A Little Story To Warm Your Heart and Make You Smile;0))
Our youngest son Robin is 46 years old, he is Autistic and has Severe Learning Disabilities, Robin is supported to live in the Community by Social Service Carers on a 24hourly basis.
Robin comes to visit us with his Carers on alternative Sundays, he has his lunch with us and enjoys listening to music and a wander around the garden.
The story began around 2 years ago when Robin wanted to plant the pips from a Lemon in the hope it would grow into a Lemon Tree in my garden.
On each visit Robin immediately goes into the garden searching for signs of the Lemon Tree! Obviously the pips failed to grow, so we came up with the idea of buying a dwarf fruit Tree for Robin which hopefully bear fruit..
We wanted to involve Robin in the whole planting process, decided on a Plum Tree and the planting took place today under my watchful eye!
. Hope you enjoy the pictures;0)
Robin first of all filled the large pot half ful of compost. Then I held the tree while Robin pulled off the pot.
Robin lowered the tree into position then carefully moved it around until it was straight , he was pleased to see the picture of the plums on the label!
Then the fun began as Robin began to add the compost and grit around the tree, he was very careful!
Whew That was hard work! what do you think Mum?
Now for the best part, “A nice long drink of water”
Well Done Robin!
Robin enjoyed himself, and doesnt he look proud and Happy;0))
What a lovely visit and Robin knows that each time he comes he has to water and care for the tree, Fingers crossed he will be rewarded with Fruit next year;0))
Hope you enjoyed our little venture WE DId!!
27 Apr, 2014
Previous post: Newly Cut and All Ship Shape.
Next post: Happy Birthday Dear Gralew
Oh PP, that is all soooo sweet. Bless Robin, he's so enjoyed himself hasn't he. I do hope he gets lots of juicy plums next year :)
27 Apr, 2014
He will be so chuffed next year when he eats his first plum! We both planted a plum today then Carole! Well done Robin...much more practical than a lemon tree!
27 Apr, 2014
27 Apr, 2014
How lovely. What a good idea. He certainly looks pleased doesn't he.
27 Apr, 2014
How lovely :o) Well done Robin. The tree is sure to fruit next year with you caring for it !!
27 Apr, 2014
Oh how wonderfull for robin :) my 7 year old is also autistic and he loves Daisy's he always asked when they are coming back :) I do hope that robin gets some fruit my fingers are crossed x
27 Apr, 2014
loved it. one way or another we all have our crosses to bear. that was fantastic
27 Apr, 2014
Oh my word he has enjoyed his project. Well done Robin, great to see you enjoying the planting. Hope you have lots of fruit soon. :O)
27 Apr, 2014
Oh Carole he does look so very proud as do you all, that tree will always be known as Robin's Tree, it cannot fail to fruit with all the care its going to get and it has the power of Goy behind it.
Your right, moments like that do warm your heart and I bet we all smiled whilst reading and seeing your photo's....
27 Apr, 2014
Well done Robin hope you will het some plums in the fall.
27 Apr, 2014
I seem to have lost my comment earlier ,Carole..I only see a 'like'..I mustn't have pressed send ! What a lovely day Robin had with you and Harry..and well done to Robin for his sterling work,he has done a great job there :o)
I hope he was suitably rewarded with his favourite tipple,or two maybe? Lol..you had better look after his Plum tree well,in between visits..I'm adding this to favourites,as it's such a happy family blog and photo's..xxx
28 Apr, 2014
Carole...What a great idea of yours, well done.Robin lookes really chuff and happy, and I do hope the plum flowers and fruits for all of you, we hope you keep us up to date with its progress, and in between Robins visit you keep your eye on it for him!.Lovely blog Carole :-)
28 Apr, 2014
Good morning,Val..I see we are both up and about again at this ungodly hour..of 5.30am ! I've had my cuppa already ..
28 Apr, 2014
Morning Sandra.....yes you're right it is an ungodly hour.I was tossing and turning at 4.30, so I've had a hot chocolate, and spent time catching up! Did manage to sleep til 8.30 yesterday.... bliss!!
