Why will my phlom is not bloom properly
2 replies
6 Jul, 2017 Skipper
tried to grow sugar snap peas came up well but attacked b y something that left small...
1 reply
10 Aug, 2014 Skipper
what variety 0f onion would you recommend for growing from seed for pickling
3 replies
31 Oct, 2012 Skipper
i live in bristol
16 Jul, 2012 Skipper
the leaves of my salad rocket has numerous little pinhead holes
many thanks for helpful advice on calabrese and parsnips
5 Jan, 2012 Skipper
grew belstar calabrese last year
6 replies
3 Jan, 2012 Skipper
grown setanta pots for first time
4 Sep, 2010 Skipper
having a problem with spring cabbage
30 Apr, 2010 Skipper
french beans
4 Oct, 2009 Skipper
re charlotte pots
3 Jul, 2009 Skipper
French & runner bean germination
20 May, 2009 Skipper
re vine weevils
1 May, 2009 Skipper
vine weevil
30 Apr, 2009 Skipper
24 Feb, 2009 Skipper
Rotting potatoes
23 Sep, 2008 Skipper
Perenniel weed may be a knotweed
12 Jul, 2008 Skipper
New potatoes
0 replies
30 Jun, 2008 Skipper