Meet Christine
By bathgate
She’s a 1959 Thunderbird
My Other Passion
An American automotive icon, the Ford Thunderbird (T-bird) was available as a hardtop coupe or convertible.The Thunderbird was Ford’s most expensive model in 1959, with a base price of $3,696 for the coupe and $3,979 for the convertible.
During the early 1950’s, military men were returning from fighting in World War II. In Europe, the style of vehicle was very different from the Detroit American car. The graceful but sporty MG, Triumphs, and Jaguar’s, to name a few, had found their way into the hearts of many of these serviceman. The American automobile manufacturers noticed this trend and felt there was a strong market to support a small sportscar.
Christine can be flirty
5 Jul, 2015
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Love that but you would have a few problems parking that length in the UK.
How long and wide is it ?
Incidentally made the year I was married !!
5 Jul, 2015
She's got America written all over her. I bet she takes ages to clean and polish. Do use her, Paul or she kept for special outings?
5 Jul, 2015
Oh now that is something I'd love to take a spin in Paul, Beach Boys full blast through the speakers, what better way to while away a few hours, I'm nosey and you don't know if you don't ask, "Why is she called Christine ?"...
5 Jul, 2015
Oh loved the beach boys Lincs.......I could carry on ?
5 Jul, 2015
I was assuming she got her name from the film. No doubt Paul will confirm or deny.
Oh,'s got to be the Beach Boys...loved them too. ?
5 Jul, 2015
Most definitely, I banned my daughter from playing their music in her car, she has always been a good driver BUT was matching the speed to the music, NOT a good idea, LOL....
5 Jul, 2015
Have to confess I've found myself doing that too
5 Jul, 2015
Thanks everybody for your funny comments. I enjoyed reading all of them.
Pamg - I'm not surprised it looks familiar - this was the most popular car of it's day. It was featured in many shows & movies. The Beach Boys, Blondie and others sang about it. If you wanted to impress your girlfriend (or boyfriend) this was the way to do it. lol. Starsky & Hutch drove a 1975 Ford Gran Torino, another classic.
Bj - Congratulations! Not a practical car by today's standards but rides like a dream with top speed of characteristic dimensions: outside length of 52mm and top speed of 182 km/h (113 mph). I can comfortably seat 4 in the backseat.
Hi Julia - I use it for special occasions weather permitting but only on Long Island (will not drive into the city). Full cleaning normally takes about a day. I saw that Stephen King movie too but hadn't thought of that.
Lincslass - Christine was a girl I dated in college (I wonder what she's up to these days?) The name just seemed to fit. I'm guilty of that myself at times but make sure I have clear open road in front of me. Need to watch those speed traps.
She had fun fun fun 'til her daddy took her T-bird away. (Beach Boys)
5 Jul, 2015
Glad she's named after an old flame, the car in the film was scary!
5 Jul, 2015
Yay thats a great one for a spin and sing-a-long, its in my head now so probably be singing it for the rest of the day, lol..
Fond memories of college days coming to mind now then Paul, we have named all our cars over the years but the favourite has and always will be an old Morris Oxford Estate that we had when the children were toddlers, many moons ago now, we went all over in that car, her name was Betsy, used to lay the seats down and bed the children down when on long journeys, the kids and I sat on the stairs and cried when she had to go......
5 Jul, 2015
Stephen King has an odd brand of horror Julia - gave my car a bad name, lol.
That is a real classic too Lin, it looks very European. I bet Betsy gave a nice ride to put the kids to sleep. I would have cried too. Do you have any pics of her?
You just reminded me of my college days at Fordham U. My college professor, Dr. Lees, was straight from Oxford, England. She taught me Shakespeare and is the reason I became a journalist. Now I have to listen to the Beach Boys on YouTube, LOL. Thanks!
5 Jul, 2015
LOL, I know we have some old pics somewhere, I 'll give my Derek a project and ask him to find some for me, in those days they all went in albums so it will keep him occupied for a while, mind you he does like a challenge....
My grandaughter is starting uni in October and her dream is to become a journalist...