28 Apr, 2014
So that's what woke me up this morning,Val..you tossing and turning ! Lol...I've had a couple of decent nights lately too..only a couple :o( ..x
28 Apr, 2014
I woke at 5.30 too, and most unlike me nodded of until 6.30!
I found the story of Robin and his tree very moving, full of love and happiness.
Robin is a very special, person, as are his mum &dad ♡
28 Apr, 2014
Lovely blog Carole can see Robin's got his Mums gardening skills, next year you'll be teaching him to make Shirley's yummy plum cake ;-)
28 Apr, 2014
what a lovely story ;) Hope the tree grows well and bears lots of flowers and fruits for Robin to enjoy. He sure does look chuffed with himself and rightly so. Great job Robin!
28 Apr, 2014
Well I have just logged into Goy and both Harry and myself were overwhelmed with all your lovely comments they brought tears to our eyes, So a Great Big Thankyou to everyone;0)))
Scotkat Thanks I will certainly let you all know on the progress of the tree,Robin is interested in the garden he loves being outdoors!
Waddy Thanks to you too, its a pity he has to wait to see the plums, but it will be something for him to do each visit;0)
Thanks Karen what a coincidence what species is yours? Rob's just says Patio Plum "Opal" we will have to compare progress;0)
Hi Kakkinotria Nice to meet you[another new friend]
Robin certainly is very special to us and he has a very full and active life style;0)
Thanks Cinders pleased you enjoyed the blog, we try to do something different each time he visits us, as he is interested in the garden this will give him another activity;0)
Hi Treefern nice to met you and Welcome to Goy! we will have lots to chat about, would live to hear about your son;0)
Thanks Hywel its nice to hear you have faith in me, but dont fret Robin's Plum Tree will recieve extra special attention;0)
Hello Maisie Pleased you liked the blog;0)
Thanks Olive Robin certainly did enjoy the whole process and it will be ongoing for him, just hope it Fruits next Year!!!
Hi Lincs thanks for your comments and Robin's Plum Tree it is! pleased it made you smile too;0 ))
Hi Sandra Robin was well rewarded [isnt he always]he did have a tipple Guiness followed by a Brandy and Coke and finished of with a coffee, went home happy clutching his Goody Bag,Thanks for adding the blog to your favourites! [ just a thought perhaphs you and Val should start having a Tipple or two at bedtime it might knock you both out] lolxx
Hi there ,Val! Thanks for your comments, we are always thinking of something different for Robin to do or see, he usually enjoys a walk around the garden before heading home, he especially likes the pond and next doors GIANT TREE lol
Thanks so much Pam for your lovely comments they brought tears to our eyes reading them, so touching!xx
Hello Jagienka and welcome to Goy! pleased you enjoyed my little story and I will have to let you know how the Tree develops;0)
28 Apr, 2014
That's great! :)))
28 Apr, 2014
Thanks Michaela hope alls well with you havent seenyou around much;0)
28 Apr, 2014
What a lovely blog. I'm sure that with your loving care Robin's tree will do very well and produce some lovely plums for all of you to share. It would be lovely to see Robin's face when he gets the first fruit. Well done to you all.
28 Apr, 2014
Thank you Marjorie, we will certainly do our very best to keep it fed and watered, I will put a picture on of Robin if the tree does produce plums;0))
28 Apr, 2014
Wonderful blog. To say Robin is pleased sure is an under statement. He's beaming!
