Square Foot Gardening
By Genuisscuffy
I thought I would update you on how my Square Foot Garden has done over the summer. I am really pleased with the produce it and produced from such a small area – 3 × 6ft beds. The climbing courgette (!) has gone daft – it climbed up about 2 foot then decided it would go everywhere – all over the path! but it has produced about 10-15 courgettes so far which have been lovely and even the flowers are sweet (never had them before – you dont get them in the supermarket!) and its still going strong. I’ve had brocolli, cabbage, dwarf french beans, beetroot, carrots, garlic, shallots, loads of salad stuff, pak choi, dwarf runner beans (hestia – really good for little pots on a balcony if you dont have a garden ), and the baby sweetcorn is growing a treat – the little tassles at the top are just forming. The only thing that didnt grow too well were the tomatoes but looking at other blogs I think that was the general thing all over the country with the wet and warm weather.
Overall, I am definately going to grow more next year – I’ve got cabbages and sprouts waiting to go in for over the winter so fingers crossed…
15 Aug, 2007
Previous post: Square Foot Gardening(2)
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It is amazing seeing the success you have had since your blog post on the 11th of May!
15 Aug, 2007
Amazing results! I have read about this method, but always veered towards filling large spaces with one crop. this year, i tried growing veg such as courgettes amongst the flower beds, but have found it more work. When giving the plants in the greenhouse and main veg beds a weekly liquid feed, i have either forgotten the flower beds veg, or had to search to find them, and the whole feeding process takes up to an hour longer with a lot more filling and walking. will have to rethink the ornamental flower'veg plots, perhaps. Well done!
15 Aug, 2007
Looking good, amazing what you fitted in, and yes you were not alone with the tomato problem, it got my aubergines too same family.
16 Aug, 2007
Hi thanks for all the comments - the beds are easy to make (my two boys made mine in an afternoon!) gravel boards are great they are the right height - the beds were put on an old patio so I just rearranged the stone (the patio was just laid on sand which I removed most of) any that came onto the lawn you can just level the area - I removed the grass - any that was left you can cover with newspapers (by the time the paper has rotten down the grass has then died) or the black fabric to stop weeds depending on how much you want to spend. The foot measurements can be tied with string, bamboo or I've used electrical plastic so its more weather proof - some even use old venetian blind slats (plastic variety if you can get them). Then fill the beds with compost, vermiculite (opens it up) and either peat or a peat based compost (it is only a once thing)then as you remove a plant top up with more compost.
18 Aug, 2007
Really interested to read about your square foot garden having recently bought the book. So far I've grown some stuff in 2 x 1 1/2 ft tubs with some success- but i'd like to take it further next year. I'll keep an eye on your progress....
19 Aug, 2007
Lol, I bought the book too - although I got it through amazon and it hasnt arrived yet :( ... I am really looking forward to next year!
20 Aug, 2007
I tried that this year, but I must admit your's is looking so much better, the local cats decided that the dirt looked good in mine :( and managed to scatter seed near and far, I must remember to cover it next year. the only things that seem successful are onions, garlic and carrots. I think that having permanent squares seems to be the answer, I just used canes, bad move lol
22 Aug, 2007
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I am so completely inspired by your success! I saw that the RHS had a display of vegetables grown in the same way at Hampton Court Palace but that is them and this is me and I am much more impressed by your display!
Are there bases to your beds or does it go into the soil? If there are bases, how deep are the beds? I really think I might start building....
15 Aug, 2007