Confused dot com
By AndrewR
With the mild weather earlier this month, some plants have got very confused about what season it is. Here is my garrya, which should be flowering in February
Hacquetia epipactis should bloom even later, in March
And anemone coronaria is not sure what it should be doing either
Many of you will have seen this precocious daffodil braving the November rain
How many more bulbs are going to flower before Christmas?
28 Nov, 2015
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Next post: Arachnophilia
what an odd lot.
28 Nov, 2015
The weather that you are having in the UK at present or recent past, closely parallels the weather that I am having here on the east coast of the USA and the same thing is happening with the plants and some of the wildlife....some of the migratory birds have returned. With that said, still, things can turn on a dime as we say.
28 Nov, 2015
Very rash birds you have over there Loosestrife - lets hope they don't regret their decision!
28 Nov, 2015
Yes, peculiar.but with global temperatures rising, I suppose things will change.
28 Nov, 2015
So far I have seen an American Robin and a Bluebird this week. The Bluebird sighting has made me believe in climate change though from my perspective it is a natural one and not one caused by humanity......but then again are not humans part of the natural world? Sure we are, but we are the only ones in nature that can pay a tax or penalty for our contribution to the change in climate. Another excuse to shove money down into government's bottomless pocket. I shall now step down off of the soapbox:)
28 Nov, 2015
Well, my garden looks exactly as you'd expect in November, wet, mucky & dismal.
29 Nov, 2015
Careful as you get down Loostrife. I agree that some tend to blame changes in climate on pollution etc and, although Ii have no real answers, the world has been constantly changing through ice ages etc etc so , I agree some of this warming has to be a natural change!
29 Nov, 2015
Glad the daffodil is there as it is wonderful to see them - especially when it is almost December!
Love the photo of the garrya.
Greenfinger made me smile because our garden is also wet, mucky and dismal! The lawn is just like a soaked sponge and everything is dripping!
29 Nov, 2015
I feel better about my confused state when looking at posts like this, I can see roses, chrysanths, primroses and cowslips from my armchair, however if I brave the elements and venture out to take a wander around, I cannot see the bottom lawn, pond or raised bed because its covered in branches and leaves from the weeping willow tree, no apparent long term damage as of yet but boy its dancing in the wind...
29 Nov, 2015
Those weeping willow trees should be made to wear hairnets.
29 Nov, 2015
Stera it badly needs a haircut, if this wind keeps up it will be done free by Mother Nature, just wish she'd clear up after herself....
29 Nov, 2015
Lincslass , watch out! We lost our lovely willow one windy night. Watched it grow from a sapling given by a forester friend.
Our blue spruce is swaying a lot!
29 Nov, 2015
When we lived in a house with a weeping willow I got very tired of clearing up after it. In the end it had to go as it got into the drains. We replaced it with a John Downie crab, but the people who later bought the house removed that as well...The good thing about the willow was we put a couple of 6 inch nails into the trunk so the boys could climb up into it. Health and safety??
Eirlys, its amazing how trees stand up to so much stress isn't it?
29 Nov, 2015
You're right about being careful as I get down off my soapbox Paul. With these trifocal eyeglasses that I'm wearing......well I'll put it this way, I have to remove them when I go down the stairs.
30 Nov, 2015
The huge willow at the bottom of my garden was struck by lightening some 4 or 5 yrs ago, the trunk lay horizontal so we had to saw it off leaving it much reduced. Since then another branch has taken over as the leader & the tree is back to being as big as it was before.
I wish the lightening would've struck the enormous ash tree in my neighbours garden on the boundary fence.
30 Nov, 2015
I now have grape hyacinths (muscari) coming into flower. It's going to be interesting to see what flowers now and what waits until spring.
2 Dec, 2015
I saw a tree on a grass verge today, full of blossom. I'm not sure what it was but sure it's usually Feb time it's flowering. A Prunus/flowering cherry of some variety, I would imagine!
2 Dec, 2015
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I hope any future frosts don't destroy the plants.
28 Nov, 2015