Rufus King Manor
By bathgate
I must have driven passed this old colonial house 100 times, never giving it a second thought. Today I decided to investigate and glad I did. I was amazed by the deep rich history of this old colonial estate of Statesman – Rufus King.
Rufus King (1755-1827) was the youngest signer of the United States Constitution, a senator, an ambassador to Great Britain immediately after the American Revolution, and a candidate for president. He was also a leader in the abolition movement who employed and paid African-American workers rather than practice slavery on his farm in Jamaica. He’s a Harvard Grad of the 1777 class.
From 1805 to 1896, King and his descendants lived in what is now an 11-acre property called “Rufus King Park.” They raised livestock and sowed wheat, barley, potatoes, corn, strawberries, apples, and peaches. Their three-story, three-chimney mansion with clapboard windows is now a museum, displaying the family’s furniture, glassware, clothes, musical instruments, toys, ceramics, paintings, and prints.
Its wide center hall, sweeping stair and gracious proportions are more in keeping with a gentleman’s estate. The first floor interiors, with their Georgian and Federal details, were designated as a New York City interior landmark in 1976.
1 Jan, 2019
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Interesting, Bathgate. I Googled Rufus King and before I knew it I was reading about the Welsh in the US!
QUOTE: According to the Welsh Society of Philadelphia, 16 signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Welsh descent:UNQUOTE
Also: QUOTE: Five of the first six Presidents of the USA were of Welsh descent and the country has had no fewer than ten Welsh-connected Presidents in all - plus, briefly, the President of the Confederate States of America.
The Welshmen at the helm of the most powerful country in the world were:- John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Morrison Jnr, James Monroe, William Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Harrison, James A Garfield and Calvin Coolidge. The Confederate President was, of course, Jefferson Davis UNQUOTE
Apologies as the info is miles away from Gardening, but I found it fascinating!! Sorry, Bathgate. I blame you!
1 Jan, 2019
What an amazing place with such a fascinating history. I would love to be able to visit it.
1 Jan, 2019
an interesting read Paul. it looks a wonderful place.
1 Jan, 2019
Very interesting, we've been watching 'Roots' a TV programme on catch-up this Christmas, a bit too gruesome for me to be honest all about African slavery.
2 Jan, 2019
What a beautiful house and stunning interior, something that wouldn't get to be seen by the majority of us without a prompt, so thanks Bathgate.
They do say that anywhere there has been mining you will find a Celtic (Cornish or Welsh) miner has been there! Who knows it may be true.
I watched the Roots programme the first time round Dawnsaunt and found it compelling and appalling at the same time.
2 Jan, 2019
I love the solid look of the place, and that Dutch roof. And how about that fireplace in the kitchen with the beautiful original stove. That's a real treasure for your area Bathgate. Thanks for sharing with us!
2 Jan, 2019
Thanks Eirlys for the research. I didn't know how influential the Welsh people were/are. Even Hillary Clinton is from Welsh background. Nearly the entire Eastern Seaboard was heavily influenced by the Welsh, from Vermont to the Carolinas; and parts of Canada as well. Fascinating!
Julia, hard to believe this was a self sustaining farm, no comparison to what it is now - a noisy & chaotic, traffic jammed metropolis. So peaceful and calming when you step onto the property. You can actually hear birds! Amazing!
Dawn, Rufus seemed to be a real renegade for his time - snubbing the status quo when he employed workers and paid them. He reminds me of - - me.
My pleasure Honeysuckle. I wish I had time to do more exploring - there's a lifetime of discoveries to be seen. I loved how the caretakers preserved the real essence of this homestead in its authenticity. You can almost 'go back in time' and experience what life was like back then in it's simplicity. Everything was about the family & relationships with other people.
Karen: The Dutch Colonial is such a distinguished look. To think each brick was handmade; and the tile-work. No visiting the Home Depot either. It's all handmade. The people who lived there were just as amazing. My God! They just came through the American Revolution. I guess they had no choice but to persevere. So glad they did and they did well.
3 Jan, 2019
Fascinating read and accompanied by great photography..Thankyou for sharing, I do love a bit of history..
16 Jan, 2019
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Interesting !
1 Jan, 2019