassie is suffering then hard as it might seem, it isn`t fair to let it go on when you can end it for her very peacefully, however if she isn`t suffering and you are prepared for her accidents and can put up with cleaning up after her occasionally you could give her a bit longer.
We had a rescued dog Sam. for over 18yrs when the family were growing up, his last few years he was deaf and blind but he had his run and was safe, like a human he learnt his way around and was happy..
When we lost Malik it was heartbreaking, his cancer was very aggressive and there was nothing to be done, his ending was quick, I just knew on the day that my boy had had enough, shocking decision Daisy but easier in a way than yours is.
I will say this though, having been in the same place as you are, don`t make either you or Cassie `s suffering harder than it has to be, you have given her a lovely life Daisy.
I feel for you and the family. Sue xx..
4 Dec, 2011
Thanks Pixi, Caz, Scotsg and Pamg, please dont say your not much help Cazcat, you are helping me by commenting and understanding my predicament :0 Thankyou, Im sorry to hear about your little dog, heartbreaking..
Thanks Pixi for having faith in me, just what i needed to hear XXX
Aww Scotsgran you know what im going through, sorry to hear about Randall, Its hard to tell when its the right time, isn't it? and a stranger who help'd you more than he could ever know...
Pamg, I didn't know dogs could get Dimentia! im totally in shock, all this has happened so quickly, 4weeks ago the vet was amazed at how fit and well Cassie was and couldn't believe she was over 15! The last time she was at the vets was just after we adopted her to get her spayed 14 years ago.. Im sorry to hear about your Gemma, yes the disorientation is distressing, I dont want her to go living her life in confusion, you did the right thing with Gemma and thankyou for sharing your experience..
4 Dec, 2011
Hi Linklass, Your right, I will know, as i said its the quickness of it all that is freaking me out, it will distress us more if she is still eating and wanting her walks when we make our decision.. Sorry to hear about Sam, he lived a long and good life as cassy has and part of me wants to celebrate that, we have had good times together and she is great company in the garden, watching every move i make and keeping the neighbourhood cats away :)
Despite her not loving me as much as she does'e Robbie, I still love her..Thanks Linklass X
4 Dec, 2011
Replying privately . xxx
4 Dec, 2011
Gemma began by crying when we left her -- then at night, the vet thout it was dementia but gave us a few days medicine to see if she improved but over the weekend she got worse so as I said he came here and she was asleep on her bed, woke an wagged her tail at him then as he injected her she fell asleep, very peaceful. When Kate the setter died it was warm, she'd collapsed in the garden and she was injected under the apple tree, again very peaceful, I was happier for it to be done here, not everyone would feel the same but it was better for us.
4 Dec, 2011
I felt like that with my Malik Pam, he went to sleep in my arms in his favourite spot, I still see him watching me after two years, he was the best friend I ever had...
4 Dec, 2011
poor you Dee and cassie, its a hard choice and she is old, you can only do what you think is right Dee, my Lab was 13 and had a huge tumor on her leg, also had bad fits, couldnt walk well with tumor and started leaking to, i couldnt bare to see her suffer any longer and did the kindess thing and let her go, it broke my heart but she was suffering i know that. ask the vet what they really think you should do, i asked for the truth and my vet agreed with me. thinking of you xxx
4 Dec, 2011
Its part of living with animals the sad truth is that we live longer than them but I feel that we loved them and looked after them from puppy hood to old age and did the best that we could to give them as happy a life as they gave us... a bit incoherent but hope you see what I mean...
4 Dec, 2011
Having just lost Whiskas in July she was 15+ and a much loved family cat, it is hard when old age catches them up, but you will know when the time come's to say goodbye, take care x
4 Dec, 2011
12 is a good age for a staffie Meadowlands, mine were 12 and 13, you made the right decision for her, fits are distressing for the animal and to watch, If Cassie was still in the same way as the night before i would of had her put to sleep there and then, it was heartbreaking.. Thankyou for your comment it has helpe'd me more than you know and that go's for everyone who has commented and PMd, Thankyou so much.. Dee X
4 Dec, 2011
My heart goes out to you but you will make the right decision with guidance from your vet. Our border collie (rescue dog) Trigger was put to sleep in 2006 aged 17 years. He was blind, deaf, couldn't walk far (back garden only). We had many good years with him, he was a brilliant, intelligent dog and we felt the quality of his life had gone, so we followed the vet's advice and ended it. So sad but even now, we know we made the right decision at the time. Sometimes, there is no choice. My thoughts are with you at this sad time. X
4 Dec, 2011
Sorry to hear this. I think you already know the answer - its so hard to say good bye but Cassie trusts you to do the best for her even though it hurts you so much xx
4 Dec, 2011
At 15 and in those circumstances there isn't any treatment which would be effective for very long, and as pet owners we all know at the bottom of our hearts when the time has come. We had to make the decision for our dear cat Chester this summer, who had been our gentle and loving companion for over 20 years. It is a heartbreaking decision but sometimes it is the kindest thing to do. My heart goes out to you.
