Side garden tidy up 11.03.12
By annella
Sunday was a lovely warm day here in Northants and it was great to be able to spend all of it out in the garden. I decided to focus on tidying the side garden. The main job was to cut back the Solanums that had been hit badly by the last cold snap. There are two large Solanums on the side fence both planted about ten years ago when I first moved in. They form a dense screen from the neighbours in summer and are covered in flowers for months. Most years they remain evergreen so this was a good time to prune back the leafless branches to new buds.
The first pic is my lovely window cleaner who offered to cut some of the overhanging branches from the Ash tree. I’m more used to seeing him balancing on the conservatory roof!
That will allow a little more light into the bottom garden. Now for the clean up….
This took me some time as the big branches needed to be chopped up
Looking tidier
The rest of the day was spent cutting the grass and clearing up around the perennials. Next job will be the bottom garden, hopefully this weekend. It was nice to just sit for a while when I’d finished, outside in the warm listening to the birds singing. Roll on summer :o))
13 Mar, 2012
Previous post: Return of the Fieldfare 06.02.12
Next post: Early Spring 2012
I feed it in summer Sticki. There is a lot of moss in there at the minute which needs raking out.
13 Mar, 2012
if i raked out the moss there would be nothing left here!! but i shall try to give it a feed in the summer, thanks. any particular sort better than others?
13 Mar, 2012
Sticki I used 'Westland once a month' last year. You can shake it on from the container straight after mowing but must admit I only did it once every two months with good results. I use a spot weeder on any weeds that pop up and hand rake out the moss.
13 Mar, 2012
Well done Annella... garden looking neat :o)
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks TT :o))
13 Mar, 2012
Your garden is really lovely Annella.
13 Mar, 2012
Thank you Popedot, it looks a bit bare at the moment but will all soon grow back
13 Mar, 2012
Now isn`t that just beautiful and your emerald green lawn is wonderful.
13 Mar, 2012
It all looks great Annella, wish my lawns looked like that, I`m afraid they take a battering now and again from the dogs but although I have a run for them, its not fair to ban them completely...
13 Mar, 2012
All looking very neat and tidy . . . glad you had a lovely day in the sunshine. :))
13 Mar, 2012
thank you annella, i shall try that!
13 Mar, 2012
My grass just goes yellow every winter. I look out on it now and about half of the blades are green and the other half yellow. I have no clue what causes it. I rake it, I feed it, I use moss killer, I scarify it, I spike dies! Bad drainage in some areas. My neighbour/friend who works in the parks dept. says I'm probably doing too much, so this year I'm going to put my feet up and see what it does to me!! have an ay-may-zing window cleaner, and your garden looks wonderful as usual :))))) Lovely to have a whole day out in the sun. We actually did get a bit of sun this afternoon which was lovely, so no complaints. I'm sitting in the conservatory and the sun has just gone behind the neighbours' houses....ah well, hopefully we'll see it again tomorrow! :)
13 Mar, 2012
Sticki & Julia I used the Westland 4 times last summer and it really did green and thicken the lawn even though we had a long spell of drought here. I don't like using weed,feed and mosskiller all in ones as I think they are a bit harsh if your lawn is in reasonable condition, the Westland shake on is just to feed.
Karen I do very little more than feed my lawns after the first rake over (and I do that by hand after seeing what my friends scarifier did to it one year! Lol) The soil under the grass is heavy clay the same as the rest of the garden, the turf was laid by the builders so not too much care taken. It was a mess when I moved in but I have reseeded over the years. Finally, my window cleaner/now friend is wonderful, great sense of humour and a man of many talents who surfs in his spare time (very good balance!)
13 Mar, 2012
thanks annella
13 Mar, 2012
I love your garden Annella, it always looks amazing no matter what time of year it is. Doesent it feel great to get out there and get the awful jobs out the way, ive jetwashed the decking and paths this week, still needs treated but im really pleased gett'n so much done so early :) Happy gardening..
13 Mar, 2012
It does feel early this year Ydd, the grass got it's first cut in February and I can't remember doing that before.
13 Mar, 2012
Ps Karen can you see your Buddleias under the conservatory window? x
13 Mar, 2012
Well kept and beautiful garden Annella
13 Mar, 2012
Thank you Paul, I notice your forecast for the weekend is not very good :o(
I have just been out in the garage potting up some plants and noticed that I have given you all duff info on the lawn food, it is called Westland 'After cut'.
13 Mar, 2012
Looking wetter for weekend Annella and colder - Heavy rain too - windy next week - but milder again :)))))) Bear with it for 22nd March it may get rather nice and officially summer starts on 25th says on calendar :))
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks Paul......another weekend of cleaning the house then Lol!
