By bjs
A few days ago I was privileged to visit Valsacres this is a little known treasure nestling on the eastern tip of South Gloucestershire and sheltered by the lower end of the Cotswold Hills.There i met the residents Alfie and Dolly and there house keeper Val, at the time of my visit early afternoon they were having siesta in there new purpose built conservatory.Val was very helpful and allowed me free access to to the estate and to take what ever photos i wished of the annuals and perennials which were a blaze of colour,the following are some of the pictures.hope you enjoy them.
I started inside the conservatory with this lovely Geranium,must be a number of years old
And then without to much disturbance a quick shot of Alfie
followed by Dolly
At this point i was joined by the house keeper keeping an eye on me to make sure I was only taking pictures and not cuttings as well !
A couple of shots of the walled garden
I was taken by this Fuchsia ‘New Millennium’ a really gorgeous colour
and in close up (i should have had a cutting of it)
another lovely Fuchsia
More bright summer bedding
Petunia ‘Black Velvet’ the riot of colour continues
Not sure if they employ a gardener! rather a lot for the house keeper given her advancing years although she does look fit
A beautiful Rose Piccolo
Lobelia Cardinal’s ‘Queen Victoria’
Mixed planting, shame about the lawn the estate Deer cause havoc
Beautiful lily
Lovely Rudbeckias aren’t they having a good season
Finally a quick look back to make sure i had not disturbed the owners.
My thanks to Val( valadel)for allowing me to show you her estate, but will leave her to tell you details of opening times.Donations would be to the house keepers Trust.
Brian x
5 Aug, 2011
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All beautiful but I like the hanging basket with the colourful petunias most.
5 Aug, 2011
wow! bjs and val ~ thank you ~ what a wonderful and brilliantly colourful as well as very healthy garden.
5 Aug, 2011
Well that's decided me, I've just got to arrange a visit to this fabulous estate asap, even if the owners are going to sleep right through my visit as well. Brilliant blog Brian, very funny and such great pics of Val's riot of colour.
That Fuschia new Millenium really is a beauty, I must lean on Val for a cutting or two. :o) Shame about the deer, I have the same problem with my 'lawn'!
5 Aug, 2011
i did love the penthouse suite ~ high rise style ~ for alfie and dolly!!
5 Aug, 2011
I do like an estate to have a walled garden ... and this one doesn't disappoint the visitor ... the mixed planting is a delight to see and it's good to know the animals aren't dangerous! This is definitely a garden to visit . . . . enough creeping for you Val? lol! ......... Lovely riot of colour going on in your garden, well done you ... :o))))
5 Aug, 2011
Thank you Brian for this lovely tongue in cheek blog.
My garden is the size of a postage stamp, which makes it all the funnier, especially the walled garden!
As for the animals ..... they are unconscious all day and chase frogs all night!
Coshad, the hanging basket was the only one I didn't put together was a present! LOL
Lily, just say when but don't forget about the housekeepers Trust ! ;0))
5 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog....Rosa 'piccolo' looks like one i have and couldnt name...Beautiful kitties....beautiful garden...:>)
5 Aug, 2011
Mmmm the Housekeepers Trust Val, does that prefer donations of tins of catfood or something a little stronger in a bottle??
5 Aug, 2011
I think the cats would prefer a bottle don't you Lily ? Lo
5 Aug, 2011
Loved it - what a great blog, and a lovely garden to enjoy. :-)))
5 Aug, 2011
What a lovely garden - so full of beautiful flowers.
5 Aug, 2011
What a lovely,colourful, garden!Thanks for sharing bjs
6 Aug, 2011
A lovely blog...and a very "des res" for those moggies!! Lovely garden Val....:-)..particularly that huge pelargonium in the old is it?
6 Aug, 2011
Lovely garden and lovely blog, plus lovely cats
6 Aug, 2011
Thank you guys.
The pelargonium is about five years, it never goes outside and loves to bake in the sun.
It will flower for about nine months of the year.
6 Aug, 2011
!!! LoL, lovely garden Val, love those double fushias, Lobelias look stunning and Velvety black petunias!!
6 Aug, 2011
Beautiful. How nice of the estate owner to let you have a free run!
6 Aug, 2011
great blog brian and so nice to see val and her two lovely cats, garden looks beautifull ;o)
6 Aug, 2011
Fabulous garden, a mass of colour! Could think of a few other stately homes not half as good.
Witty blog time Bjs I hope to visit and I can keep the housekeeper occupied whilst you pinch us some cuttings! Must make sure the owners are having their siesta tho..I would imagine those claws are pretty sharp if they catch you pinching bits of their plants!!
6 Aug, 2011
Val`s estate is a picture, full of colour and the residents are obviously very contented with their lifestyle. The huge Geranium is outstanding and I really like the walled garden.Lovely photo`s.....
7 Aug, 2011
Beautiful garden and blog lol now tell did you really leave with out a cutting or did you pinch a bit on the sly hehe ha ha.
7 Aug, 2011
No cuttings but sure i can have them if i wish,the pictures were all taken in a few minutes as I was taking Val to Tetrach garden for her to see her blaze of colour.
8 Aug, 2011
I could send yo a New Millenium cutting if you pm me, if you think it would survive posting, though its getting a bit late for rooting them.
27 Aug, 2011
I have taken some cutting of New millenium now as you say its a a bit late for them and it was hard to find a stem without buds or flowers.Val has promised not to kill it during the winter in that case there will be plenty of new growth in spring.thanks for the offer anyway.
28 Aug, 2011
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Lovely blog, nice to see Vals garden, and the owners having their siesta. Handsome. Amazing amount of colour.
5 Aug, 2011