Where Shall We Take Dad For Father's Day?
By AndrewR
Come on Dad, you can leave the DIY for one day
We’re taking you for a pub lunch. Oh dear, it’s closed :-(
We’ll find another pub. Hang on, what’s happening here?
It’s an Open Garden. Come on Dad, this is where we’re taking you.
I like this front garden, very cottage-y
That’s a good idea. Can you put up some trellis when we get home, Dad?
Look – they’ve got plants for sale. Have you got some money, Dad?
I want a rose arch too, Dad
Wow, that’s a bright corner. I’ll have all except the yellow and orange ones
This goes on and on. Can you lay me a brick path, Dad?
This is the way to grow alpines. It’ll only take you a few minutes to build a bed like this, Dad
And then you can make me a bear too
There’s no flowers in this bit
What’s down here?
And I want a pond like this, Dad
Did you enjoy your Father’s Day, Dad? Nothing to do and I didn’t spend a penny. Now we’re home, can you cut the grass?
17 Jun, 2012
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I love it Andrew. Thats typical isnt it. Very good. I thought you were going to say that it had cost you a fortune !
17 Jun, 2012
Great blog, Andrew. So glad you got sunshine. Thankyou for showing us round. Just lovely!
17 Jun, 2012
Great blog....really enjoyed looking around that lovely garden Andrew...thanks
17 Jun, 2012
Thanks for sharing x
17 Jun, 2012
Lovely Blog Andrew....smashing pictures :)
17 Jun, 2012
Pleased to see you had sunshine on your open day Andrew, makes such a difference, some well grown plants for sale I noticed...your garden goes on for ever thanks for the blog, are you opening again?
17 Jun, 2012
it's always best when you find things by accident. great blog, Andrew!
18 Jun, 2012
DD - I only open once but also take groups by appointment. The Bracknell Horticultural Association are coming on Wednesday evening and I have a local W.I. booked in for August.
Most of the sale plants were divisions or seedlings from things in my garden. But a friend 'rescued' a couple of dozen neglected shrubs and spent three months nursing them back to health before giving them to me. We sold about half of them (at £3 each); the rest will go to the Garden Club to sell for Club funds.
For those of you who didn't realise, this is my own garden which was open under the National Garden Scheme on Father's Day
18 Jun, 2012
Really enjoyed looking around your garden Andrew, got some lovely photos too! Sorry i didnt get to say hello! was quite busy when we arrived. I would love to know the names of some of your plants if you could identify them for me, will add the photos later today thanks.
18 Jun, 2012
It looks wonderful Andrew .So much work but so worth it :-)
18 Jun, 2012
Lovely blog and garden !!!!
18 Jun, 2012
I think once is a good idea and then to take private bookings, we were discouraged from doing this by the county organizer though....
18 Jun, 2012
Probably because it means extra paperwork for the treasurer. The NGS likes you to be fairly prompt with getting the money to them, so a lot of 'by appointment' bookings would mean a lot of cheques or payments to process. The other thing with groups, it doesn't whether there's 3 visitors or 300, the garden still needs the same amount of work to get it ready. Berkshire is a small county (in terms of the number of gardens) so they are quite happy for 'by appointment' openings, but I guess Surrey and Hampshire, having hundreds of gardens, try to dissuade it.
18 Jun, 2012
Congratulations Andrew...stunning garden...:>)
18 Jun, 2012
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Fantastic Andrew an excellent blog
17 Jun, 2012