Kings Lynn Park
By anchorman
I was walking in and near Kings Lynn Park today and took a few photos ( some were taken last winter)
Hope you like them and to cheer us up in this cold miserable weather I’ve added some photos taken in the park earlier in the year
Below: – Sitting in the centre of The Walks in King’s Lynn park, lies the Red Mount chapel. Also known as ‘Our Lady’s Chapel’ it is a remarkable building in that it is completely unique and no other building like it can be found. It was built in the 15th century to contain a relic of the Virgin, but was also used by pilgrims on their way to Walsingham.
It was built by Robert Corraunce on instructions from the prior of Lynn. The inner core is divided into 3 storeys and there is an additional cross-shaped ashlar building in Ancaster stone
The following two photos show a sculpture carved out of a dead tree trunk.
Below ( 2 photos)is Greyfriars tower. It was probably a bell tower, built as part of the Franciscan friary which was founded in the 1230s.
It’s slender and hexagonal above its base and now forms the only standing remains of the Greyfriars precinct in Lynn.
The tower leans 67.5 centimetres over it’s height of more than 28 metres. This gives a lean of just over 1 degree, much less than the leaning tower of Pisa’s 5.5 degrees but clearly visible from the ground.
The friars, who followed St Francis of Assisi, performed pastoral duties in the town and were famed for their entertaining preaching.
They’d have lived their lives according to their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience but would have relied on the charity of others.
Medieval Kings Lynn, or Bishop’s Lynn as it was known at the time, was the third largest port in the country so its people were wealthy.
On 1 October, 1538 the friary surrendered to Henry VIII’s troops during the time of the suppression. It was eventually pulled down but the tower was left standing for its use as a sea mark.
Recently The Tower gardens have been remodelled utilising hard landscaping to indicate the location and extent of the nave, north aisle, chancel, cloister walks and chapter house enhancing interpretation and awareness of the complex. Access beneath the Tower, which has been closed to the public since 1998, has been improved and intellectual access to the site generally will be enhanced further through a three dimensional bronze model and interpretation boards.
3 Dec, 2010
Previous post: Plants with a very long flowering season
Next post: Would anyone like to swap some hardy Tradescantia?
so bright and clear, i really love those old walls, its near where my mum grew up ~ expect she would recognise these views.
3 Dec, 2010
That looks an interesting park :o)
3 Dec, 2010
Love the arch with the avenue of trees, so beautiful. Thanks for the blog Anchor.
3 Dec, 2010
There's more to that park than I realised I must have passed it hundreds of times , it's a must place to visit in better weather , thanks for the photos AM :o)
3 Dec, 2010
Yes Amy. I'd lived in this area for 10 years and gone past the park gates hundreds of times and just assumed it was a long avenue of trees.
When I finally went in I was amazed how much more there was to it
3 Dec, 2010
that stream is really pretty but the part of the blog that fascinates me is the tower ~ it seems to grow as you scroll down the blog
3 Dec, 2010
It's a lovely park (when it isn't covered in snow lol) I think I'd like to walk through it on a nice day.
3 Dec, 2010
I've been in the park with the tower opposite AM the one that was on TV and you had to vote for a place of your choice to win money to renovate it , I can't remember it's name ! it has some lovely rose arches .....
3 Dec, 2010
Looks so pristine with its blanket of white virginal snow! What a contrast with the summer shots though!
What's the tower in the last shot?
3 Dec, 2010
It's called Grey Friars tower Amy.
I've added a new photo of the tower and much more information about it to this blog
3 Dec, 2010
Great to see the old bandstand. Many parks lost theirs in both world wars as the iron was turned into munitions. :-(
3 Dec, 2010
Yes, I agree David. A bandstand is such a pretty and nostalgic sight! The one on Magdalen Green in Dundee is one of my favourite sights of this area. I like this blog anchorman and it really is lovely to see some grass and sunshine!
3 Dec, 2010
That's the one AM , Grey friars, thanks for including the pics .. and a reminder of it's history .. did you ever go into K.Lynn when they were filming ' Revolution ' amazing how they changed the look of the area near the docks ...
