Amaryllis-once again on the move!
By balcony
Amaryllis-once again on the move!
My Amaryllis spent the summer on the allotment I share with Gerry. Now we are once again in the middle of October so my bulbs are on the move – once again! Now after going down to the allotment I return home with two bags full of 6" pots of Amaryllis!
What a surprise I got my first day back at the allotment, after my wife & I had been to Spain to visit her mother & family, as well as our two boys. I noticed a splash of red from another part of the plot & when I investigated I saw this:
As I hadn’t noticed any buds before leaving them, a fortnight earlier, (I’d watered them with tomato fertilizer the day before we left), it was a wonderful surprise!
Another view of same flowers.
Last year I planted the bulbs directly into the soil only to discover that when I dug them up, (about the middle of October), that some grub had bored into the bulbs that had looked unhealthy for some months & had eaten out the hearts of the bulbs! When I examined the bulbs I found a tiny hole just above the basal plate where the grub had obviously bored in. It never occurred to me at the time to cut open a bulb or two in search of the culprit! I just separated the affected bulbs & threw them away.
This year I’ve kept them all off the ground & those that weren’t already in 6" pots were transferred to new 6" pots I bought for them.
I have hardly been without a bulb or two in flower all summer. As soon as I noticed that a bulb was producing a bud I took it into the GH so it would be protected from the elements!
I put them on the windowsills of the 2 bedrooms & the kitchen, they have to be put in tiers two high! I’ve almost filled the available space & I still haven’t brought back all the pots from the allotment! What am I going to do???
Don’t ask me how but I’ve been able to fit all the pots on the 3 windowsills!
23 Oct, 2011
Previous post: It’s all change on the balcony!
Next post: The October Plot
How have you managed to get so many Balcony? Have you propogated them yourself? I think you may need to get a greenhouse on your new allotment!!! lol I do like amaryllis especially the red ones.
23 Oct, 2011
They are beautiful Balcony, I`m green here with envy, mine has babies but no flowers, what am I doing wrong, I follow the instructions from the web very carefully every year but haven`t had a single flower for over three years...
23 Oct, 2011
You've got some stunners there Balcony. As to where you're to put them all, I think another greenhouse is called for, just for your amaryllis!!!
23 Oct, 2011
Great to see them flowering again.
23 Oct, 2011
Thank you all for your comments. :-)) I enjoy growing these bulbs & seeing what colour will open next!
TT: Why ... to Storage Ideas? Is it because of the tiers on the windowsills?
Poppy: Yes, I propagated them myself. I've written several blogs on these plants before this one, if you are interested. One of my very first blogs referred to growing these bulbs from seed.
Unfortunately another GH would do me no good if I can't keep it frost free! I'm using Gerry's on his allotment but I've had to bring them home as it isn't frost free during the winter.
Thanks Bilbo, glad you like them. :-))
Lincslass, Sorry to hear you've had no flowers for 3 years on your bulbs. :-(( They can sometimes be capricious, I had a white that only flowered 3 times, at most, in 10 years in spite of having the same treatment as the Red & the Red with White stripe, they were all three in the same pot for 4 years!
Is your bulb getting sun during the summer? Are you feeding it with a high potash fertilizer (Rose or tomato) ? Is it getting a few months of cold - not below freezing (that would kill it!) during our winter months? Mine spend ALL winter on the windowsills. We have double glazed windows so the inside of the windows doesn't freeze up. Doing these 3 things should guarantee you some flowers in the spring.
Glad you think they are "stunners", Sheilar! :-)) I'm afraid there is nowhere I could put a GH on my balcony! I've put them all in two tiers in the windows of our 2 bedrooms & in the kitchen window, as you should be able to make out from the last photos above taken from the outside. Today I took one of each window from the inside. Perhaps I should add them to my blog above!
24 Oct, 2011
Thanks Balcony...
24 Oct, 2011
I meant another greenhouse on your allotment not on your balcony!!
24 Oct, 2011
Sheilar, as the GH can't be kept frost free during the winter there is no point in having another one! Sorry for the misunderstanding!
25 Oct, 2011
25 Oct, 2011
How lovely for it to flower on your allotment..... your Amaryliss are always superb Balcony... :)
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks, Holly. :-)) It was a lovely surprise alright!
27 Oct, 2011
Super pictures of Amaryllis!
31 Oct, 2011
Glad you like them, Gurthbruins! :-))
For anybody who is having trouble getting them to flower a 2nd time, here is a a link to a page of an American company that specializes in growing them.
1 Nov, 2011
lovely to see the amarylis again Balcony :o))
30 Nov, 2011
Thanks, Sandra! :-)) A few of the bulbs I brought back home from the allotment are refusing to go dormant & have produced buds or flowers! I have one open now on our living room table - totally unexpected for this time of the year! Nevertheless, a delightful surprise! :-))
I uploaded a few photos a few days ago to my pictures if you are interested in seeing them.
Next week another bud will open on the kitchen windowsill as it is already showing colour! I believe there is still another bud - somewhere!
1 Dec, 2011
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Amazing blog... added to Balconies...
... and ... to Storage Ideas !!!
23 Oct, 2011