The HUNT for the HARLEY - End of the Road
By AndrewR
“So now Andrew has NO CHOICE! By public demand, he must post a photo of his Harley” – a command from spritz on terratoonie’s blog. Hmmm – perhaps I’d better post a picture or else she’ll bring some more slugs round.
It’s been raining for so long, I can’t remember where I left it. Could it be down here – no, it’s not wide enough to get a bike through.
The hydrangeas are still flowering but I can’t believe I put it in here either.
Maybe I put it at the top of the garden, well away from prying eyes?
Barney says he hasn’t seen it.
But Bruno is keeping mum – has he been riding out secretly after dark?
Could this path lead to it – I don’t think so.
Hang on, what’s this epiphyte growing on? At last – my Harley. Hope you like it terratoonie!
12 Sep, 2008
Previous post: Green Footprints (this isn't what you think it is)
Next post: Taming the Ceanothus
Now TT is satisfied. Her search is over at last. Thanks Andrew for putting her out of her misery.
12 Sep, 2008
In truth, the hunt through Andrewr's Jellystone, sorry Yellow Book garden was very enjoyable indeed.
So the delight of the tour far outweighed my slow progress in finding the Harley. My only wish was that technology had allowed me to upload Andrewr's beautiful photos of flowers, bears etc. to illustrate all the fascinating stops along my way.
Andrewr ~
that epiphyte has spilled a t-i-n-y bit of soil on the saddle ~ quick, where's the cloth and polish....
12 Sep, 2008
Andrewr your bike is brill, when i was young many moons ago i was alway riding passenger on backs of motorbikes,wow they where the days. You keep it looking well.
12 Sep, 2008
It's OK terratoonie - I noticed the t-i-n-y bit of soil just after I took the picture so got the cleaning materials out straight away. But if you'd like to come and give it another polish....?
12 Sep, 2008
Andrewr ~
I don't need to do cleaning tasks when I have a well-trained Shetland Sheepdog and Welsh Terrier who are willing to come along, equipped with their mops and buckets.
The Sheltie really does have his own cleaning trolley with brushes etc. which he tows along.
But can you afford the Bonio fees, to be paid by the hour?
12 Sep, 2008
Do they eat slugs as well?
12 Sep, 2008
Very well cared- for specimen Andrew!
The chrome is very impressive.
12 Sep, 2008
Andrewr ~
The Sheltie's gardening routine includes finding a toy furry hedgehog and putting it wherever you wish. This could be an efficient selective slug removal service ?
Grenville ~ You're needed on the Olympic Wellies blog.
Don't miss out on your chance to use your Managerial expertise. Without your help, instead of winning gold, we might have to settle instead for chrome medals.
12 Sep, 2008
My young days were spent on a motorbike as well Clarice My boyfriend ( husband now ) had a Triumph Thunderbird ,
we went everywhere on it didn,t even where crash helmets then , yes they were the days .he now has a 1946 BSA B31 which he restored it looks like new now .
12 Sep, 2008
Amy, please put some plants on the BSA B 31, take a photo for your page. and let us know on this thread. Thanks.
Don't drop any soil on the bike though ! LOL
12 Sep, 2008
O.k will do , my husband would be thrilled to show it of ,
PS Andrewr I forgot to say how much I enjoyed the trip down your garden ,it,s lovely ,..and the end result well worth it , Thanks
12 Sep, 2008
That'll be great, Amy.
Looking forward to seeing your husband's bike bedecked with plants. LOL
Andrewr's blog here is a follow-on from my one called The HUNT for the HARLEY. It makes more sense if you've read the other one first. LOL
12 Sep, 2008
Andrew - I love the blog - but I don't have any slugs to bring for you, only snails, I'm afraid. Sorry to disappoint you.
12 Sep, 2008
In that case, have some of mine spritz!!
12 Sep, 2008
How kind, but no thanks, I will pass on them, Andrew - the snails are enough for me.
12 Sep, 2008
A fun and enjoyable walk through your garden Andrew, thanks!
13 Sep, 2008
Brilliant! I have had such a laugh this morning reading all about Terra's hunt for the Harley.Gr8 response, Andrew!
15 Sep, 2008
Helloooooo David.
I hope the house move has progressed smoothly.
I'll hunt around GoY and see where else you've posted.
Am I getting ideas for another blog : The Hunt for David's new House ?
15 Sep, 2008
Hmm, Terra......that'll be too easy once I get home internet (2 more weeks now, boohoo, but, have been here b4 this year). I think you'll enjoy the quiz I'm compiling as a game to guess the next theme for the children's garden. Am trying to find as many of the answers to the clues here on GOY.
18 Sep, 2008
Oooooh, David that sounds exciting :o)
Sorry you are still suffering from W I N G ..
Without Internet ~ Need GoY
18 Sep, 2008
18 Sep, 2008
OMG how did i miss this Blog Andrewr ?:O Uv a Harley! How Fantastic is that :) im rite in2 motor bike myself&Phil owns a 03 R1 ,Weve been looking@Choppers as i get trouble with my knees when were out on Yammi . Phils hopeing 2 get the new R1 that been released this yr :) Going 2 see it @ the Carol Nash NEC Bike Show in November will u be goin ur self Andrewr? BTW Your Harleys Stunning :)
21 Oct, 2008
Beautiful bike Andrew, and quite well hidden I must say! Lol :~))
28 Nov, 2009
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Excellent response, Andrewr.
On Pollyannaever's photos, you'll see I did spot a Sportster ~ with a tree growing out of the saddle.
That was the nearest I could get, up till now, other than Grimace and Wallet.
Come to think of it, I reckon their photo should be on this blog ~
unless those two have put on their hedgehog helmets and motored off to pastures new ? ;o)
12 Sep, 2008