Well done Robin, and may every Plum be sweeter than the last x
28 Apr, 2014
Thanks Scottish, what a lovely comment;0))
28 Apr, 2014
What a wonderful blog Carole, Robins very own tree, and isn't he thrilled with it! He's made a fantastic job of it too, ooh I can feel plum pie coming on for next year, he'll love that won't he....:))
29 Apr, 2014
Thanks Janey, He thoroughly enjoyed the planting and Im equally sure he will also like the watering and feeding it when he visits, but most of all he will be so excited if and when the plums start to appear;0)
29 Apr, 2014
Such a lovely blog Carole - the happiness shines through from the photos of Robin (and Mum & Dad too!) - with lots of TLC you'll have some fruit for a Plum cake in the not too distant future. :o)
29 Apr, 2014
Thanks Shirley Pleased you like the pics and enjoyed meeting Robin and his PlumTree fingers crossed next year I will be baking Shirley's Plum cake with him next year ;0))
29 Apr, 2014
29 Apr, 2014
while your blog made me smile...well, actually, Robin's smile is so contagious, that made me smile.... it also brought tears...my sweet son, Patrick, was in a car crash at the age of 16...carload of teenagers drinking and driving...2 died in the crash, 2 were unhurt, and Patrick suffered brain injury..he's 51 now, has memory difficulties, sometimes has trouble controlling his temper..has to concentrate to move his left side...but still, he's done very well...like Robin he loves to garden...life brings lots of challenges, gardens bring lots of hope...
30 Apr, 2014
Oh Pat thats hard for you both, to be able to share a love of gardens and gardening must be a comfort x
30 Apr, 2014
yes, it is a comfort, Pamg, especially when i can honestly ask his advice on something garden related...he knows he has suffered brain damage, and that makes him insecure..he goes silent in a group of people, afraid he will say something "stupid"...we have worked together on his problems for many years now, and it has drawn us very close...he talks freely to me, loves to tease me and make me laugh...he's the apple of my eye...he has his own home and truck, takes me shopping every week, and buys me lots and lots of presents ...seems to give him pleasure...me too! LOL thanks for your comforting words, it means a lot....
30 Apr, 2014
This is a lovely blog, Carole. Not only does it show the special bond between yourselves and Robin but also the bond between the Goyers and so much kindness in the comments. I'm going to add to favourites to cheer me up on a 'down' day.
Pat, I'm so sad to read about your son, Patrick. You must have been through so much. At the same time, it is heartwarming to read of how well he has done and that he is the apple of your eye. I have a wonderful son, Patrick, too.
1 May, 2014
Thank you TuesdayB for your lovely comments, hope your day has brightened up ;0)
1 May, 2014
TuesdayB...you and i are equally blessed...
2 May, 2014
Buyin g tree was an inspiration his smile lights up the whole garden! Thank you for sharing this happy day with us.
3 May, 2014
I cannot see any tree or shrub failing when planted with such pride and love.
A delight to read. Gardening is a special interest to all those of special needs. And that includes us all.
Good on yer Robin, watch it grow and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
Thanks for sharing PP.
4 May, 2014
Thank Steragram Robin enjoyed the whole process;0)
Thankyou too ! Fractal, you are very welcome, hopefully there will be another follow up next year of Robin picking Plums;0)
4 May, 2014
Carole, there stands a man who looks more than pleased with the results of his work ... its going to seem a long time for both Robin and us goyers before we get to see him picking the fruits of his labours ... but well worth while I`m sure.
4 May, 2014
You are right there Phyl but will be worth it if all goes to plan ;0)
4 May, 2014
Lovely blog Carole. My Jamie is also Autistic, it's great to see Robin enjoying himself :o)x
6 May, 2014
Hi Annella thanks for your comment, how old is Jamie?
6 May, 2014
He is 19, will be 20 in December Carole.
7 May, 2014
I loved it Carole ,it's always nice to see Robins cheerful face , when you said the best bit was having a drink I naturally assumed you meant Robin LOL... will he ever wonder why his lemon has changed into a plum ? :o)) x
11 May, 2014
Thanks Amy pleased you like it, Robin has been today, he has enjoyed looking at photos asking lots of questions, eatining lots and drinking lots too, I have just waved him off clutchhing his Goody Bag lol
11 May, 2014
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Well done Robin great job done .
Look forward to seeing your tree growing
27 Apr, 2014