Amaryllis 'Anglo-American hybrids' seedling being repotted.
By balcony
Amaryllis ‘Anglo-American hybrids’ seedling being repotted.
I’ve just realized while browsing through my plants that I’d forgotten to write about my Amaryllis ‘Anglo-American hybrids’ seedling!
On March 19th 2014 I finally got around to potting them on:
While searching for a photo from 2013, so as to find out when I last transplanted them (or better said, when I transplanted them for the first time!) I was astonished to see it was on the very same day last year (2013)! I had no idea!
Amaryllis Anglo-American seedlings 19th March 2013:
So on the same day but a year later they were planted up in 5" pots. They will stay in them for another year & then in 2015 (19th March???) I’ll move them on to their final pots for flowering, perhaps during April 2015.
Amaryllis Anglo-American seedlings 19th March 2013:
I ended up with 20 pots before I ran out of both pots & compost!:
There are about 6 still in their tiny pots from last year. I’m afraid they will have to stay in them for another month till I can take all my other 50+ pots of my other Amaryllis down to the allotment for the summer. These were also grown from seed but have flowered every year for the past 4 years.
A little history:
These ‘Anglo-American hybrids’ were sown almost exactly 3 years ago on May 1st 2012.
They germinated very well & remained in their seedtray for nearly a year until I transplanted them into 2 1/2" square black pots. 15 of these fit in a seed tray.
See how much they had progressed by August 2013:
By October 2013 they were becoming big plants!:
I’m going to be in real trouble come October! The ‘Anglo-American hybrids’ Amaryllis seedlings will stay at home this summer but I’ve no idea what I’m going to do when I bring the others back home from the allotment about the middle of October! Where am I going to put 80 pots???
We live in a small flat & already the three windowsills are so full of Amaryllis plants they have to be stacked in tiers three pots high! Except when the leaves begin to grow in April/May my poor wife never says anything then she gets a bit “anxious” about the windows being so covered up she can’t see out of them! I tell her that about the middle of May I’ll take them down to the allotment for the summer. She then resigns herself to not being able to look outside till then!
Amaryllis in 1st bedroom window:
Amaryllis in 2nd bedroom window:
Amaryllis in kitchen window:
The kitchen window is 3m(10ft) long so I need two photos to get them all in!:
To finish off this blog, here are a few of my Amaryllis on our living room table, in March:
A month later:
I hope you find this blog interesting but I’d love to hear what you think!
29 Apr, 2014
Previous post: Springtime means - Amaryllis time!
Next post: Amaryllis - Some things you might like to know
i admire your patience! have a preference for the softer colours.
30 Apr, 2014
Do you think there's such a thing as Amaryllis Anonymous? I was going to ask where you were going to put them all but see you don't know either...
You must have married an angel.
30 Apr, 2014
I thought that, a long time ago.
30 Apr, 2014
They are lovely Balcony, the gorgeous stripey one I treated myself to at xmas has given up the ghost, I followed all the directions carefully and was letting it die back naturally but the bulb shrivelled as well, shame as it had given me four lovely blooms, however the bowl of white ones are doing ok, I keep checking and the bulbs are firm.
I get into trouble for the amount of plants and cacti I have indoors, I swear thats part of the reason hubby bought me my second g'house for my 60th birthday, he knew that when I retired I'd have more time for growing things, lol.
I agree you are married to a special, patient lady, she must like them as well or you would never get away with blocking the windows....
30 Apr, 2014
Steragram, I don't think I married an angel as Jesus once said "they neither marry nor are given in marriage"! Luke ch. 20 verse 36. Though strictly speaking He is talking about believers in the future kingdom not angels but I believe the same goes for angels.
I do think I married a saint though!
She has to have a lot of patience with me & my hobby! Though to be fair I do try to clean up afterwards so as not to give her a reason to complain - too much!
30 Apr, 2014
Wow Balcony, I didn't mean it literally! Angels are usually masculine anyway, in spite of the modern trend to confuse them with fairies! Saint it is then.
1 May, 2014
Your Amaryllis are beautiful. I'm trying to imagine them all in flower at the same time :o)
1 May, 2014
I know what you meant, Stera! :-))
Hywel, the last two photos will give you an idea of what they look like when they are all flowering. As these Anglo-American hybrids are just that - hybrids I won't know what they'll look like till they flower! I only know what the mother was like, it was one of the white with red veining ones. I've absolutely no idea what the father was like. I'll have to wait at least another year to find out! So, as they say, "Watch this space!"
2 May, 2014
I've just remembered - it isn't the same bulb, but an offshoot I just left in position, (years ago) so its not surprising it doesn't want to flower any more.
2 May, 2014
I have a pot of Amaryllis on the living room table that I brought in from the kitchen some days ago. The pot has burst under the pressure of the bulbs to grow & expand! By strange coincidence it was the ONLY pot not to have been changed back in February when I did the rest! See the photo in my photos page.
8 May, 2014
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You are like most of us Brian, hate throwing anything
away !
30 Apr, 2014