By Dottydaisy2
This is our friends Roy and Carolyns beautiful and colourful garden….
Many years ago we visited the tiniest garden we had ever seen, full of hardy geraniums, hostas, winding paths,and packed full of inspiring plants it was magical!! we were so taken that we decided if this tiny garden could open for the NGS, we too might have a chance……and we did!
Years later Roy moved and created another garden from scratch, and within a year he was opening it to the public!!
It is Roy’s use of colour, texture and form which I love so much, we visit every year and each year it gets better and better….
Are you feeling inspired yet? I try to copy a little of Roy’s garden every year, he knows and is quite happy for me to do so….
There is more to this garden, a pretty little summerhouse, several seating areas, a fernery a rockery, but I did not take photographs of these this year…..
I hope this blog cheered you up, even just a tad….because the weather here is horrid, wet and more to come….
So there we have it…….Roy and Carolyns sunny garden in Hampshire…
19 Nov, 2015
Paul, Roy is the one who does all the planting, he has allowed Carolyn a small border in the front lol she is happy to allow him full reign, he has been gardening a lot longer than her...
19 Nov, 2015
She just sits back and enjoys it.....very wise!!!
19 Nov, 2015
It is stunning just what a shall aspire to if we eventually down size I shall be copying the pair of you Lol ...
19 Nov, 2015
Amy it is the perfect sized garden, ideal for our age, he is very clever with what plants he puts together..
19 Nov, 2015
Their garden is stunning. Such well grown plants, beautifully put together, an inspiration. Well chosen selection of plants.
19 Nov, 2015
Wonderful planting, I really like this and have put it on to my Favourites. Thanks for sharing this, Angela :o)
19 Nov, 2015
How amazing....so many colours and textures.
19 Nov, 2015
Some of us have the gift and others find it more of a challenge. Its a little paradise isn't it?
19 Nov, 2015
What an amazing garden.
19 Nov, 2015
He has such a knack with colour contrasts, and everything looks to be thriving! A gorgeous feast for the senses. I love it. Going on to my favourites...certainly has lifted my spirits. Having said that, we've had a beautiful sunny day today. First one this month! I didn't do any gardening though because I was painting up an old dining table for Rachel's new house! It worked a treat Angela...not Annie Sloan paint, but similar from Homebase. Lovely colours!
19 Nov, 2015
What a talented gardener he is, I love what he has created. Beautiful blends of colours and shapes. It is such a warm and friendly garden and must be a joy to visit.
20 Nov, 2015
Dd, have put into favourites, to look at, at leisure, so many good ideas.
If he has an open day in 2016, must visit.
He must spend so much time manicuring his plants, they are all so neat and tidy. Pruning the Weigela shrub to a similar size to put at the front of the border, with the Brunnera and the Hachenochloea. Inspired.
Maybe around my bird bath (over the whirly washing line hole) in the centre of the lawn, could create a v small circular border. Had one in the past with camomile, but it always looked tatty.
Brilliant, brilliant.
20 Nov, 2015
This gentleman is an artist who paints splendidly in three dimensions with a living pallete of color.
20 Nov, 2015
A wonderful achievement to get the garden looking like this. Such colour and artistry.
20 Nov, 2015
Now thats what I call a garden,absolutely beautiful!
20 Nov, 2015
I too have added it to my favs for future reference, your friend has certainly got the magic touch Dd...
20 Nov, 2015
It reminds me of the Hilliers stand at Chelsea, which is always my personal 'best in show'! That Weigela is the same as mine Suzanne...W. Florida 'monet'. Its a low growing shrub, ideal for front of the border. :)
20 Nov, 2015
Didn't know there was a low growing var. Weigela, that's interesting. Ck.
20 Nov, 2015
Yes it's come up a couple of times on here. I didn't realise it would be so prostrate when I bought it, but it's very useful and doesn't grow fast either.
20 Nov, 2015
Gone on the wish list and now the page is full...
20 Nov, 2015
I just ordered some plants...couldn't decide whether to get them in while it's still workable and let them get their roots in, or wait until the spring. Decided to risk it. Madness....again. Hey ho.
20 Nov, 2015
Thank you for all your kind comments re Roy and Carolyn's pretty garden........over the many years we have visited even in the rain!! it looks superb, I always take lots of photographs, to inspire me with my garden....
Siris Roy opens two or three times a year, it will be on the NGS website in the local Hants ...booklet.