4 Dec, 2011
So sorry YDD. I had this decision to make when my CollieXAlsation Gravy lost the use of her back legs. She had had occasional trouble with her hips due to the Alsation part of her. At 17 they suddenly gave way and she was in so much mental distress about not being able to get up. I carried her to the garden to do all she needed to do, but I had to make the call.
Like Pamg I had the vet come to me at home where I could stroke and reassure her, it was so peaceful far better than taking her to the surgery.
Hard decision but I know you will do what is best for Cassie.
4 Dec, 2011
Having been an animal owner for many many years, cats and dogs, I know how you feel, but when the quality of life is no more, we have to be brave and say good bye, it will be hard for you all, but it is the kindest act in the end, remember all the great times you had together......thinking of you. xx
5 Dec, 2011
The hardest part is leaving a much loved pet at the vets and having to get yourself home, in tears. In fact, you would not be safe to drive.
Its best to have the injection done at home. Cassie will be gone in 5 seconds. You can mourn in a familiar place.
After this happened to my son, years ago, he always got another puppy and kept the 2, so it was not so painful when the older one had to be put to sleep.
They were Border Collies.
5 Dec, 2011
Be strong. You know what to do. Many heartfelt wishes to you. x
5 Dec, 2011
Thankyou so much everyone, You are helping me more than you know.
The good news, The antibiotics are starting to work, her blind eye is looking better, its not bulging any more but she is still blind in that eye.
Bad news, she is very confused this morning and i think she is loosing the sight in her left eye, so maybe thats why she is more confused, Oooh I dont know!!!!
Im never going to have another dog, I mean that..
5 Dec, 2011
I'm so sorry Dee it's a dreadful position to be in we have been through it ourselves several times ,having to lift them up to carry them outside for wees trying to encourage them to have little sips of water , I couldn't stand that knowing look in there eyes almost pleading with you to let them go , and knowing what I would want if it was me ...
5 Dec, 2011
Big hug from me, very hard indeed. X
5 Dec, 2011
YDD, my thoughts are with you. Be strong.
5 Dec, 2011
Oh Daisy it's so hard. My little Maltese had all those problems in the last three months of her life. I covered the living room floor with newspaper because she had no idea whether she was outside or inside. At night I put her basket on my bed so that I could hear her every move and knew she wouldn't fall. Then one morning I just looked at her and she at me and I knew it was time. You'll know too Daisy.xxx
5 Dec, 2011
oooooooh y.d.d poor you , only just seen this !! i really feel for you , brings back memerurys of my gawjuss charly girl !! just have to do wots right wen the time comes .............. only you can know wen it is !! ....... i am still heart brocken and miss her after 2 years even tho i have rosie now ................. bless you and ur lovely little frend . BIG HUGS love chris xxxx
30 Jan, 2012
Thanks Amy, Lulu, geordielad Ginellie and Cristina, Cassie was put to sleep on dec 15th, it was her time, she had a good long life bless her..
30 Jan, 2012
Aw sorry to hear that Daisy God bless xxx
30 Jan, 2012
Now you have had a little time I'm sure you will feel you did the right thing by her. Don't let it put you off having another dog when you feel better. You can never replace an animal you have loved, but you will love another one - All the years of pleasure and companionship balance the pain in the long run when the end comes.
30 Jan, 2012
I'm so sorry to hear that Ydd , try to be happy for her in doggy heaven, free from any more pain ! I always imagine our lovely faithful friend running across the hills wagging his tail looking for us to follow him , it's what he always did ... she will always hold that special place in your heart :o) xx
30 Jan, 2012
Sorry to hear that YDD but you just know when it's time for them to go. God Bless. X
31 Jan, 2012
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Aw you poor thing..and Cassie! Oh dear i wouldnt know what to do Daisy..one part of me would say time to go and the other stay and enjoy rest of life..but I know you wont let her suffer.
You will do the right thing. :)
4 Dec, 2011