Garden from the house and my new Acquisition
By bjs
It is not often I show pictures close up to the house,and in any case I wanted to show off my little boy Fishing i think someone has shown him on GOY in the past but not painted and modified (i have been busy again)
Reflection in the Mirror
When I received the boy he was mainly grey and cream in colour not at to my liking so paint job followed including the fish
I cut a piece of Bamboo to give a nice fishing rod
Looking back towards the mirror there are two Clematis new to me C.flora Bijou
and C.Flora Filigree these are two of the bush type suitable for small containers
Had a visit this morning hope he is not planing on fishing as well
Finally a few more close by Delphinium Blue Butterfly
Azalea Gibraltar
Allium Uniflorum
For meadowland the river is just out of view to the right of the pic this is as far as i can get round from the house
Beyond the hills is the city of Bath.the houses in the dip are are where Valadel lives.
7 Jun, 2012
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Brian you have such a beautiful garden, love your little fishing boy and your clamatis. Also love the colour of your bright orange azalea, really cheerful.
7 Jun, 2012
Your garden is AMAZING!
7 Jun, 2012
These don't have far to travel as the Heron's fly, not much over half a mile,there they nest in colony's alongside the river Avon high in the trees.
have added a pic taken from my bedroom window
7 Jun, 2012
Its always a treat to get a glimpse into your garden Brian, great to see the pics of the heron although I hope he hasn`t dropped in for lunch, they are magnificent birds just not near ones own pond.
I do like your little boy fishing, really smart in his new colours and he looks really comfortable.
Lovely photo`s Brian, thankyou...
7 Jun, 2012
Love your fishing boy Brian and didn't realise clems could go into such a small container, they look wonderful like that.
Isn't this weather quite something. When we get a window of sun....must come visit.
7 Jun, 2012
your garden is something to be proud of, its beautiful, I love your little boy,
7 Jun, 2012
its on 5 levels with steps between, about 50/60 all together
I dug away and back filled to create level areas in some parts many years ago.
7 Jun, 2012
Your blogs are always a treat. That was some marathon task you undertook to do all that work but it is so worth while. It all looks wonderful.
7 Jun, 2012
Thank you Brian for spiritual refreshment I always have when I see your garden. What a beautiful masterpiece of landscape art.
That fishing boy is sooooooooooooo sweet :)))
7 Jun, 2012
A beautifuly thought out garden that seems as if its nestled and blended into the landscape naturally ... thanks to all your hard work and artistry.
Love your little fisherboy he looks so comfortably perched there.
7 Jun, 2012
Brian its such a pleasure to stroll around your garden and so love your little boy fishing.
7 Jun, 2012
Stroller don't think he would stay perched there if i had not put a screw in his Bum.LOL
7 Jun, 2012
All really good , Bjs .
Love those clematis , didn't know that compact ones existed .
7 Jun, 2012
So imaginative to give your boy a fishing rod! And great pic of the heron . . . lovely blog Brian.
7 Jun, 2012
your garden look beautifull Brian and love the little fishing boy, great photos :o)) naughty heron lol
7 Jun, 2012
A wonderful blog Bjs...I loved it...splendid garden and great plants and pics....You have really brought the boy to life by painting him...:>)
7 Jun, 2012
Answer Yes
Allium is a very large family runs into hundreds of different ones and range in height3 ft+ down to real dainty ones,amongst the smallest is one called Allium Narcissiflorum this around 4in high and a real beauty,by coincidence i took a photo of it growing in a trough earlier today hence the raindrop,this is from seed although I have another one given me by PCW who also has pics of it on GOY.I have now posted the pic for you to see.
7 Jun, 2012
Definitely going to check out those clematis varieties! I think you've started something here Bjs!
7 Jun, 2012
Taylors have them larger plants than the ones I bought and more expensive
7 Jun, 2012
Magical pictures and I can vouch that going around your garden is like being on the Magical Mystery Tour, lovely surprises round every corner. Love the new addition.
Ps I know you think I am dippy but you don't have to tell everyone that I live in a dip ! Hee hee !
7 Jun, 2012
Val love it,always think you are on a high when i see you.By the way Why are the windows always misted up on your garage.!
8 Jun, 2012
This is a great blog Brian. I love the Clematis and I think your views are just fabulous.
9 Jun, 2012
Your garden looks most interesting, would love to look around it, great view of the heron, bless him!! another great blog.
9 Jun, 2012
Your welcome to look around it any time you are this way but dont expect it to look as tidy as yours,last week i thought i was keeping on top of things ,now I have broken branches and leaves from the trees everywhere.Every path needs sweeping.
9 Jun, 2012
Wonderful blog, B, your garden is looking simply splendid, and like everyone else, I'm really impressed by those clematis. Fabulous picture of the heron and all those beautiful trees - what a view!
10 Jun, 2012
Thanks if ever we are Bristol bound we will keep you up to that, our garden must be a quarter the size of yours, so easier to keep tidy!!
10 Jun, 2012
It is amazing your garden.well done you !!!!!
12 Jun, 2012
I love your little boy fishing Bjs! :D and what a wonderful place you live in....all that garden to play in! :D
12 Jun, 2012
Karen I love it but a lot of work, not sure how many more years I will be able to keep it up together.Will continue to try
12 Jun, 2012
You'll need to get an apprentice :)
12 Jun, 2012
Thought i might have found one on
12 Jun, 2012
You are so lucky to beable to view your garden from upstairs. We live in a Bungalow, and I really do miss seeing the garden from on high. I like the pictures of your 'little boy' fishing - They look so realistic especially the one with the Acers
24 Jun, 2012
Petal have lived here so long I tend to take it for granted,none of the trees in the picture with the Heron were there when I bought it all thoughs years ago,it was just open fields before I planted them.
24 Jun, 2012
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Brian you are so clever. That looks great, I love it. The other pictures are lovely too, the clematis and delphinium.
7 Jun, 2012