Autumn Garden
I have been out, in the garden all day , cutting back and moving plants before the weather starts to get colder, thanks goodness for the garden rubbish bins, Ive filled mine and my neighbours, what would we do without them. Just thought I would show you a few views of the garden before everything starts to die off.
Starting from the patio there are central steps dividing off left and right onto the main garden. On either side there are rockeries planted with plants, shrubs and conifers a Water Feature , Bird Bath and a variety of pots.
The steps leading up to the left side of the garden
Walking upwards we pass the little Rockery area .
A brief pause to look at my new Rose, " Special Occasions";0)
Next we stop to admire Lychnis “Dusty Miller” a real beauty, its been flowering from late July!
Another favourite is this lovely Ground cover Rose
The striking" Red Dragon" a gift from Sanbaz;0))
Befor we make our way back to the patio where we can visit the right hand side of the garden ,do say hello to my two Resident Froggies;0)
Well here we are again back on the Patio and look who’s waiting for us Lovey and Dovey enjoying their lunch!
Back up the steps on the right side of the garden now
Past the Right hand side Rockery which is full with Conifers, Box, Heathers and alpine plants
At the top of the steps there is a nice view of the right hand side border.
Another new addition this year is the Patio Rose “Hilda Ogden”
To the left is the beautiful "Peace " rose blooming nicely now after a poor start earlier on in the season.
Views back to the Conservatory.
We have now reached the left hand corner of the garden. this area is packed with trees and shrubs and needs to be thinned out before the onset of winter.
Views from the House across the garden.
We finish our visit at this years latest addition the Rockery, some of the plants have outgrown their space and will be replaced with smaller alpine plants in the Spring.
Thank you for viewing my garden and I hope you have enjoyed your visit, Happy Gardening every body ;0))
18 Sep, 2012
Previous post: A Derbyshire Break with Goy Friends
Next post: Happy Birthday Dear Friend [Bloomer]. xxx
Lovely tour of your fabulous garden and am sooo envious of your bird table it looks sooo posh !
18 Sep, 2012
Another very SPECIAL garden here on GOY. It's beautiful and a real credit to you!
18 Sep, 2012
I enjoyed the tour of your garden very much. You have got a beautiful garden. :-)
18 Sep, 2012
Delightful garden!
18 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sandra, it was yesterday I did most of the work! it is very green with all the dam rain, not done much outside today just planted a few cuttings!
Hi Val Pleased you like the tour and the birdhouse ;0)
Thanks Lijemc pleased you enjoyed the tour and like the garden ;0)
Thanks Scottish for nice comments;0)
18 Sep, 2012
Agree with all the previous comments - gorgeous!
18 Sep, 2012
Your garden is lovely Carole. Thanks for the tour :o) Your new rockery has filled out well. Sometimes it's dificult to know what to plant in a new area, but they can be moved around ....
18 Sep, 2012
I enjoyed taking a stroll with you in your lovely garden Pansy, your rockery has done very well, I know we didn`t appreciate our weather this year but our gardens as regards the shrubs have gone a bit mad, I`ve also got a lot of thinning out to do, pleased you still have Lovey and Dovey, my family are still here as well and have already returned to the feeder near the patio, I try telling them its not time and to look elsewhere but they keep coming back until I refill their feeder, lol..
18 Sep, 2012
I too enjoyed the stroll, everything looks really good with lots of colour still.
18 Sep, 2012
Lovely garden. A lot of interesting things to look at.
18 Sep, 2012
You have a lovely garden - I love the different areas you've created. :o)
19 Sep, 2012
Have so enjoyed a walk around your garden with my early cup of tea. So much packed into the space I thought it was so much larger until I read your profile.
19 Sep, 2012
Your garden is fab Pp. so much interest in every corner and still a lot of colour left too. Cannot believe our summer is over, it was all too short.
19 Sep, 2012
Thanks Kilder and Sheila pleased you like the garden;0)
Thanks Hywel glad you enjoyed the tour, I agree its a bit hit and miss when to first create a new area, I just move two Heucheras as they were tswamping part of the rockery, will have to remember Small is Beautiful ;)
Thanks Lincs for your nice comments and Yes all the shrubs have enjoyed the wet Summerbut afraid some will be in for a chop! Lovey and Dovey are so tame now they visit 3 x daily looking in through the window if I dont respond lol
Thanks Drc, Dwyllis and Nariz for all yor kind comments , so pleased you enjoyed it;0)
Hi Jen what a nice way to enjoy my garden with your early morning cuppa, pity I didnt see youi I would have joined you ;0))
Thanks Grandma I agee the shortest summer on record, hope the Autumn makes up for it, but dont hold too much hope the heavy showers we have had this week;0(
19 Sep, 2012
Heavy showers Pp??? We are soooo dry down here the earth in my garden is cracking! (after all that rain we had earlier)
19 Sep, 2012
lovely blog PP ,I love your steps in fact I love it all lol .