4 Dec, 2010
I loved that blog, thanks Anchorman
4 Dec, 2010
Thanks for the positive comments everyone :^)
Yes Amy I had a good look around just after they'd finished filming and the mock up buildings they added or used to disguise modern stuff were amazingly realistic even really close up.
I wish I'd taken some photos.
The area by the river close to the main street(close to the customs house) they used for film in has been much improved since then.
4 Dec, 2010
Interesting blog AM, good info and pictures as usual.
4 Dec, 2010
Very nice blog and photos liked the ones better with all the nice sunshine.
4 Dec, 2010
I lived in Kings Lynn for my senior school years,just by this park, its called 'The Walks' and we used the open air swimming pool that used to be very near 'The Mount' - we always fed the ducks too. Behind where the sculpture is was the general hospital where my mum nursed for over 20 years. I think its housing now?
4 Dec, 2010
Yes. It was still standing but used as a residence for nurses until roughly the late 1980's but is now social housing.
4 Dec, 2010
Thanks AM
4 Dec, 2010
The extra info you've added AM, makes the blog more interesting & complete! :-))
4 Dec, 2010
I always intended to add more but it took me so long to pull the photos together and upload them to the blog I'd run out of steam!
4 Dec, 2010
Doesn't surprise me at all! It takes quite an effort to to put together a blog & its photos! The thing I do is to make it over a few days. As it is saved as a draft you can come back at any time to continue. My blogs often take two or three days before I publish them.
5 Dec, 2010
Very interesting blog AM as I've been to Kings Lynn many times in the past and never visited this lovely park. Beautiful photos but I especially like the one of the bandstand in the sun and snow. Thanks very much for showing me what I've missed :o)
5 Dec, 2010
5 Dec, 2010
I've never been to Kings Lynn but my father lived in Swaffham, which isn't too far I think - I think the sculpture from a dead tree trunk is absolutely fantastic... great pics too.
6 Dec, 2010
Swaffham is about 15 miles from Kings Lynn.
6 Dec, 2010
I live about 12 miles from Swaffham on the Norwich side Bamboo , both my children went to high school at Swaffham ... did you ever watch Kingdom on TV with Stephen Fry it was mostly all filmed in Swaffham ... they implied that Wells ( the seaside ) was within walking distance and it's not it's about 25 miles from Swaffham .... .. also their accents were so wrong ,Norfolk people didn't like it because it made them look silly ........
6 Dec, 2010
I did watch Kingdom, very enjoyable, but shows how much I know - I didn't realise that was Swaffham, lol! Still have a sister up there, but she lives in Norwich, and I know what the local accent's like and they do actually say bootiful...
6 Dec, 2010
Swaffam had a great Saturday market years ago.
6 Dec, 2010
It still has one Drc , the live stock market stopped for a few years after the Auctioneer retired but it has restarted again just this month , I haven't been yet but it use to have a wonderful atmosphere with the crates of chickens,, rabbits , ducks etc. vegetables straight from the farms ...
Yes Bamboo .. Bootiful ..LOL... The solicitors office in Kingdom was the High school front entrance .. !
You may not have heard but Bernard Mathews actually died last week .. it's a sad time for all the people he has employed and the many charities he helped . he was a true Gent . He started his business with about a dozen Turkeys eggs and an old incubator , he bought Great Witchingham Hall when it was a run down wreck , there was a brilliant photo in the newspaper last week showing his wife herding the turkeys down the huge staircase inside the hall which is where they kept them in the beginning ... ...
6 Dec, 2010
Thoroughly enjoyed your blog A/Man, fascinating bits of history and architecture too.
6 Dec, 2010
Thanks! :^)
6 Dec, 2010
Hi Anchorman, Just found this blog as I was searching for photos of the bandstand in 'The Walks' park in King's Lynn. Would it be possible at all to use the photo for advertising a free community event we are running at the bandstand very soon. Here is a link to our website and I hope you don't mind me being cheeky and putting the photo up so that you can see what we are doing with it. The link to our website is Please let me know if you would like me to take it down.
Thank you for the amazing photography and making this post available for everyone to see your photos.
Regards, Maarten.
27 Nov, 2016
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it looks so lovely in the snow....;-)
3 Dec, 2010