13 Mar, 2012
lol ;)) Sunday afternoon sunny though - well looking good :))))
13 Mar, 2012
Any little bit helps at the weekend Paul, I was out there after work tonight till it got dark x
13 Mar, 2012
Same here Annella - all I live for to be honest - winter is 5 months of hell as I count Oct to Feb as no no months !!! :)))))))))))))))
13 Mar, 2012
Lol yes but last year was mild here in October, the -18 weekend in February took it's toll on my garden x
13 Mar, 2012
I lost my poor dear bottlebrush - :( - but replaced it with wallflower today :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
13 Mar, 2012
All looking great Annella...hasn't it been lovely. I did my front garden on Sunday and lots of the back Monday as the brown bin men come Tuesday. So pleased I have no lawns, they never looked like yours:-)
13 Mar, 2012
My lovely Bottlebrush went last year and it was in a good sheltered spot in the front garden, it puts you off buying them again :0((
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks Ba, my brown bin is stuffed full now so I hope they are collecting again next week x
13 Mar, 2012
looks great hun ............. bin doing a bit my self ........... wethers lovely at the mo .....
13 Mar, 2012
Oh yes, I see the babies! I am going to follow your regime this year then Annie. Scarifier stays in the shed, rake out, mosskiller...nope..just feed. We shall see if that does the trick. :)) Annie, which buddleias did I send you because I have some more. They aren't ready yet though. Did I send you a 'Royal Red' at all? I have cuttings of that, and of 'Weyeriana Sun Gold' as well. Don't forget to get me a cutting of your pale blue one before you move! :))
13 Mar, 2012
You sent me 'African Queen' Karen and the new one last week. Last years are all doing really well but will have to stay in pots till after the move. Your blue one from my mum's original is in the pic too, will be posting off to you shortly hun xxx
13 Mar, 2012
whoopee!! off to get my glass of vino now..:))
13 Mar, 2012
I'm having a very civilised Martini as we speak x
13 Mar, 2012
right, that's it, I'm off downstairs to my netbook and my wine glasses.....
13 Mar, 2012
Lol xx
13 Mar, 2012
I'm back. Got a nice big glass of 2009 Bordeaux to my right and footie on the telly. The camera had to be re-charged, so I can't load up my photos of my new plants. Will do it tomorrow. I know exactly where I am going to plant my new buddleia when it arrives. I have a perfect spot for it, on the fence beside the Cercis Canadensis with the big purple leaves.
13 Mar, 2012
It's about 8'' tall at the moment but will soon cover that batch of neighbours! Lol x
13 Mar, 2012
Well that's the beauty of the grows like the clappers...that and the butterflies of course! :)
13 Mar, 2012've really trimmed up your lawn and it does look so well cared for. Lots of good tips on this blog alongside everyone's comments.
Happy to see sunnier days and read about everyone's garden chores...sure beats winter!
13 Mar, 2012
Hello Whiston, how are you? Glad you liked the blog :o)))
13 Mar, 2012
Window cleaner/tree surgeon that must be a first lol all looking as pristine as ever and yes your grass shows everything off nicely, lovely to spend a day enjoying the garden.
13 Mar, 2012
I am well Annella....getting out in the fresh air and pottering is a treat. If it's sunny again tomorrow I'm going to drag out the lawn furniture :) Then I can do a bit more in the garden....when I'm tired I can sit down for a bit of a rest...hehe
Saw my first ladybug in the garden today...tucked away on the side of a bush. Good sign.
13 Mar, 2012
Hello Whistonlass\0/ nice to see you again:-)
14 Mar, 2012
Ta, Ba....nice to be back too :) It will be impossible to get caught up on everyone's blogs/photos but it's great to read about what is happening in our gardens now that spring is here.
14 Mar, 2012
J...don't even try to catch'll just get stressed with the effort! Nobody will mind...just pleased you are back. :)
14 Mar, 2012
Hi Annella, your garden is looking beautiful ! I'm going to copy our grass regime too as mine s looking a bit sorry now. Have you found a house you want yet ? Jane
15 Mar, 2012
Yeah...have you found a house yet? ;)
15 Mar, 2012
Good advice, Karen.... :)
15 Mar, 2012
:) x
15 Mar, 2012
Hi Jane are you ok? Marie and I are planning to go to the plant fair again this year if you want to meet up. Karen I have got two to view with reasonable sized gardens, one is actually quite big. Will email you the details later so you can take a peek.
16 Mar, 2012
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how do you get your lawn looking so beautifully green?
13 Mar, 2012