5 Jul, 2015
Oh I hope he can find a couple. Tell him you want to give Betsy a proper memorial. I'm sure many would love to see it.
5 Jul, 2015
What are you after Snoop?
The oldest car we've had was a Morris 8, named Henry of course. He went to new owners 2 years ago, I still miss him. :(
5 Jul, 2015
Steve you really are my friend for life, lol..
5 Jul, 2015
Push over Lincslass lol!!
5 Jul, 2015
Happy days.........ok now I remembered The Fonz ?
why are there no really good things on tv.....starks n hutch.....bodey&doyle the professionals.....even Indy Jones....mmmmm
remakes not a patch on the originals......
Whats the new top gear going to be like then?..
some of the classic cars would make a good show, like Christine or our 'B'.....very happy days
5 Jul, 2015
Those were the great days. Me and my 5 siblings & mom and dad! with room to spare. Half the fun was getting to Rockaway Beach, then the rollercoaster.
5 Jul, 2015
I so agree Pam... the number of nights we don't bother putting the TV on far outweigh the ones we do find something worth watching. Thank goodness for Classic FM and our C.D.collection...
5 Jul, 2015
Bathgate Christine is beautiful - we went to a classic car rally the other week and there were some American classics there too - it was amazing - everyone showing off their best friends and at the end roaring off with a blast of horns - I can just imagine you on your way to Rockaway beach - Jane
5 Jul, 2015
The show must have been awesome. That's another reason I love summer - Rockaway Beach, Classic Car Shows, Rollercoasters, Gardening. I'm still a kid inside :)
5 Jul, 2015
I think a lot of us here on GoY are the same Paul. :))
5 Jul, 2015
I'm glad I'm in good company :)
5 Jul, 2015
Oh yes our town has a Classic Rally Show every year on the town meadows, its brilliant, hubby was a tad perturbed because this year its on the same day as our grandaughters 18th birthday ( silly man ) I have assured him that Lizzie will not be holding her celebrations in the morning so he will be able to go, he rarely goes to anything in the town but does like that one ..
Happy Days and the Fonz was a not to be missed in our house as well, lol, as regards the telly we sky plus a lot, watch at our leisure, fast forward the ads, often find ourselves watching the old programmes and still enjoy them, cannot say I will miss Top Gear as I rarely watched it, I know I am in the minority but cannot stand Jeremy Clarkson, too bombastic for my liking and he spoilt it for me, saying that I did like all the others ..
5 Jul, 2015
Got a bit too stupid at the end didn't it......pushing the boundaries so much it was bound to end in tears........
6 Jul, 2015
Lincslass not sure you are in the minority regards Clarkson never liked him another one that should have been given the boot years ago in my opinion
6 Jul, 2015
I somehow think they got more and more outrageous to see how far they could go......
6 Jul, 2015
Exactly Brian, he was of the opinion that he could get away with anything and I was so glad his nonsense was stopped, just a shame he had to cause others so many problems at the end....
6 Jul, 2015
Love the car Paul ... :o)
As to J.C. ... I'll just say that he was one of the rudest men my daughter ever encountered when she worked in the BA First Class Domestic Lounge at Gatwick airport a few years ago. Michael Caine was her absolute favourite ... such a gentleman. :o)
Paul, apologies for my outburst! .....
6 Jul, 2015
It's OK Shirl, we have our share of 'ding-O-lings' over here too. I'm glad you enjoyed my blog! :)
6 Jul, 2015
Thanks Paul ... :o)))
6 Jul, 2015
I see a sign on the windshield ..... For Sale?
7 Jul, 2015
Are you interested?
7 Jul, 2015
Well, looking at Christine, I was thinking like a twenty year old for a moment. At my age (in my 80's) the car would have to be red with a white interior....ZZZOOOM...POW!!!:)
7 Jul, 2015
80 is the new 40. How about with white racing stripes, a spoiler and convertible top?
7 Jul, 2015
She should be a soft in movies and all that
I always envied them on the tv, too wet here!
