After Choisya pruning comes a mini makeover
By annella
Back in July this year I added a blog called ‘’Choisya pruning as inspired by Bloomer and now updated for her’’ but since then I decided to remove the stump completely and replant the border. Last Saturday was bright and dry so it was time to make a start on it. This area is in shade from midday come September which is one of the reasons it has taken so long, I will always pick a sunny spot to work when it’s out.
The next photo was taken back in July after stripping away the Ivy from the fence
The Choisya stump was removed a few weeks later and on Saturday morning the border looked like this
Both Rosa ‘New Dawn’ and Lonicera ‘Halliana’ have made a good come back after being heavily pruned and a potted Fatsia is now placed on the concrete manhole cover at the really shady end near the back door.
Most of the new planting has been propagated from around the garden with the exception of a Heuchera that I couldn’t resist. At the back I planted Clematis ‘Pilau’ that had outgrown a large pot and a very small ‘Dark eyes’ to scramble over the remaining ivy.
The Sedum in the next photo is the stems from one in the bottom garden that had been flattened by all the rain early summer. I simply cut all the broken stems off and put them in a pot of compost in June and look how they have grown.
Next to go in are two Heucheras, the new ‘Georgia Peach’ and a division from one my mum gave me which is unnamed but has tall coral flowers in summer.
Campanula ‘Dickersons Gold’ retrieved from the slope where it was becoming overcrowded will add a bright splash of colour to the patio edge with pale blue flowers in summer.
Back at the shady end goes a division of Geranium Machorrizum. It will ground cover the manhole edges and has deep pink flowers in early summer.
Behind some large pots and under the tap an Ajuca has self seeded in the gravel, this has now been planted at the front of the patio in the shade.
Time for a tea break now and a quick look at some of the pots around the patio. The sun was still shining on the side garden.
Karensusans lovely Heucherella ‘Sweet Tea’
One last job was to tie back some of the tall Laurel branches in the shady corner. Easily done using a staple gun and some twisty tie (another Annie tip)
Cut a length of tie and staple securely to the fence
Tie branches in place
The finished planting
As I finished it was getting dark and the moon was up, time flies when you are having fun :o)))))
5 Oct, 2012
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Beautiful, beautiful planting Annella.....Thank you very much for the staple idea...just what i need to do....:>)
5 Oct, 2012
Me too! I think that you should have a special section, hun...Annies tip of the month!
Agree with Terra and Motinot, it looks fabulous :) x
5 Oct, 2012
What a great blog - your garden never fails to impress me Annella!
So much to like - I couldnt possibly have a favourite - but I think that red hydrangea is right up there!!
Isn't that Brunnera an aguja (sp)?
Thats a great tip - that powershot staple gun was/is the bestest ever chrissie pressie I got around 12 years ago - I wouldn't be without it!!
Could that Heuchera be Paris or Strawberry Candy? Both are very similar - I have both but didnt make a note of which was planted where :))
Thanks for sharing your marvelous garden!!!
5 Oct, 2012
Beautiful as always I too thought it was Agupa?
5 Oct, 2012
Wow, superb! So colourful your planting Annie! :)
5 Oct, 2012
Thanks girls I can't wait for it to fill out a bit. For once I have been reserved with my planting. Scottish and Denise you are both right I had a real brain faid going on (along with the flushes!) I will correct it now :o))))
5 Oct, 2012
Karen I have a feeling more will be in there soon, I'm really a not wait for it to grow girl I like instant!
5 Oct, 2012
Ach, we all get that..I've had brain fog all week!
5 Oct, 2012
I see more Heucheras coming here Karen, B****r the fog I'm ignoring it....but the heatings up and down, up and down Lol!
5 Oct, 2012
Looks brilliant Annella..and much better without the Choisya stump ! Lol..I think I have that green leaved heuchera..lovely red/coral flowers that last all summer..had it for years if it's the same variety..think mine is called Red Spangles..I love the Fatsia in its nice pot..good ground cover with the purple Ajuga too :o)
5 Oct, 2012
Thank you Bloomer, I was going to name it 'after the annihilation'!!!!!
5 Oct, 2012
Gorgeous as ever Annella - I love my ajugas - they really spread at the front part of garden -your heucheras are very healthy - mine apart from one didn't do too well
5 Oct, 2012
Ajuga made me smile..."you say agupa, I say say aguja, I say, (lol) "something like that"...
After the fog, it'll still look good!!!
...I was going to say, "better than me"...but I hushed my! lol!
5 Oct, 2012
Lol and so not true Karen xxxx
5 Oct, 2012
Wow! What a great makeover Annella, and what a wonderful garden..This has been a real pleasure to read. The photos are stunning!\0/x
6 Oct, 2012
A lovely makeover! Love the new planting. Also love your many-headed Hydrangea - a lovely plant! :o)
6 Oct, 2012
I do love a good makeover, and this is one.......amazing what can be achieved by removing a large shrub.....much more attractive planting, we grow loads of Ajugas they are so useful, but a lot of mine did not survive the winter, I thought they were very hardy plants?
The pots on your patio are a picture as usual, great blog A.
6 Oct, 2012
Well done on your fantastic makeover Annella! Love the heucheras, have seen so many beautiful ones looking thru garden pics, think i might have to get some!:)
6 Oct, 2012
well done anne and thanx for the staple and tie tip, just what i need to do, where do you get the ties anne, i have the staple gun :o))
6 Oct, 2012
I'm so jealous, I've got lots to do and my back won't let me:-( I love your blog, your garden looks wonderful as always and your tips come in very handy. Especially you staple gun tip, now why didn't I think of that? I'll definitely be using it thanks:-)
7 Oct, 2012
Love your planting and propagated plants too Annella, your garden border and pots looks really lovely...You have embarrassed me now to go out in the garden and do some tidying up. Great tip too with the staplegun and ties, I will definitely do that :-)
12 Oct, 2012
Thanks Richard, glad you liked the tip :O))
12 Oct, 2012
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Great work, Annie...
.. and fab photos to illustrate :o)
5 Oct, 2012