Karen your being brave, ours are all tucked up inside......
Stera pleased you enjoyed it...I believe it is a gift..
Loose strife you have hit the nail on the head....
I thought it might cheer you all up thanks for taking the time to read it...
20 Nov, 2015
I might keep them in the greenhouse over winter.....probably the most sensible option.
20 Nov, 2015
Wow, lovely :-))
21 Nov, 2015
There is a large shrub in the third photograph,its on the righthand side,bronzy coloured,could you tell me the name of it. I have one in this garden. Mine has a clump of woody bits at the bottom which look a bit unsightly and i dont know whether it should be dug up the woody bits removed and replanted.
21 Nov, 2015
The one on this blog looks like Physocarpus opulifolius, either "diablo" or "Lady in red". If that's what it is older stems can be cut out right to the base.Sounds as though previous pruning has not been down to ground level. Don't dig it up if you can avoid it, its best done in situ.
Just had a look at your photos - there are two red leaved ones and at first sight neither looks like a Physocarpus. If the one you mean in one of those could you post a closer photo of the shrub on the questions page?
21 Nov, 2015
What a beautiful garden!
21 Nov, 2015
Well DD, perfection! What a garden, I dont know if its lifted my spirits or dampened them. All plants look so healthy, and the design, architecture, colour, texture, oh my. If I had a small garden it would never look this good, so I have a good excuse, I can blame the fact that I have too much to do to keep mine perfect ;-) Im so pleased you shared, I will add to my favourites, I added the other blog you did that time, of the garden that Alan Titchmarsh visited with the gorgeous summer house. And .... how come the hostas have not been nibbled, just perfect!!
21 Nov, 2015
What a beautiful garden, and so colourful :)
21 Nov, 2015
So pretty and so tidy!
22 Nov, 2015
steregram,The photographs are of my back garden.
Sorry I should have said its in my front garden havent taken photos of that yet.I will take a photograph and put it on.Thanks for all your replies.
23 Nov, 2015
23 Nov, 2015
I think I feel like Dawn, not sure whether to feel uplifted at what can be achieved or disheartened that mine has a long way to go yet.
Your friend Roy is certainly a talented gardener with an artists eye for colour.
Do you know the name of the plant in the centre of the 4th pic with the triangular leaf & arrow shaped markings?
I also want to know how come the hostas are so perfect?
Putting in my favs too so as to look at over & over again.
26 Nov, 2015
Potted hostas clustered together.... A great idea for the patio!
26 Nov, 2015
The more I look at these pictures, the more in awe I am of the perfection of the plants!
26 Nov, 2015
Melchi that's just how I feel even though we visit this garden sometimes twice a year, usually in May and then later in June I am always in awe of the plants and the placing of them, and when I look at the photo's I see them in a different light!
Loose strife Roy usually has a large group of Heuchera in pots as well as the Hostas!
Green finger I know what you mean.. I am flattered that Roy !oves our garden, it is a complete contrast to his...
The plant you want to know is a Persicaria, I took the picture because I was so smitten with it.......and I managed to get the last one on ebay!! he manages to get one of the latest plants, be it a Hardy Geranium, Heuchera, Hosta, perennial, each year, and its always a winner!
Dawn I am pleased you liked the blog.....the other garden from Alan TS Love your Garden first series, they are all friends of Roy's and ours, so I am really up against it, design wise!!
Thanks again everyone for reading my blog and for all your positive comments..
26 Nov, 2015
Green finger's I have sent you a pm.....
27 Nov, 2015
It must be great having friends like yours DD, so much inspiration, encouragement and knowledge :-) I'm sure your friends admire your garden very much too.
27 Nov, 2015
That's the good thing belonging to the NGS, they are a lovely bunch of people...
27 Nov, 2015
Thank you, Angela, I've sent reply.
I was thinking same as Dawn, you might feel "up against it' but what a fantastic source of inspiration & knowledge, the only gardening folk I know are all on here.
I bet Roys garden even looks good in winter, lol.
Has he shared with you how he keeps the nasties off his lovely hostas?
28 Nov, 2015
I can't get over it. Everything looks like it was freshly planted a week ago!
28 Nov, 2015
Green fingers I will ask him, next time we visit the garden...
Loose strife it always looks like that, whatever time of year you go..
4 Dec, 2015
Homebird inspirational is the right word....thanks for reading my blog...
