BEWARE Vine Weevils are fussy eaters!
By annella
I cleared out some of my summer pots last Saturday ready to re-plant with winter interest and was surprised to find that Vine Weevils can be fussy diners!
I had planted a Sedum ‘Carl’, Silver Thyme and a Phlox Subulata in a large pot earlier this year. They had all flowered well but needed more space so now could be planted out in the garden. The Thyme and Phlox came out after a struggle and were well rooted.
But the Sedum which had been lovely in flower just came away in my hand. It was full of Vine Weevil grubs, I picked out several and put the plant in a jug of water.
Here you can see more grubs floating to the surface
On closer inspection the Thyme and Phlox were completely clear. All three plants have been potted up, treated with Provado and are in Solitary confinement for now. I wonder if the Sedum was their starter or did they just not fancy the Thyme?
The big pot was scrubbed up and planted with a Chrysanthemum that cost £5.00 from Morrisons, a nice splash of colour for outside the front door.
26 Oct, 2012
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I understand that one of their very favorites like me is Heucheras.....
I weonder if the strong smell deters them?
26 Oct, 2012
These little blighters are one of my pet hates! They do untold damage and half the time you can't/don't see them. If I spot one, I take great delight in crushing it.
I do hope your Sedum for the new plantings, they look gorgeous :)
26 Oct, 2012
Annella - they like the sedums in my garden too!! Although this year - the wet got to the sedums first :))
You sedum will root again - I find these plants the easiest to get rooted.
Your new plant looks lovely in that pot - my mum brought me a lovely Chrysanthemum from Morrison's the other day - huge maroon flowers - I suspect it isn't hardy.
Good luck with the recovery :)
26 Oct, 2012
That is really interesting Annie, as my Carl has not done well at all this year. I bet they were in there when I sent it to you, and I bet they are munching away at mine right now. Provado on Sunday....without fail! Sorry for the export of the scottish weevils! :S x
26 Oct, 2012
I've had a history of these blighters but have stopped using any peat based el cheapo compost in my pots and just use my own and put a layer of plain soil on the top, and treat the pots a couple of times a year. Have had alot of success with only sightings of a couple of adults. I guess the sedum roots were more tasty yes
26 Oct, 2012
Firstly, Karen I potted 'Carl' up after you sent the parcel earlier this year and I know there were no problems, these little blighter's (being polite!) have come in later I'm sure. Stevie this was good non peat compost although I am loosing faith in all of them now. Somebody tell me Vine Weevils die off in winter cold?
Ps. Scottish all the cheap Chrysanths I have bought from Morrisons come back bigger and better each year, I will plant this one out next spring :o))
26 Oct, 2012
Ugh, I hate them too!
I hope your sedums recover, apparently along with heucheras they are amongst the weevils favourite snacks :(
I've just bought some nematodes to apply this weekend (hopefully it's not too cold) and was told that this was a good time to treat as the larvae are getting bigger now and can do most damage over winter ...
26 Oct, 2012
Aren't they just horrible? to be honest,it's the first time I've ever seen them,Annella..maybe I'm not looking properly..I had no idea they liked that all Sedums,or just that variety you have?
Love that Chrysanthemum..great colour :o)
26 Oct, 2012
Bloomer this is my second experience of them so I haven't been plagued with them considering the number of pots I have. Pravoda isn't cheap but it seems to be the only answer.
26 Oct, 2012
This year,someone on Goy,said to line the bottom of pots with a cheapo J cloth,before you add drainage crocks and compost..It's said to stop them getting inside through the I did..Maybe it worked..:o).and how weird is this? I'm just watching tonights recorded Gardeners World,and Monty is talking about Vine weevils..!..He is watering Nematodes into the pots..
26 Oct, 2012
I wonder if they get in via the holes? I mean the weevils crawl over the leaves so you'd think they'd go in to the top of the pot to lay... but it's worth a try bloomer....Provado does the job though as Annie said. :) I would think Slugs would be the most likely to go in via the drainage holes?
26 Oct, 2012
It was Bamboo that gave us the J cloth tip and it is one I will use in future , as for up north, sorry girls but that's a long drive to where I work ....unless someone could find me a good family based accounts job, the sort I have had for years xx
26 Oct, 2012
I didn't know that,Karen..I just assumed they would crawl through the bottom as well as slugs..well,it is good for something..but then again,it doesn't stop the b....s from climbing up the sides,and hiding under the rims ! that's where the Vaseline came in handy ! Lol.
27 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that,Annie,I couldn't remember who it was..Well,I will try to find you a job,with the perks you have down,sneaking on to GoY ? ha ha..
27 Oct, 2012
The young small grubs go dormant and less active in the winter and become active when it warms up in the spring. I have heard they burrow around the top edges of the pot to lay their eggs, a think layer of gravel is one tip I have heard.
27 Oct, 2012
I lost all my fuchsias one year, they looked fine when I brought them in, but in the spring they had no roots and lots of grubs:-( I think they aren't too keen on shrub roots prefering the more tender types, surprised about the phlox though:-)
27 Oct, 2012
I have notes all prevention ideas for next year. Fingers crossed GoY does it again lol.
27 Oct, 2012
A little warning about nematodes...check the date ...I sent off for some which said to keep in the fridge until ready to use and when I was, they were out of date! I also think it may be too cold to use them at the moment:-)
27 Oct, 2012
I think you can get different types, the ones I've got need the soil temp to be above 5 degrees, so I'm hoping it'll still be ok if I do it soon. I meant to do it a couple of weeks ago but have got a bit behind with everything I need to do ... as usual!! Winter wasn't supposed to arrive just yet, I'm not ready :(
27 Oct, 2012
Thanks for that warning Annella I bought a packet of Thyme seed yesterday when it's time to set it in trays in the greenhouse next year I will be keeping a special eye on it !
28 Oct, 2012
A lovely write up Annella and your plant looks colourful. Hope the little beasties will leave it alone :-)
30 Oct, 2012
Pretty pink plant you ll have to plant what they don't like around what they do like.
30 Oct, 2012
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Hi Annie .. Interesting....
Your newly planted pot looks nice...
hoping you can save the other plants.
26 Oct, 2012