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Return of the Fieldfare 06.02.12


By annella


After a very gloomy day yesterday it was nice to get home and find the flock of Fieldfare had returned to the garden. They arrived about this time last year too. Pretty and noisy, it is lovely to watch them eating the Crab apples. These photos were taken from the kitchen window so are not very clear.

The resident Blackbirds tried to see them off but were well and truly outnumbered.

A little Sparrow in the snow

The side garden. The snow came Saturday evening and is melting very slowly

A few of the more tender plants moved to the front porch for shelter

Although the snow looks very pretty when fresh I wish it would hurry up and go now

The side garden now and Midsummer

Hard to believe it’s the same garden at the moment! Lol

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Lovely to see the birdie visitors.
I hope your more vulnerable plants survive the cold weather.

7 Feb, 2012


I hear my mother's holly is being raided by redwings at the moment.

Gosh yes, the last two pictures are worlds apart.

7 Feb, 2012


I've just got home and the garden is full of them now, not many apples left on the tree!!

7 Feb, 2012


those fieldfares are lovely, i dont think they have ever visited here.

7 Feb, 2012


You have such a beautiful garden!!!! We don't see fieldfares anymore here - :((

7 Feb, 2012


I think the main attraction is the field behind me but while there is still an apple on the tree......Thanks Paul :o)

7 Feb, 2012


i think you are right annella i dont think there are any fruit trees round here, just berries.

7 Feb, 2012



7 Feb, 2012


Well, I suppose the crab apples had to go some time, and it's lovely to see the fieldfares! :))

7 Feb, 2012


I'm very happy to share with them Karen ;O))

7 Feb, 2012


Annella they are a lovely sight and such a lot of them, I haven`t got them here but my daughter who is only at the back of us gets them in her garden, now you have mentioned having a field at the back of you I think its because her garden backs onto a school playing field.
Lovely pics and your summer one was a very welcome sight...

7 Feb, 2012


your lucky to have all these at once anne, such lovely birds, i had one last year but not seen any yet this year, your garden even looks great with snow lol :o))

7 Feb, 2012


Thanks Lincslass and San, I think they roost in the hedgerow directly behind my garden. I tried to count them this evening but gave up at 50!

7 Feb, 2012


oh my god thats great news anne, at least their numbers are good this year as alot of birds because its been milder than last couple of years :o))

7 Feb, 2012


I think my regular garden birds are sulking San but did notice a couple of Blackbirds trying to get their share of crab apples today ;O))

7 Feb, 2012


lol Anne, i keep popping things out for blackbirds, harder for them as they are ground birds , love to see them all though :o))

7 Feb, 2012


we have one of those poles you hang the feeders on and it has a tray for bits, the blackbirds been watching the other birds, made the odd foray and today tucked in like the others... clever lad!
The fieldfares come here and next doors orchard for the apples, they came during the cold snap we had in january and theres now none left... lovely to see them, 50 is amazing....

7 Feb, 2012


Yes brilliant Pam, I went upstairs to take a photo of them in the field as well as the garden but you still can't really see them all.

7 Feb, 2012


Brilliant photos, Annella. We back onto a field too, but no fieldfares here (yet)!

10 Mar, 2012


great pictures and to see the flocks of Fieldfare's here..“a classic herald of winter” as described by many..

i find it fascinating how others across the continent see these migrating birds..they fly from Scandinavia down to us and Spain they are known as the royal thrush “Zorzal real” and both Sweden and Germany refer to them as the Birch Thrush..and they are also known as the Field Thrush in other Euro countries..

They will be on there way back to Scandinavia by now probably ready to breed..

15 Apr, 2012

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