By Gee19
Friday 27 Feb 2009
I had a lovely time at the local garden centre with my daughter. After we had lunched there we walked round outside to look at all the plants before buying the compost I had gone there for. After about half an hour she decided I was guilty of child abuse, making her look at plants AND getting her to carry the 2 bargain packs of pansies I just couldn’t resist!
She was so exhausted (!) after putting the 3 bags of compost into the car that we had to go back for another cup of coffee and a piece of cake (Apple and toffee sponge – very nice) before driving home.
Saturday 28 Feb 2009
There were 24 little pansy plants in each pack so this morning I spent a very pleasant time putting them into pots and containers.
I hope Tufty doesn’t turf them out, looking for nuts!
I put a carex in the middle of the trike planter. I’n not sure if it’s the chocolate one that David bought. I saw the chocolate ones for sale at the garden centre and mine looks the same (or very similar) but mine is rather winter-worn! It self-seeds very freely so I just pulled this piece up from the front garden (it doesn’t seem to mind the water-logged soil).
This pot is under the bird feeder in the front garden so it may sprout more than pansies!
I did some seed sowing in the greenhouse too. This is a one of two salad trays for the tortoises, rocket, lambs lettuce and mixed leaves. I also did a few pots of sunflower and californian poppy seeds.
I have decided to make a real effort to cover the ugly fences around the garden. I have tried before but found the chocolate vine too vigorous so had to take it out after it disappeared up the telegraph pole and halfway across next doors garden! I had similar problems with a honeysuckle. To make a start I have transplanted a piece of ivy from the front garden. It’s not too vigorous and being green and yellow is quite pretty.
I have the same ivy at the end of the garden but in one or two places it’s losing its colour – very strange. Does anyone know why? The vast majority of the plant is still green/yellow.
This little fellow kept me company for a while. I wonder if the hairy leaf tickled his tum?
I have enjoyed my two days very much and am now beginning to feel that Spring is not far away (and my daughter has survived the garden centre experience!!)
28 Feb, 2009
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I picked up a small tray of Primrose and a small tray of Polyanthus today and put them in two pots.
I need to go to GC tomorrow to get more compost for more pots etc etc...
I have not seen any lady birds but I have seen two Bees out and about.
28 Feb, 2009
Good sign ! : )
28 Feb, 2009
Really nice blog. As Bonkers says, the ladybird is lovely to see. As for your daughter, you should remind her that if she had been born 150 years ago, she may have been up a chimney somewhere, so she should count her blessings that she only has to carry a few plants and whats all this about giving her real food. Why are you not feeding her regulation gruel. your obviously a softie.
28 Feb, 2009
I love that trike Gee , I have the Hedora Ivy " green ripple " for growing up a fence , it isn,t to vigorous and you can pull it out when it starts to " creep "
It,s nice to see the ladybird , you did have a good weekend :o)
28 Feb, 2009
Toto Lol ! : )
28 Feb, 2009
Oh dear! She'll have to get to enjoy GCs, won't she!
You have been busy. :-)
28 Feb, 2009
My twin daughters will probably start to enjoy garden centres when I start to enjoy running marathons, Spritz!!! They happily supply me with garden vouchers, subscription to gardening magazines, etc and I watch them run from the sidelines - it works well!
Toto - it wasn't me feeding my daughter but the other way round :)
28 Feb, 2009
Good blog, Gee.
Lovely photos. Ladybird picture is stunning.
Trike nicely planted. :o)
1 Mar, 2009
Sounds like you had a nice day out, my family dont like anything to do with gardening at all, nice to see ladybird.
1 Mar, 2009
Your poor daughter. ! lol
You've been very busy. Isn't it wonderful to be able to do that.
I hope your ivy grows to cover the fence. I've put a choc vine in the ground now so I hope it doesn't take over.
Your trike is nice. and I wish we had some ladybirds here. I haven't seen one for years.
1 Mar, 2009
My apologies Gee, obviously a dutiful daughter who was repaying you for allowing her to carry the pansies.
1 Mar, 2009
No apologies necessary, Toto - all three of my daughters are very tolerant of my gardening (and other) hobbies. Just wait and see what I had my poor youngest daughter carry back from the bootfair this morning! :)
1 Mar, 2009
I don't know what it was but I can see who is in control of the situation.
1 Mar, 2009
That grass looks like a Carex Buchanii to me Gee. What did we do for an afternoon out a few years ago before most Garden Centres had Coffee shops/cafes??
I don't think I'd manage to drag my wife to so many if it wasn't for the coffee shops!
Lovely Blog.
7 Mar, 2009
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Hi Gee..my my you got a great bargain with those pansies ! Your poor daughter...no wonder she needed to go back to the cafe for seconds ! Lol
Regarding the ivy leaf colour,may be wrong but think that as the leaves mature they become paler...almost white ?
At any rate...think the pale ones look very attractive dont you ?
Your ladybird is a welcome sight ! : )
28 Feb, 2009