5 Dec, 2015
I would like to know how wide are those borders, I'm thinking mine are not wide enough.
6 Dec, 2015
Meadowland so pleased you enjoyed the blog, it had the desired effect then?
Mari the side borders are over three ft I would imagine, but the central bed I am not sure, I will take my tape measure next time I visit..
10 Dec, 2015
That's interesting, Angela, I thought they would be about 5ft as the tiered planting looks so full & lush.
11 Dec, 2015
I will check, next time, just in case I have mis-informed you lol
13 Dec, 2015
Angela, do you have any idea what the yellow grass is on the edges, love it, brightens up the borders. Looks like Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea' or maybe Carex elata aurea? Thank you
30 May, 2016
Dawn we were in this garden yesterday, and it was just as beautiful, Roy is so artistic......
He uses Hakon macra, Albo Striata, and All Gold..... we have a standing joke about this grass, I tell him I am going for the National Collection, so he is always trying to find one I have not got, I am just a couple short, I lost Nicholas and Beni Kazi is proving to be difficult!! to take off........
I could send you some at the end of the year...let me know!
30 May, 2016
Well what a coincidence! Thank you so much for your info, brilliant. The garden is so beautiful, just my kind of thing. Off to Google them now, my aim is to fill the lawn edges with suitable plants like Roy's and the grasses are perfect. You are kind. Thanks for your offer, I will let you know if required x ?
30 May, 2016
Your welcome, he uses lots of Brunnera too, he had some lovely new ones this year, also Hardy Geraniums....
30 May, 2016
Yes, I noticed the Hardy Geraniums, I like plants that touch the lawn edge but dont spill over too much, eases the pain of having immaculate lawn edges. I only have B. Jack Frost so thanks, I will look into others. How do you deal with your edges? x
30 May, 2016
We use the same kind of planting as Roy......my OH likes to see the lawn well edged......it's his thing lol!!
30 May, 2016
Lol, wish it was my OHs too. It works so well for you and Roys gardens, I was busy yesterday moving suitable plants to the edge. I appreciate have your help ?
1 Jun, 2016
You're welcome Dawn, let me know how you get on....
1 Jun, 2016
What a joy to see Roys garden again, makes mine look very lacking but seeing what can be achieved I prefer to think of it as a work in progress, lol.
Wonderful inspirational garden.
4 Jun, 2016
Greenfingers, I saved to my favourite blogs for inspiration, love it, careful planting and so much knowledge to gain. Love it.
4 Jun, 2016
Dawn next time I see Roy I will let him know how much you like his garden.....he has a big project planned, but he won't let on what it is......lol
4 Jun, 2016
Yes, Dawn, I do have it in Favs with quite a few others too.
Angela, has Roy let you in on his method of keeping his hostas munchfree?
5 Jun, 2016
He uses slug clear at the start of the season, then pellets, he has a notice up in the garden re slugs and snails, I will have to get a copy.....Makes you realise what we gardeners are up against!!
6 Jun, 2016
Greenfingers, we share the same favs. :-)
Whooo, wonder what the big project is??? Oh Angela, bless you, yes please tell Roy how inspired and intrigued I am with his design, expertise and hard work ;-0 I wish you and Roy would come round my place and share your super knowledge and tweek my garden, a bit hit and miss here, I have the space but not always the know how, Ive learned so much from GOY :-)
Slugs, snails .... the never ending battle. I try to be wildlife friendly, my garden is in on whole for them but so frustrating when you nuture, care for, etc. and bang ..... gone.
6 Jun, 2016
I, too, would welcome a visit & some super knowledge tweaking to my efforts in the garden. Like Dawn I also try to be wildlife friendly & since joining GOY although my garden is much improved it's nowhere near 'done' yet.
I can't imagine how in just a year it would be possible to have a garden good enough to have an open day, Roy must be something of a miracle worker!
I'm also wondering what the big project could be.
8 Jun, 2016
Dawn I really dont know why you should think your garden needs any kind of tweeking, its an absolute dream, and I would swop it any day...
GF gardens are never done, it would be very boring, if that was it!! we constantly change our garden, because we enjoy the challenge, and look forward to the next project, that is what keeps us going, and I know Roy feels the same.
10 Jun, 2016
Angela, that's exactly why I love the garden so much - it is always challenging & constantly changing but I would still welcome advise from those with far more knowledge than me.
