I'm envious
By Gee19
Everyone seemed to have more snow than me and some of you certainly don’t seem to appreciate it! I woke up Monday morning expecting everything to be well covered but was disappointed. I went to a bowls tournament on Sunday and it began to snow fairly early on in the day and had begun to settle by the time we made our way home about 4.30pm. I do like the snow, and have some very happy memories of dog walking through snowy lanes and woods, well wrapped up with hot chocolate and biscuits when we returned. I also remember tobagging (when I was really old enough to know better!) with my youngest daughter when she was about 18. She disappeared into our garage for an hour or so and finally appeared pulling a wooden sledge which she had made out of my garden bench. We walked a couple of miles to the local shop and afterwards found some slopes to slide down. There is an old photo somewhere of the parting of the ways – me on my backside sliding in one direction and the sledge shooting off in the other! I am daft enough to want to try it again.
This was the scene at the front of my home on Monday morning. Chloe made it just past the lorry and round the corner before she gave up.
I wanted to walk up this lane to the woods but there was no way I could coax her along!
I did manage to persuade her to turn the other way to the pond but only briefly. I must admit, because of her age, I let her decide how much she wants to do.
My grandson was sent home from school early and he didn’t need any persuading to visit the woods.
It was lovely to have his company and I enjoyed the snowball fight and managed to get in a couple of good shots, much to his surprise!! Mind you, I did wait until his back was turned.
Right everyone who doesn’t like the stuff, next time snow is forecast, stand up, face Kent and BLOW HARD. I’m relying on you. (Er, Gilli, don’t blow too hard – I don’t want that much).
3 Feb, 2009
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Poor Gee......there is supposed to be a 2nd wave coming accross later this week so you may be lucky then. If you are, please keeps it all as we dont want any more north of the Thames thanks......he he he
3 Feb, 2009
Oh poor Gee. Why don't you hop in your hot air balloon and come over here Gee. You could play to your hearts content......I'd even come tobogganing with you!!
3 Feb, 2009
So sledding is your secret Winter Wellie Olympics event ?
Sorry you missed out on snow games.
There's more snow forecast for Thursday/Friday, so I hope you get a fair share in your region of Kent. :o)
3 Feb, 2009
I thought that Kent was badly hit? I saw photos of Chatham and Gravesend in the newspaper. I think you are a bit further south, aren't you.
3 Feb, 2009
Those heady memories Gee , the fun of speeding down a hill at top speed closing your eyes when you see that bush in front of you ,missing it by inches , the rosy red cheeks the children excited and already planning the next day , I,m with you .. I love it .
My grandchildren were bitterly disappointed as they live near the coast they dont have the snow , something to do with the salt air .. They believed that everybody in the country had snow and time off school except them , my daughter loves it as well ..I sent them photos of our snow .. they sent a message back in huge letters saying .. IT,S NOT FAIR .... LOL
3 Feb, 2009
P.S i,m glad you managed to get in a couple of good shots ... even if it was at his back... cheat .. LOL
3 Feb, 2009
Hi Gee...glad you had some quality time with your grandson.! You can have some of our snow which is predicted for next couple of days if you like !
3 Feb, 2009
Shall I arrange for a few lorry-loads to be sent over to you Gee. I'll be glad to get rid of it. You can have it all if you like. It wouldn't take long to get to you along the M4. It's been well gritted. -
I find it so depressing.
3 Feb, 2009
I will only blow little puffs Gee. At the moment though we are having a thaw. We had snow on Monday but today has been warmer and everything is drip dripping. There is still a lot here if you want me to throw some snowballs over.
4 Feb, 2009
Dont send it this way dont like the stuff, i'm always worried in case i fall, not bothered about it, its just embarressing if you do.
4 Feb, 2009
All melted now.....was out painting one of the beach huts/sheds but now very cold again,,,not sure what it is going to do next, just warm up please....
4 Feb, 2009
we have had our allocation ~we don't want anymore thank you very much!
That lorry that Hywel is sending can it make a stop at Swansea please?
Although I think Harvey intends to eat it all~he was having a good try at lunchtime!
6 Feb, 2009
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I am surprised you didn't get that much Gee, it was forecast on Sunday night/monday morning to come in from the South East which is your neck of the woods. We didn't get that much on Monday in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, but last night we had a heavy fall and it was blizzard conditions this morning, I waited til the last minute listening to local radio hoping i wouldn't have to walk the little one to school, but the school was open. We have had a big thaw today, but more is forecast for the end of the week
3 Feb, 2009