Near the bottom of the garden part 2
By bjs
This is just a few more that that time did not allow me to post two days ago
Viburnum Sterile
This is a young plant that replaced a large one strangled a few years back by the Blue Wisteria
Aquilegia Longisima seedling
Pretty in pink
This Rhododendron ‘Rose Bud’ now many years old but one I always look forward to ,one of the last to flower and very easy to grow and this would have been a cutting as the original plant belonged to my late Father
On Fire
This I think concludes the main rhododendron pictures for this year there are a couple of very late ones still in bud,may show them as pics later .
Next blog will move on to more delicate things in the garden
2 Jun, 2012
More blog posts by bjs
Previous post: Near the bottom of the garden
Next post: Garden from the house and my new Acquisition
the viburnam and the aquilegea are lovely, as are all your plants. that rose bud rhodedendron is really quite different isnt it ~ i love its neat little flowers.
im quite certain you must have green fingers brian
2 Jun, 2012
Sticki, more often black!
2 Jun, 2012
always busy then!!!
2 Jun, 2012
Magnificent photo's Brian especially your dads Rhodi'.
Sending you a PM.
2 Jun, 2012
Love the snowballs, and that rosebud rhodi is something else ! Wow, lovely. Can't grow rhodi's in my soil mores the pity.
2 Jun, 2012
Rosebud is just lovely
2 Jun, 2012
Great photos bjs, your Rhodendendron 'Rosebud' is lovely and unusual and the snowballs are lovely.
2 Jun, 2012
Brian, you have so beautiful garden and it really seems it was planted many years ago, without drastic changes so typical for different owners.....I love that rhododendron Rose Bud. Really great. Do you fertlize it? If yes, how often during a year, please?
2 Jun, 2012
Rarely do anything to it other than top dress occasionally.
Cinders,You dont need to put them in the garden the one my dad had was in a pot for10/15 years with no problem other than watering it.the one you see in my garden is a cutting from his,I used find cuttings from it quite easy but back then our summers were not as hot ,they have to be taken as soon as there is new growth a couple of inches long,might be tempted to give it another try.
OJ, they used to be quite plentiful not sure about now
2 Jun, 2012
What does it mean "top dress"?
2 Jun, 2012
Katarina Add to the soil level.(mulch) which in this case it is leaf mould from autumn leaves collected in the garden.
As for what you see, changing,it has changed completely none of what you see was there when I bought the house 52 years ago An example the Chestnut tree that shows in some pic was planted in 1968 and is now well over 60 ft high and every Rhododendron I have planted over the last 40 years.So for me it is a lifetimes garden.
2 Jun, 2012
Lovely plants and flowers
3 Jun, 2012
Brian, so those rhododendrons are almost as old, as me :) I thought they are growing faster.
Anyway, you have the most wonderful private garden as I ever saw. Everything is so healthy there and full of life.
3 Jun, 2012
Brian ( O Wise One ) My friend has two rhodi's in pots and this is the second year that despite watering frequently they never flower, just sit there looking sad and leaves all droopy ! ( no wise cracks please ) LOL !
4 Jun, 2012
Val (O Wise One Says)
Is this someone local to you in Bristol.A picture or seeing them may help,people do all sorts to try and kill them in pots.
4 Jun, 2012
Next door neighbour Brian !
5 Jun, 2012
Val Ok will call in when it stops raining,will phone first.
5 Jun, 2012
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Beautiful plants there, Bjs. You certainly have a lot of colour in your garden. Your dad's rhododendron is just spectacular and the flower on it is very unusual, surely?
2 Jun, 2012