Second Wind
By AndrewR
Several spring flowering shrubs often carry a few blooms in the autumn, especially if the summer has been hot. Roses may also have a second flush before settling down for the winter. But did you know there is a ceanothus that flowers twice? And not in a half-hearted way either, but in a full-blooded look-at-me display.
Ceanothus ‘Gloire de Versailles’ is a deciduous shrub, growing five to six feet tall and wide. Like all the Californian lilacs, it likes a well drained soil and a sunny position, although it seems to grow quite happily on the north side of trellising, behind a greenhouse, in my garden. In July, it carries an abundant display of pale blue flowers.
These last around a month, but after taking a break, it does the same thing again in October, continuing until the weather stops it in its tracks. The softer light of autumn makes the blooms appear darker.
Most ceanothus are not too keen on being pruned, but ‘Gloire de Versailles’ is very amenable to it. In spring, just as new growth starts, shorten each shoot to within one or two buds of the old wood.
17 Nov, 2015
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I have made a note of this one - it is a very pretty blue and if it flowers twice - well that is a bonus ! - Jane
17 Nov, 2015
Thats a lovely shade Andrew, I have two that flower in June, do have the odd spray on them at the moment,is it the angle of the photo you have taken or am I right in thinking your flowers are larger than I get on mine.....
17 Nov, 2015
LL - the flowers on this variety are larger than those on most others.
17 Nov, 2015
That's a great variety wish I had room for one without a lot more digging.... I have one flower on ours at present, but I don't know what variety it is.
17 Nov, 2015
I do like ceanothus, the ones I've had in the past have put on a wonderful show but they seem to flower themselves to death & have not been long lived for me.
18 Nov, 2015
I've had this one for nine years so far, and it shows no sign of declining yet.
18 Nov, 2015
Green finger same here, usually the evergreen variety, ten years max.....we just plant another one in front of the old, so it takes over when the old one dies!!.......has worked well so far..
Deciduous varieties do live longer, something to do with the pruning?
Andrew it is a lovely one...
18 Nov, 2015
We must be lucky here - our evergreen one must be 20years old. I was told that sawn off branches don't regenerate but they have, in a rather small and unenthusiastic way.
18 Nov, 2015
If ever I plant another it will be G d V, it sounds more floriferous & longer living.
18 Nov, 2015
That is lovely Andrew, I have the pink one 'Marie Simon'
19 Nov, 2015
Gorgeous !
21 Nov, 2015
This is such a pretty ceonothus and the both pictures are stunning.
29 Nov, 2015
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I didn't know this name but I think my next door neighbour's have this is flowering its heart out at the moment which took me by surprise (we weren't living here this time last year) .but, that said, a lot of other Caenothus have had a bigger second flush than usual.....the very mild,wet weather, I assume is responsible for that!
17 Nov, 2015