Dawn, your garden is a real haven with so many different areas & features, an absolute dream just as DD says.
10 Jun, 2016
GF, DD, you are too kind. Your words mean alot. I have sooo much to do here, it will never be perfect, I think that's the issue, it will never be neat like yours and I dont have the plant knowledge but Im learning and getting better.
DD, we should do a garden swap for a couple of weeks :-)
11 Jun, 2016
Dawn, your garden reminds me so much of the one I used to have, it was my heaven on earth - nowhere near perfect but big enough to have the different 'rooms' that made it both varied & interesting.
Don't strive for perfection, natural is also desirable & nature will provide surprises too.
I have a much smaller one now & am not so fit so I look at my successes more & the unkempt bits have to wait a bit longer.
14 Jun, 2016
I agree with GF dont strive for perfection, a large garden needs to be as natural as possible, you dont want neat, believe me it wouldnt look right.....
Our garden is not pristine, there are areas that are slightly wild, but, being very small it has to be tidy, we always have a cunning plan, and we have two for the Autumn.....it keeps us going, and the visitors interested lol
15 Jun, 2016
GF, DD, you've really listed my spirits. I love my space but I tend to dwell on the messy areas and if people visit I worry but I guess they dont see it like that. You two have boosted my confidence, I really appreciate it and I will try to look on the the garden now with a different prospective, thank you.
GF, I will enjoy mine while I am still able.
DD, looking forward to seeing your autumn plans.
15 Jun, 2016
A cunning plan, eh, sounds intriguing, DD, not that I want autumn too arrive just yet tho, lol.
15 Jun, 2016
Gf neither do I........one plan is to remove the black bamboo to another situation, which will be a devil of a job, as it has been in the border for a few years, still it will give the border a face lift.
16 Jun, 2016
Love black bamboo. Mine isn't very black yet, might be a dud lol
17 Jun, 2016
Dawn neither is ours........we thought it would be really black, some are even grey!! it might do better in a better position, it hates the salt winds......
17 Jun, 2016
I saw this article about Black Bamboo that might be helpful:
The strength of the black colour can be dependent on the amount of full sun they receive, with full sun being a contributor to the culms turning black. So if you want shiny black culms it is recommended to locate your black bamboo in full sun. They need a high level of sunlight as the level of light effects the colour development of the culms.
Before the culms turn black, as new culms, they are a dark green colouring that over time turns to a mottled black and green before they finally turn to a beautiful shiny black.
To expose the black culms for best aesthetics you will need to remove branches from the lower levels of the culm once it has achieved maturity. This will be particularly relevant if you have a very tight clump where you may need to remove branches at the lower levels to appreciate the black culms rather than have it look more like a large bush. It is good maintenance to take out small and old culms anyway.
If you particularly want a plant with deep black culms you would be advised to check the plant thoroughly when you buy it as they are not all equal in colouring. For example, see if the plants have any culms from last year’s growth that show they have turned, or appear to be, practically black. If there are year old culms that are already black or mostly black you will probably have a good culm colour.
18 Jun, 2016
Thank you so much for this information GF, I must admit ours is not in full sun, hence the colour being disappointing!! the trouble is where we are going to move it there is even less sun!! decisions, decisions!!
19 Jun, 2016
I once had a neighbour that grew this next to our boundary fence, as it towered above I loved to hear it rustle as it swayed in even the most gentle breeze.
DD, maybe you could move something else to give it that sunny spot. There is always a compromise, isn't there, lol.
22 Jun, 2016
I certainly do not want to lose it.....a gift from OH many years ago....
22 Jun, 2016
Thanks GF, that is interesting info and like DD, mine is in the middle of the island bed, i.e. not in the sunshine. I might move some of it to a sunny spot (if one exits).
25 Jun, 2016
May all your nigra culms find the sun & be black next year. :)
DD, it seems slug clear has been withdrawn, I saw some on sale for £54.95 (the 250ml size) on Amazon.
Looks like metaldehyde is or has been banned. Any info on this?
25 Jun, 2016
Thanks Gf........I cannot say I am looking forward to digging the bamboo out though!!
Slug Clear has been withdrawn, and several other pesticides, details on the RHS site....
27 Jun, 2016
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IT is a stunning garden. The beds seem to reach out and pull you in. They obviously have a real talent for creating inspiring gardens!
19 Nov, 2015