20 Sep, 2012
Sorry PP, I must have missed this blog. I love your garden pictures, it looks like quite a large garden. Very colourful still as well, and all very tidy. Thanks for showing, I enjoyed the tour.
20 Sep, 2012
Carole, you have created a wonderful garden to relax in and enjoy with a diverse range of planting. Doesn`t seem two minutes ago you planted up that centre rockery and as you say the plants are already outgrowing their space. It does you proud and I have thoroughly enjoyed my tour with you.
20 Sep, 2012
Thanks Helen the steps are a nice design I cant take credit for them as , but we have enhanced them with all the planting and patio rockeries. pleased you like the gartden;0)
thanks Shirley its so easy to miss things on Goy! but glad you enjoyed the visit, its not a very big garden it must be all the planting I have packed in lol just can't resist anything!!
Thanks for your lovely comments Phyl pleased you like it and you are right about the rockery, it has filled out, but I'm on the look out for more minature plants to replace some of the plants that have out grown their space;0))
20 Sep, 2012
your garden looks lovely carole even though we havent had a good summer, glad the red dragon has survived, its a good colour isnt it.
i must say i dont know what we did before garden bins now lol
after my hols i will have to get out and tidy my garden and move a few plants,
some are way to big and need digging up and splitting.
enjoyed seeing your autumn garden carole :o)))
20 Sep, 2012
Thanks Sandra hope you have a great holiday, and the weather bucks up for you! I have also some digging up and dividing to do, just waiting for a dry day!!
20 Sep, 2012
Fantastic blog and garden
22 Sep, 2012
Thanks AMAN'0)
22 Sep, 2012
Lovely plants woman's garden PP. The changes of levels make it good to explore. Looks like there is plenty to snip at if the rains come, as they did here is Essex yesterday and today. Iv'e cleared a lot out of my border over the last week more soil than plants at the moment. Thanks for the lovely tour.
24 Sep, 2012
Pleased you enjoyed your visit Dorjac, I was out all Saturday trimming back and dividing plants, still more to do, but the rains have arrived here too so will just have to sit tight until the weather improves!
24 Sep, 2012
wow what a beautifull garden. alot of hard work must of gone into that. i was suddenly feeling good about the work i have done in my garden and now realised i have alot to do im no where near ur standard though i wuld like to dream that i will be one day.
you should be very proud of yours its absoultly beautiful
25 Sep, 2012
Aww Christy thanks for your lovely comments, my garden as developed over the years, no matter how much you do there is always room to improve, Im sure your garden is lovely too ;0)
25 Sep, 2012
my garden is looking very tired shall i say in need of alot of work. i'm not very good at gardening but love the results of the hard work even if they dont always work. but the battle must go on. i'll try to get some pics on here soon
25 Sep, 2012
Thats the spirit you go for it girl;0))
25 Sep, 2012
ive managed to put a few pics on
25 Sep, 2012
Your garden is absolutely gorgeous PP. I love all the little areas and especially like your steps with the plants overlapping the edges. Also like your pots and your water feature and your pond area is really pretty.
I'm a bit like hchristy, I think my garden looks lovely and then I go on Goy and realise it's got a long way to go yet!!
Thanks for the tour.
25 Sep, 2012
Thanks for your comments about the garden in Honfeur.
It was quite an adventure; but SO enjoyable.
My garden was in great need of TLC when we got back. Yours is looking wonderful... Well done and a pleasant wander around with great photos.
25 Sep, 2012
You really do have a beautifully planted garden, Carole ... I wish mine were half as full of plants ... far too much bare soil showing this year! Don't forget where the pond is this year when Winter comes! ;o)
29 Sep, 2012
Hi Carole
Your autumn garden is looking very pretty :o)
30 Sep, 2012
Thanks Christy, Cosmos, Roseberry, Shirley and Terra for all your lovely comments starting to look decidely Autumn now, lots to do but need a couple of decent days to gt started, Happy Gardening eveyoe ;0)))
30 Sep, 2012
I agree with Shirley tulip, wish my borders were as full as yours, might have to widen them before next summer, after seeing such beautiful colourful borders.Can you recommend a purple/dark blue easy growing perrenial to mix with my rudbeckias and marigold, upright variety, any comments will be thankful
1 Oct, 2012
Thanks Gralew, have to smile I am always widening by borders to get more plants in, will have no lawn left if I carry on lol. Ithink the first plant that springsto mind are the Delphiums you cant find a deeper blue lovely stately flowers too, Monkshood is another one, followed by Salvias and Lavender .hope they fit the bill [watch out for slugs and snails though with the Delphiums especially, Amy has a lovely picture od Monks hood if you want to check it out! ;0)))
1 Oct, 2012
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19 Mar, 2012
It's all looking lovely,Carole..glad you have a good day in the has been on and off with heavy showers here..shame it all has to finish before long isn't it?
At least you have lots of lovely greenery to look out on..and the promise of Autumn colours :o)...great to see Lovey and Dovey still dining al Fresco ! Lol.
18 Sep, 2012