7 Jul, 2015
Yes, Drive-Ins were a lot of fun in more ways than one :)(:
7 Jul, 2015
Christine is beautiful ! :)
7 Jul, 2015
Oooh Loosestrife...?
8 Jul, 2015
That is one beautiful car Bathgate. she looks in incredible shape. My hubby and I own a 1978 triumph spitfire Inca yellow a Rover P4 80 from 1960 in smoke grey. both cars are polished and cosseted more than me! but hubby wont give them names. the girls have though and covert them.
8 Jul, 2015
I've never been to a drive in theater but I like the idea- they were all gone before I came on the scene. They would be a lot of fun so long as the weather cooperates. Same for those waitresses on rollerskates.
8 Jul, 2015
Thanks Hywel. She's quite thirsty but gasoline was only ยข25/gallon in 1959. Now it's $3.27/gallon.
8 Jul, 2015
I remember when it was cheaper too ... MUCH cheaper !
but people didn't earn so much then, so it was just as difficult to pay for it I suppose. I remember my dad complaining when it went up to 1/- a gallon lol
10 Jul, 2015
That's true - those were the good ole days, but they weren't all good.
10 Jul, 2015
Just some. We must concentrate on those :)
10 Jul, 2015
This is from Siris OH: Hi Has she got 4 on the floor or borg warner auto?
29 Aug, 2015
Just got a flashback! Does this T Bird have a Ford-O-Matic or Cruise-O-Matic transmission? WOW! That was a long time ago, I'm surprised I remembered that.
29 Aug, 2015
The oldest, and first car we had was a Ford Anglia, dark blue. I learned to drive in it and when I had proper lessons in another car, with a driving instructor, he told me not to waggle the wheel.........the car would run straight on it's own......LOL.
Great car Paul. Yes Beach Boys were one of my favourite groups.
30 Sep, 2015
Your blog certainly brings to mind fond memories, Paul. Seeing your lovely shiny Thunderbird reminded me of my first classic car a black & chrome MGB GT, named JJ, she was a looker. Next I has an Istrian blue Scimitar SSI soft top with dark blue double duck hood - boy, that car drove like it was on rails & an if entered an SS1 would always win a fun run.
19 Oct, 2015
MGB GT! neat little cars, I'd really go for the convertible top. We called those "lady getters" and they worked! Istrian blue Scimitar SSI is another looker.
19 Oct, 2015
Christine is looking a treat. The original Christine was a red/white 1958 Plymouth Fury. Guess it had to be a 'Fury' since Christine is a psycho motor.
In my late teens many years ago (break out the violins, fuzz the edge of memories, paint them sepia and black) I nearly bought a T-bird. She was the length of a football pitch, doors as wide as a Mini, with a seven point mumble mumble . . . custom tuned engine. The owner reckoned if you put your foot flat to the floor when pulling away, she would wheelie! I didn't buy her as no one would insure her for me at the time (well I was just a kid).
Bought a GTM pre-made kit car, length of a mini, based on a mini. sold that and bought a Damlair soverign 3.2 ex-directors motor from where I worked. Now many years later I drive a Freelander.
31 Jan, 2016
LOL I was never a huge Stephen King fan but "Christine" was a gorgeous ride. I mean if you wanted to impress the girls, that's how you did it. One of my buddies has a "Grand Fury and late at night we'd do down to "Rockaway Boulevard by Kennedy Airport to spin our tires and drag race. I never did a wheelie, but we'd draw a decent crowd and had so much fun.
I bet you turned a lot of heads in your Damlair Soverign - another beauty and working there couldn't hurt either, LOL! It's great chatting with you Yan. I'm really glad you joined this website. Looking forward to chatting again and seeing your photos.
31 Jan, 2016
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We've a blue MGB....classic now , its part of the family we've had it so long!
your Christine is sooo classic American.......were they used in any tv shows it looks a familiar shape?
I loved starsky & hutch and what was that one with Boss Hogg and the patriotic air horn...the car with the confederate flag?....
5 Jul, 2015