Wind damaged Solanum
By annella
This is my first attempt at a blog so bear with me!
I am really enjoying GOY, I love looking at other peoples gardens so this site is perfect.
The first thing I do when I get in from work is look out the windows at my garden (just to make sure it’s still there!). So when I looked on Monday I was fed up to see one of my large Solanums blown down, I know it should have been trimmed back and I wish i’d done it when it was warmer.
This is how it looked in the summer.
I finished work early yesterday and cut it back hard on the ground then tied it up ( I use stockings or cut the legs off tights for this, brown ones blend in well ). The worst part was clearing up in the wind and rain )-:
At least now it looks tidy for the winter and I know it will grow quickly again next spring.
25 Nov, 2009
Next post: Before and after Part 1
Thanks Hywell, it was nice to have an afternoon off in the garden even if it was wet! I would have loved to cut the grass just to get rid of the leaves but it's far too soggy now((-:
25 Nov, 2009
Your garden always looks great Annella :) Sad about the Solanum but im sure itl be fine come summer again :)
25 Nov, 2009
I need it to grow back quick cos that's my private sunbathing corner (-:
25 Nov, 2009
You have got a lovely garden Annella. you should be proud of that.
25 Nov, 2009
Thanks Tulsalady
25 Nov, 2009
What a lovely garden you have Annella...and you made a great job of tidying up that beautiful solanum. Nature can be very cruel - but then again there are always nice surprises too....and we will look forward to seeing more of your garden in the coming months.
25 Nov, 2009
You have a lovely garden thats a good tip to use stockings or tights to tie things back, pleased you enjoy it with us all.
25 Nov, 2009
Lovely garden Annella....and a good blog....look forward to seeing more of your garden....good idea re stockings (years since I've worn those....hate 'em) or tights....:))
25 Nov, 2009
what a pretty garden. and hubby says that now most cars dont have easy to fix fan belts there's no market for stockings :o)
excuse to go back to them now !
25 Nov, 2009
Amblealice I don't wear stockings or tights just trousers in the winter!! I buy the cheapest packs of tights in sainsburys(5 for £1.50) and cut them up. They make soft but stong ties (((-:
25 Nov, 2009
Your garden looks lovely Annella, and I'm sure the solanium will be fine - in fact you've probably saved it's life. I also use tights and have done for years as they are so much kinder than string to plants.
Your lawn looks pretty perfect in summer. And that large shrub with blue flowers looks gorgeous. What is it? What a beautifully planned garden you have.
25 Nov, 2009
Thanks Mad, that bush is another Solanum,I have three spaced out in the bottom garden.
25 Nov, 2009
What a beautiful garden! Your grass looks like a proper lawn - I wish ours did! LOL. Was it S. crispum 'Glasnevin' that blew down? I'm sure your first aid will save it. :-)
25 Nov, 2009
It is Glasnevin Spritz and thanks for the comment on the lawn. My lawns are so small now there is no excuse not to look after them ((-:
25 Nov, 2009
That's our problem here. We have huge areas of grass - and we had to take the decision not to try to feed/scarify/etc, as it would be an everlasting job, and very, very expensive. So - my husband has a ride-on mower and a petrol hand one, and he cuts it for me. Apart from that, I just rake the trillions of leaves off it, and heave out as many large weeds as I can!
25 Nov, 2009
I can hand weed both of mine and use a small hover mower ( light enough for me to carry down the steps). I'd still swap with you though ((-:
25 Nov, 2009 deal! ;-)
25 Nov, 2009
Didn't think so but was worth a try ((((-:
25 Nov, 2009
25 Nov, 2009
Your garden looks great
25 Nov, 2009
Garden is lovely even with the mishap! =^..^=
26 Nov, 2009
Very much so... very nice indeed :-)
26 Nov, 2009
Lovely garden, Annella! Hope you get your privacy back in time for summer! Lol!
28 Nov, 2009
Thats my topless bit (((-:
28 Nov, 2009
At least you can do that! My fence is only 3 feet high & I'd kill off George next door if I went out topless! Lol! He's 85!!
28 Nov, 2009
Annella has your solanum survived this bad winter I dont think ours has.......;+((
3 Mar, 2010
Oh dear, Dd. I am sorry to hear that! Mine's OK - I've cut it back hard now. Andrew lost his last winter - I wonder how the replacement got on?
3 Mar, 2010
Had a look at mine on Monday and I think they are all ok. They lost most of their leaf this winter but have plenty of buds showing.
4 Mar, 2010
Barbara, Andrew is not too far away as the crow flies and we have similar weather, normally Solanum is what I would call a hardy thug?
4 Mar, 2010
No - they need a west facing sheltered position!
4 Mar, 2010
Really, no wonder mine looks sick, it is the variegated one too, the other one was too rampant so got rid of it, thats why I called it a thug......
5 Mar, 2010
You and I feel the same way about tights. Like you, I buy them cheap to use in the garden!
29 Jan, 2011
A pack of 5 american tan for £1.50 ....Bargain. I decided that I would never wear tights or pants ever again about 20 years ago and I have stuck to is free and easy.....even at work! I just make sure I never fall over x
29 Jan, 2011
What? No knickers? lol!! not even a thong?
30 Jan, 2011
They have got to be the most uncomfortable thing ever invented!!
31 Jan, 2011
Agreed!! Erm....perhaps we should leave it there? Might be a problematic 'thread' ;) for some of the gents on here!!
31 Jan, 2011
Never mind the gents...I am laughing my sox off at the pair of you!!
NB...JUST my sox!
31 Jan, 2011
So glad you had a giggle Alzheimer!
31 Jan, 2011
So I am I Alzh....Free and easy bright and breezy....Lol!
31 Jan, 2011
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If all your blogs are as good as this I look forward to reading them :o)
I'm sorry to hear your Solanum got blown over but it will be ok now you've cut it back. Your garden looks wonderful.
25 Nov, 2009