The attack continues
By Poaannua
The Pansies have been eaten closer to ground level. WALLFLOWERS have been pulled up . but I have seen the Criminal. From the window here where I write this. The security light came on. Down the driveway walked a Muntjack Deer about 45cms.high. It moved quitely and quite slowly, just as if it owned the place. I was delighted to see it, like a visit to the Zoo as I’ve never seen one before. However I was quite upset by its attitude. I have taken action and with help from a Friend barred the hedgerow where it must have been coming in. I was told to double the wirenetting as they are very persistent and have been known to bust it.. The latest piece of damage that I have noticed is a SEDUM PRAEALTUM by the greenhouse door. One of my favourite plants because it gives good Winter interest. I’ve moved it now but wish I had taken a picture
11 Dec, 2008
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It must have been nice to see the deer but I'm sorry to hear of the damage it caused.
12 Dec, 2008
Wow ~ Your MYSTERY MUNCHER is revealed.
It will be interesting to know what works best to deter your new visitor.
Which plant could be on the menu next ?
I've given this blog a 'like' as a gesture of support, and because I found it interesting, despite your loss of plants.
Have you seen other Muntjac in your neighbourhood ?
12 Dec, 2008
Well, at least you know now! I gather that Muntjacs (sp)? are getting more and more common in the UK. You will definitely have to stop him and maybe his buddies from eating your garden, though!
Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem of why MY winter pansies in the ground are doing so badly this year. The container ones are great, though.
12 Dec, 2008
Sounds like the deer populations (of all types) is on the increase in a lot of places. The worst pest in a large area of the northeastern US is the whitetailed deer, another problem is that they spread the tiny ticks that carry Lyme disease, which is bad!
12 Dec, 2008
Very, Wohlibuli - we get warnings that sheep and deer on nearby Hills and Exmoor are carrying ticks. Henry has had two : one the vet removed as we didn't know what it was - and the other we did with special tweezers - you twiddle it out.
12 Dec, 2008
How lovely to have such a visitor - although he sounds a bit naughty! It would be lovely to see a photo if you get chance to take one.
12 Dec, 2008
Deer ticks can carry Lyme disease. A very nasty thing with long term health hazards. My Son is thought to have had it recently and is awaiting a blood test to confirm. He had been in 2 areas where deer are present. Lovely to look at, but could cause more problems than munched plants! Hope the fencing works Poaannua.
12 Dec, 2008
There are lots of tick varieties here but the deer tick is tiny and easy to overlook and on the increase because of the deer.
Sorry to hear about your son Pottygardener, Lyme disease can be very bad. Hope he comes thru okay!
12 Dec, 2008
Sorry abut your garden, but me to would have loved to see it, hope your fencing stop it coming in again though.
13 Dec, 2008
Hi Poaannua
I feel for you. Every summer I have deer which jump over my back fence and eat all my lovely rose buds and my tomatoes. :o(
I love to watch the deer but I would love them more if they would stay on their side of the fence.
13 Dec, 2008
Wohibuli...he is fine thanks. A long course of antibiotics cleared the rash on his arm that was symptomatic of Lyme's, as it did not itch and got bigger in size. It covered most of his upper arm! The blood test is to see if he has the antibodies in him that will show he did in fact have Lyme's.
14 Dec, 2008
I once met a Shetland Sheepdog which had Lyme's disease. Not pleasant. Glad to know your son is feeling fitter. :o)
14 Dec, 2008
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29 Mar, 2008
hi poaannua, you have a very unusual menace attacking your garden, we cannot grow much in our front garden as we get deer down the lane , and they eat the tops off any roses or bedding plants, but the back garden is well enclosed so no problem there thankfully.hope the netting works.......steve
12 Dec, 2008