Sunday 26th November 2011
By Terry60
I thought it’s about time I showed my face again, apologising for having been such an unsociable toad these past few months – please forgive me.
My little garden as it was yesterday, 26th
C’mums that will not be going to the cemetary (Gattina will know what I mean!)
My campanula is still flowering – in fact it hasn’t stopped since May
Giorgio and Sleepy . .
Sleepy very cleverly turfed Giorgio out of his bed …
who then had to choose somewhere else to sleep, deciding that it’s about time we stopped playing with the computer …
See you all very very soon ….
28 Nov, 2011
Previous post: A whole year has lapsed by since my last blog on Corpus Domini
Next post: 3rd December 2011
Welcome back ...
Your garden looks pretty, and your cats look very cuddly. Mischievous Sleepy, turfing out Giorgio! :o)
28 Nov, 2011
Lovely photographs Terry, everywhere is so colourful.
Your cats look gorgeous....
28 Nov, 2011
Your garden is so colourful and pretty Terry you wouldn't think it was November ... the puss cats look so comfortable ,I like the pic. on your desk top ........
28 Nov, 2011
Lovely pics Terry, love your cats too... :))
28 Nov, 2011
Nice blog Terry
28 Nov, 2011
Nice pretty plants. Love the cats.
28 Nov, 2011
lots of colour in your garden, i love that stretched out Sleepy cat!!! great picture of her.
28 Nov, 2011
The tiniest rock garden i 've evr seen and one of the prettiest - couldn't understand why all those flowers were still blooming till I saw where you live! Do you cats travel well, and do they feel at home in both your houses?
They are all so beautiful.
28 Nov, 2011
Hello! Great to see you, your garden and the pusscats! Have missed you!
29 Nov, 2011
glad you are back posting comments. some lovely pictures too.
29 Nov, 2011
Hi, Terry, yes, I do know, of course, what you mean about chrysanthemums. It's very sad, my neighbour came to me in tears 4 days ago with the news that her OH's nephew, the same age as our daughter, had died of lung cancer, and if we wanted to go to the funeral, we would be welcome. Never having met the poor young man, we declined, but their garden is at present the most amazing spectacle - dozens and dozens and dozens of pots of chrysanthemums (all white and yellow, for some strange reason) are on every wall and patch of pavement. These are the "overflow" from the cemetery. It looks like a florist's shop.
Your "piccolissimo giardino" looks absolutely wonderful - still so colourful. How are the temperatures down in Rome (is it the Sabines you are in?) at the moment? We still have quite warm days, but the nights here are definitely getting very chilly, and we've had a couple of slight frosts. No snow, yet, though.
Aren't your cats gorgeous? Ours are putting on their winter weight and coats and look like walking pyjama cases. Poor Giorgio! We had a beautiful cat who looked very like him. We called him Mr Grey or Signor Grigio, depending on what language he chose to speak on the day in question. He was an abandonato, and had a very sweet disposition and such perfect manners. He would come for walks with us across the fields for miles and miles, but get tired after about half an hour and expect us to carry him the rest of the way home......
29 Nov, 2011
Thank you all for your warm comments and welcome ... it's good to be back. Giorgio and Sleepy also send their love to each and everyone of you.
They are as thick as thieves but she's definitely the one who's in charge and Giorgio is so easy-going (and a decade older) he just lets her get away with everything .... He's a Carthusian and they are seemingly renowned for their sweet disposition (not sure how pure he is tho' as he was found near the dustbin - a new-born with his cord still attached ....) and is one of the most adorable furry friends you could wish for (we love each other to bits - am I allowed to admit he's my favourite??!!). In fact all 5 of our cats have found their way into our hearts and home from the street. I've made many a comment in the past on GOY about the way cats and dogs are abandoned each holiday time ..... it simply makes my blood boil .... but at least we try our best to give them some quality of existance by curing and feeding the many strays who line up outside our front doors when we get up in the morning..... the supermarket glees with joy when they see us at the catfood section!!
Gattina, yes I live in the Sabine Hills, it's a tiny quaint medieval hilltop town near Monte Soratte,. The temps are still incredibly mild and we have beautiful blue-skied sunny days - perfect weather really but so unusual for this time of year. Some plants and flowers can't decide whether it's Spring or not! Your comments about the c'mums and the young boy's overflow of funeral flowers was quite touching. Perhaps it was because he was so young that there were so many white ones as (yellow is the usual colour) ....
Steragram, we no longer travel back to Rome after the summer like we used to, as we now live in the hills all the year round - just couldn't stand living in the city any longer and much prefer to travel in each day to work (I sent a blog in March last year of the daily "ordeal" !) ...
I'll take some photos of my autumn valley (Lori!) too over the weekend.
Take care all of you
30 Nov, 2011
Yes, of course you are allowed a favourite, Terry - I certainly have mine, but the others do get jealous. Ours is little waif Brumas who nearly died of starvation and dehydration. Mother (abbandonata and much too young to have kittens) could not cope and left them to die in the cellar of a ruin. Two of the litter were already dead when we discovered them. Bottle-fed and spoiled rotten, is our Brumas - incredibly affectionate, but will never sit on anyone's knee, will never grow full size, has permanent health problems, is mad as a box of frogs, with a permanent purr like a tractor. All our cats (about 20 of them at the last count) were abbandonati or randaggi. Not all of them are house cats, and every one of them has been rounded up and sterilised now. Feeding them all, especially through the hard winters, costs un'occhio della testa. They keep us sane, and most of them are bilingual! ;-))))
30 Nov, 2011
Your flowers are gorgeous, so colouful. I had to laugh at the positions your cats were in and they look so beautiful too.
2 Dec, 2011
Hi Terry lovely to hear from you, must admit i dont come on here as much as i did, your garden and cats are as lovely as ever.
4 Dec, 2011
Ah thanks Gee and Clarice - I sometimes just stand there and chuckle out load when I see some of the antics they get up to ... and like Gattina says they are bilingual too - extremely handy when I can't decide what language of the day I'm in !!
5 Dec, 2011
Lovely pics Terry, and lovely to see Giorgio looking so well:-) Is my house still empty?:-)
5 Dec, 2011
Thanks Bornagain - Giorgio is in splendid form - BUT unfortunately for you "your" house was sold only last month ...... it waited and waited for you to come .....
5 Dec, 2011
Ooooh noooo:-(
6 Dec, 2011
Recent posts by Terry60
- Look what the snow's done to our olive trees
21 Mar, 2012
- Merry Christmas to you all
16 Dec, 2011
- 3rd December 2011
3 Dec, 2011
- A whole year has lapsed by since my last blog on Corpus Domini
6 Jun, 2010
- From behind the Judas Tree and along the road
9 May, 2010
- We went for a walk this afternoon
1 May, 2010
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Nice to see you again :o))
and the cats :o))
and your garden of course lol
I hope you're keeping well
28 Nov, 2011