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Water lily project for today


By bjs


You have do doubt heard me moaning that Jamie is chomping the leave off my new dwarf water Lily I bought on EBay,
I have been looking every where for a decorative plastic container that is above Jamie’s eye line,I wanted plastic as the frost would probably crack earthenware ones,but something a bit stronger that the average terracotta ones but was having no luck finding the size i wanted.Yesterday I happened to visit my next door neighbour and spotted just the thing in wedge wood blue languishing in a corner filled with rubbish,it took only a short while to persuade her that she did not need it.Second bit of luck was that i already had an industrial storage container that fitted inside and had no hole in the this where today has gone and i have walked the dog and done the

This the damage being done by his big mouth
The two containers

one cut off to suit

One set inside the other

Space around part filled with grit then filled up with compost.Because i wanted the inner one a little higher than the outer i set stones around and held them in position with a waterproof sealant

Sealant used

Planted with reflection

Job done except for a bit more planting to cover the edge

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that is brilliant bjs ~ put it straight onto my favourites, was wondering how you were going to make that work ~ love the planting round the edge and the pond being deep enough for lilies. its great.

27 Aug, 2011


Well done Bj, that is perfect and I like the way you have planted around the edges, not sure whether Jamie will be pleased though, Brynner raided our bottom pond in the springtime when the lilies first started to show, he`s stopped now so hoping next year he will have grown out of it....

27 Aug, 2011


You ve done a grand job there and looks great, I have taken note of the water proof sealent you ve used, lovely colour that pot is, sorry but I had to have a giggle at Jamie eating the lily, he must of thought it delicous and might of thought it was his treat from you, after all you do put water in the garden for him

27 Aug, 2011


Sixpence he is not trying to eat the lily hes just plain clumsy when he drinks his mouth is so large the leaves go in as well .have left the bath tub where it was so he can drink all he wants now.He will be in trouble if he turns his attention to the new one.

27 Aug, 2011


Wonderful idea Bjs....Love the stone edging...Jamie will be totally confused now!...:>)

27 Aug, 2011


Lol Brian about his clumsiness hope he does nt get into any more trouble that would be a shame.

27 Aug, 2011


Poor Jamie ~ perhaps he would be better with a straw!!!

27 Aug, 2011


brilliant job,

28 Aug, 2011


Well done you.

28 Aug, 2011


Simple but effective ... the pots ... not Jamie! ... :o)))

28 Aug, 2011


Shirley and a bit lucky that the two fitted together so well

28 Aug, 2011


Brilliant do have an eye for these things!

28 Aug, 2011


great job brian, my lilies havent opened this year cause of lack of sun here, had the buds but just didnt open :o((, maybe next year, this looks lovely :o)

29 Aug, 2011


San. thats to bad yours not opening we have not had that much sun either but the only other one I have a lemon Pygmea has flowered the best it has ever.Another thing i don't understand.

29 Aug, 2011


Clever, aren't you. :). Looks good.
Wonder why Jamie likes to eat the lily leaves?

29 Aug, 2011


Dawn.Hes not after the leaves he just has a big mouth as i explained to sixpence

29 Aug, 2011


Awww bless him.

30 Aug, 2011


Dawn i bless him just caught him drinking out of the new one.he can't see into it must be able to smell water.Together with everything else.

30 Aug, 2011


Oh dear, he's in trouble again then, ha ha. Our cats always have fresh water in the house but they like to drink out of the watering can. Looks like your new container will have to be raised a little :-)

30 Aug, 2011


I'm going to do it also Bjs, Little aquarium that's very pretty :-))))

10 Feb, 2013


fairly easy to do hope you have success ,pleased you enjoy looking back at the blogs.

10 Feb, 2013


I will Brian :-)))

10 Feb, 2013


Wonderful :))

21 Jul, 2013

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