Garage border makeover
By annella
This is part of my garden that you have never seen before mainly because it had become an overgrown mess. When I moved in 11 years ago the side of the garage was planted with a row of Laurels and beside the drive there were Conifers, the type that grow on to become huge all compliments of the builders. I removed the Conifers and always wished that I had taken the Laurels out at the same time. In the beginning they were easily trimmed but over the years they grew so big I ended up paying to get them done.
Earlier this year I got a reasonable quote to take them out so when the Blackbirds had finished nesting about a month ago away they went.
Making a start…..Maybe need a bigger saw?
So this is what it looks like underneath all that!
Taken the following Sunday morning on a coffee break during digging.
This part is south facing and it was a nice weekend so the digging was quickly done (and yes on my own, Oh came out to supervise occasionally) then the planting could begin. Most of the plants have been grown from cuttings, divided or moved from the back garden where it was too shady for them.
I removed as much of the builders waste as I could and improved the planting areas.
Last Sunday I added a thick layer of composted bark. The planting is mainly ground cover at the front so I’m hoping it will soon blend in with the drive end of the border.
Included in the planting are Sedum ‘Karl’ a gift from Karensusan, I have also planted one of Karen’s ‘African Queen’ Buddlejas at the far end.
Sedum ‘Karl’
Anemone ‘Seranade’
Sedum ‘Mr Goodbud’ which I will definitely be making more of
I have really enjoyed doing this little transformation and it has been nice to hear that the neighbours like the new planting too.
18 Sep, 2012
Previous post: Choisya pruning as inspired by Bloomer and now updated for her
Next post: After Choisya pruning comes a mini makeover
\o/ Hi TT.....Thank you :o)))))
18 Sep, 2012
Wow, what a great job you've done of that. Fancy them planting those huge things there...what a strange thing to do! I see your neighbour still has some of the awful conifers! Thank goodness they are all gone. Those Laurels were massive! I don't think even I could have got those out myself! It looks lovely now Annie. Well done! :D
18 Sep, 2012
Looks lovely, what a difference!
18 Sep, 2012
lovely Work Annella - really paid off:-))
18 Sep, 2012
Wow how much nicer is that. We had laurels here when we moved in and I removed them after a couple of years - glad I did now when I see how big yours got. All that work was well worth the out come as it is such a pretty area now.
18 Sep, 2012
Wow what a transformation, looks lovely Annella well done!!!!
18 Sep, 2012
Well done Annella it looks so much better roll on next spring .....
18 Sep, 2012
great improvement! those trees looked a bit close to the house, were the roots a problem? new layout looks a lot cleaner and neater, and will look even better as the plants get established.
18 Sep, 2012
It looks great,Annella..yet another annihilating job ! Lol.
What possesses some people to plant Conifers and Laurels so near to a wall? ..I love your new planting ..well done:o)
18 Sep, 2012
I bet your glad that jobs done, the border looks so much better and the bees and butterflies will appreciate it too.
18 Sep, 2012
Love the new planting Annella...:>)
18 Sep, 2012
What a difference you have made. That will fill in in no time I'm sure. That Sedum is a beauty - it's no wonder you want to 'make more'. As Stroller said plenty to attract all the insects. Well done!!
18 Sep, 2012
Oh my what a transformation, those laurels were massive!! it looks more like a garden now, love the planting, and the mulch finishes it off nicely, lucky neighbours!! a job very well done.....
18 Sep, 2012
You must be delighted with the result. It looks really colourful and welcoming for all the butterflies, bees and human visitors to your home!
18 Sep, 2012
The transformation is amazing! What a lovely sunny site for all those gorgeous plants. That's it! I'm looking for 'Mr Goodbud' on my imminent trip to Britain! :o)
19 Sep, 2012
Looks so good Annella, you must be dead chuffed. How did you get the laurel roots out?
19 Sep, 2012
great work anne and looks lovely now :o))
20 Sep, 2012
I wanted to know that Dawnsaunt. Looking great now Annella, are you going to put a climber up your wall? Karensusan would have had loads of clems there by now:-)
20 Sep, 2012
Great transformation Anne :-)
20 Sep, 2012
Big project. Well done. my garden looks awful at the moment. no time as too busy making glass things!!!! Hope you're ok. Speak soon Jxxxx
21 Sep, 2012
Hi Jane..wondered where you were..glad your ok .Thought you might still be busy..:o) x
21 Sep, 2012
Hi Bloomer. Ohhh, this is my really busy time of year. Working every Weds, Fri and all weekends till Christmas! Got to find time to make it all yet!! Hope you are well and your garden is going to plan!! Jxx
21 Sep, 2012
Fine at this end,Jane..nowhere near as busy as you..! you still go to Saltaire ?
21 Sep, 2012
Funny you should say that......... I'm there on Sunday! Jxx
21 Sep, 2012
Might pop over and say hello,one day..shame we can't make it this Sunday,as we are going will have to let me know when you are there the meantime you will just have to rub shoulders with David Hockney! Lol
does he ever visit?
22 Sep, 2012
superb makeover
22 Sep, 2012
Hi Bloomer, there again in 2 weeks. Not seen him yet!! Jx
23 Sep, 2012
Hope you had a good day, be honest,I'm not a fan of his art,but it takes all sorts..:o)
23 Sep, 2012
Same here Bloomer, same here. Jx
24 Sep, 2012
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Hi Annie .. pretty planting :o)))
18 Sep, 2012