"Bloom Day
By balcony
“Bloom day” I have so many plants in flower on the balcony that I would love it to be “Bloom day”!
I’ve got a great many different types of flowering plants on our balcony! From Begonias to Morning Glory to Carnations. I also have Zonal Geraniums (at least four different varieties), Dahlias (Dwarf), Lobelias (Self-sown or volunteers), Pelargoniums (3 varieties), Nasturtiums, Petunias, Fuchsias, Gladioli, Sunflowers (self-sown), Gazanias & Sweetpeas! Even a small, bell-flowered Clematis! A couple of Tomato plants & a Spider plant. Not forgetting the 2 species of Lilies: Asiatic & some other hybrid Lilies I grew from seed sent to me by a lady in the USA a few years ago.
I have 4 different types of Begonias alone! Two trailing varieties in hanging baskets; ‘Illumination Salmon pink’ & ‘Illumination Apricot’.
‘Illumination Salmon pink’:
‘Illumination Apricot’:
In another 2 baskets, on the walls at either end of the balcony, there are 2 plants of ‘Mocca mixed’ in each of the baskets with bronze coloured leaves which set the spectacular brilliant red & yellow flowers off wonderfully.
‘Mocca mixed’ in baskets on the ends of the balcony walls:
Then on the balcony railings there are clay pots set in aluminium rings which have Begonias ‘Double mixed’ & ‘Fimbriata mixed’ in them.
‘Double mixed’ on balcony railings:
‘Fimbriata mixed’ flowering in pots on the balcony railings:
Even though they were planted late they have given a wonderful show &, if I can conserve the tubers over the winter, I’ll plant them a lot earlier next year so they are flowering, or at least in bud, when I put them out at the end of May.
It’s curious as I thought last year, 2014, that I would look for trailing Begonias to put in my 6 baskets on the balcony. I had difficulty in finding them in the shops in the town where I live but managed to find them in a street market in a town 8km away. The others I found easily in the shops here. But when the town council started to put out the summer bedding I saw they had also had the same idea as me! They planted out 1,000s of Begonias all over town & they have given a marvellous display all summer!
Balcony (Centre) seen from the outside:
Variegated Geraniums flowering on balcony railings:
Dahlias ‘Diablo’ flowering in white trough on balcony floor:
Sweetpeas flowering on balcony railing:
Florist Carnation (Red) flowering on balcony:
Balsam flowering on table on balcony:
Gladiolus (Red) flowering outside of balcony:
Morning Glory ‘Heavenly Blue’ climbing on balcony:
Morning Glory climbing up strings on balcony:
Gazania ‘Sunrise’ flowering on balcony:
Oxalis deppei ‘Iron Cross’ flowering on the floor of the balcony:
I love these more for their leaves than their flowers!
Spider Plant, also in flower, on the table in the corner of the balcony:
I like it when these plants have flowers! I have a couple more in the kitchen & they can flower several times a year!
I could go on & on …
I think I will leave it here though or this blog will never be published! Perhaps I could do a 2nd part in a week’s time! There are still lots more photos I could put on here as I’ve only included one of each type & could add many others with different varieties & colours!
Shall we put it to the vote? LOL!
5 Oct, 2015
Previous post: Brilliant Fuchsias
Next post: Amaryllis Planting and Care
Amazing how much you have fitted in. I love the begonias best too - they give such great value & the colours are so vibrant.
5 Oct, 2015
You do very well, in such a small space,Balcony, to add so much colour.The neighbour's must love it!
6 Oct, 2015
Bloom day would be an understatement. A colorful display.
6 Oct, 2015
Nobody could say that you don't do your bit towards brightening up the neighbourhood Balcony, a lovely display as always....
8 Oct, 2015
Thank you all very much for your lovely comments! :-))
I grow them principally for my own enjoyment but if others like them as well I feel blessed that I can introduce a little more colour & happiness into their lives as well as my own!
For the same reason I like to show GoY members, who I know will appreciate them even more, my flowers! :-))
It's a shame that they will all have to come out in the next couple of week to make way for the winter flowers. :-((
The council gardeners here have already taken up the majority of the summer bedding - while it was still in full flower, something that breaks my heart! I understand that they can't wait a few more weeks before they put out the winter bedding plants but it's a shame nonetheless!
We all had the same idea for our summer bedding this year, namely Begonias! Last year I thought I would look for trailing Begonias to put in my hanging baskets. I couldn't find tubers here in town so I bought some of the normal ones but I planted them very late. If I can keep the tubers alive over the winter I would like to start them off earlier next year so they are at least in bud by the end of May when I'll put them out on the balcony.
Now I need to get some winter bedding to put in. I already have a lot of bulbs from last year but I need to get in some Pansies. I love Pansies because they flower all winter & give a great display in late spring - if they survive! The last few years they have died off due to infestations of a tiny, grey/white aphid that covers the plants so practically no green is visible. :'-((
8 Oct, 2015
Bloom Day is good for me!! How on earth does your balcony stay upright lol so many flowers and such a lovely display for you to enjoy. Amazing what you can do with a small space. :O)
9 Oct, 2015
Perhaps it stays "upright" because it's at ground level! I do what I can to make it look nice for as long as possible during the year.
11 Oct, 2015
you certainly do a very good job .:O)
12 Oct, 2015
I'll be "ringing the changes" this week. The Dahlias are looking really dreadful right now! The Begonias are starting to drop their leaves (& flowers! :-(() & everything is looking generally extremely tired.
15 Oct, 2015
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A great overview of the "magic balcony"! My favourites are the begonia Illumination Salmon Pink and the morning glory. All these and tomatoes too - just amazing.
5 Oct, 2015