Beauty is there for free
By bjs
As a follow on to the blog about Vals Estate I felt it appropriate to take you five minutes walk from her house and show you what she really has on her doorstep so to speak, yes there are Roe Deer although i am not fast enough to photograph them i do see them. I will take you first into the woodland then back up into meadow.all of the pictures have been taken in the last week and it is amazing what colour is still to be seen in our native flowers.
Signs of Autumn
This has always fascinated me since i first saw it
My best friend is never far away
Some Geraniums still to be seen
The paths are rough if you only have two legs
coming up into the light
Scabiosa abound
Sad end of the moon daisies for this year
As kids we used to suck this it tasted like Rhubarb its well dried so i wont try
Last of the roses
Lovely colours but dont remember the name of them
As good as the ones we grow in the garden
Him again
Beautiful grasses give whole areas a red hue
Young Oak with Acorn attacked by grub
Wild Mallow
These make enormous heads I blow them at Jamie sometimes
Still a few ragged robin
More Autumn colour
These Convolvulus grow by there thousands and are as beautiful as any we grow in pots
Lastly our Buttercup
The round walk took about an hour. I hope you enjoy it especially those not able to reach the country side that easy. for me even in the snow and rain its fun to be with my furry friend
This is the one missing under Mallow
7 Aug, 2011
More blog posts by bjs
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Next post: After the Ice age
Lucky you living in such a beautiful place.Also having a companion to take with you on walks.Cats don't travel well!
7 Aug, 2011
Very nice. I think we sometimes forget how beautiful England is!
7 Aug, 2011
Yes beauty is free just a shame our youngsters don't think the same nowadays perhaps when they get older, I enjoyed the tour its lovely and poor Jamie looked creamed crakered on that path with ball but enjoying himself you could tell, lovely wild plants there if only I had more land less house hehe. That tree looks like a bears head with arms reaching out to swing.
7 Aug, 2011
yes 6d I forgot to mention that CAN be for free! x
7 Aug, 2011
A lovely walk and Jamie is having a whale of a time, nothing nicer in my opinion...
7 Aug, 2011
Yes Lulu but this is how it is now
7 Aug, 2011
Bjs what a lovely blog, gorgeous photos - straight into my favourites. Thank you!
8 Aug, 2011
Super photo's, especially your furry friend.
I too have seen the deer but you have to be quick.
10 Aug, 2011
Have just found your page and seen this lovely blog .How lucky to be able to walk through here every day.
17 Aug, 2011
yes i am fortunate with what I have around me,Valadel is even closer ,she could fall out of bed into the woods, Nearly.
17 Aug, 2011
Beautiful photos Brian and exactly my kind of walk I could almost smell that damp musky scent that goes with it on an overcast or wet day I would love to go out walking with Jamie there's nothing nicer than walking with a furry friend ,I miss ours ....
23 Aug, 2011
Come and see us, Jamie will show you the way,He may head for the Lock & Weir by the river where he gets crisps .
23 Aug, 2011
Lol.. it sounds as though he's a regular Bjs ...
23 Aug, 2011
Sort of I only go when he takes me lol.Its very nice there you can sit outside and watch the Herons fishing in the shallows by the weir, very old and a few gruesome stories to be told will tell you them one cold winters day when we can't go outside.Promise.thats if you want to hear them.
OH and about half a mile back towards Bristol there is a long established Heronry in the trees we could see at least 20 nests last spring.
23 Aug, 2011
It sounds a perfect place to live and Jamie a perfect guide to the best watering holes ! I love old stories Brian and will look forward to some of your winter evenings telling scary chilling tales to make our hairs stand up on the backs of our necks ! :o))
24 Aug, 2011
Murder and intrigue,in the meantime we will sit Jamie in the spots they occured and see if his fur stands on end,and maybe his ears.should make good pics. lol
25 Aug, 2011
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Just lovely, looked like Vetch then fetch!
Lovely blog of Englands woodland and meadows. Thanks.
7 Aug, 2011