Border Atta\cked
By Poaannua
About two weeks ago I planted up a flower bed in the front corner of the house with Winter Flowering Pansies, They soon settled in and began to flower. Yesterday I thought , where have all the flowers gone? A closer look and all but two or three had been eaten off Flowers, leaf tips and buds. It was as level as a lawn. except where a few had been pulled right out and tossed aside, one was actually a few inches off the ground on a nearby twig.
I am told it was probably Deer . Here is a picture from shortly after I planted them
27 Nov, 2008
Previous post: Rained in
Next post: The attack continues
O no They looked so Lovely 2 Poaannua :( Do u think it might even of been BIrds? :/
28 Nov, 2008
I have heard that by putting hair (discarded from your hairbrush I assume) around your flowerbeds, that deer don't like the smell of it because it smells like people. I live in the city, so I have not tried this. But it will naturally bio-degrade in your garden over time as well.
28 Nov, 2008
Gardengem ~
That's an interesting idea. I've heard that human hair or dog/cat hair can also deter slugs and snails because they don't like gliding over it.
Oh,dear. We could see a lot of bald gardeners, from having heads shaven to save their pansies, ! Lol :o)
28 Nov, 2008
I think I might try that with Blodyn's hair. It is so thick and when I brush her I get lots.
Sorry to hear of your pansies Poaannua. Are you going to try some more ?
28 Nov, 2008
How disheartening, Ooaannua. If you do try again I hope the deer have moved on. I've heard of that human hair tip as well - worth a try.
28 Nov, 2008
My goodness - I bet you were fed up! Did you know that deer were around?
We've all learned something new - Deer like pansies.
28 Nov, 2008
If you save dog/cat hair for springtime, birds also like to use hair when making nests. But you probably already knew that. ! :o)
28 Nov, 2008
Yes, I put Henry's hair on shrubs and it soon goes.
28 Nov, 2008
sorry about your pansies, i've also heard if you put hair down it stops them, i also put it out for the birds in spring.
28 Nov, 2008
Thanks for the comments . I will try the hair , but doubt if I have enough left to make an impression
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28 Nov, 2008
TT, I have heard that crushed eggshells deter snails and slugs, that they don't like to crawl over them. Also I have read that they don't like copper. These may be just folk tales, but at least eggshells wouldn't do your plants any harm. We put them in our compost heap as they are a source of calcium.
29 Nov, 2008
Hmmm. Eggshells - no problem for my intrepid snails! I haven't tried copper rings, I admit - I might do next year if the darned things cause me as much trouble as this year!
I put eggshells into the compost - but they don't rot down. I try to remember to crush them before adding them - but don't always manage to.
29 Nov, 2008
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Sorry to hear about the pansy attack. :o(
Janette very kindly sent me a gift of some pansies. I received them today, and I've planted them in pots at the top of 18" terracotta "chimneys" in the hope that will be a safe place and keep slugs and other predators away.
Is this the first time you've had a pansy attack such as this?
I've given your blog a 'like' as a gesture of sympathy and support. :o)
27 Nov, 2008