You have seen them before But
By bjs
The corydalis are reaching there peak and thought you may like to see what they are like when establised for a number of years ,together with a few odds and ends.
Mostly one or two flower stems = one corm
all quite deep down.
Think this one is C. Integra starting to make a small group
Close relative Dicentra Cucularia this is starting to flower inside,another clump outside is only just showing
Always a pleasure no matter what the weather throws at it
Spotted this self sown seedling love the colour
7 Apr, 2013
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I love them. I am slowly getting a collection together. They are such cheerful little blighters.
7 Apr, 2013
They are lovely Brian. I am kicking myself now as I had a chance to buy one of those pink ones today and decided not to in the end. Silly me.
7 Apr, 2013
Wow, they look very happy! I love their leaves. As well as their flowers
Mine is in flower now, despite the snow!
7 Apr, 2013
Think I must invest! Pretty, pretty!
7 Apr, 2013
Lovely all together like that Bjs. I too am starting to get a collection of them since you gave me Kingfisher which did so well in the garden. I bought solida and Craigside Blue and another dk the name, have asked a question to see if someone can id it for me. Thank you for introducing me to it.
7 Apr, 2013
i'm loving every ones pics of corydalis..i think i am going to have to invest too Lulu...
7 Apr, 2013
O they are gorgeous. I keep looking for some pink ones to go with my blue one but nobody seems stock them round here. If you find aby locally Sandra please tell me where!
7 Apr, 2013
check out moorland cottage plants on page 2...she stocks some lovely perennials.there is a plant sale in narberth soon....usualy over 30 nurseries and small local producers there...i bet i can pick up a few there..:-)
8 Apr, 2013
8 Apr, 2013
They all look wonderful!
8 Apr, 2013
8 Apr, 2013
Sooo Pretty, must look out for these especially the pink ones, youve started something now BJS!
8 Apr, 2013
very nice, lovely colours, spring is finally here!! \;o0)
8 Apr, 2013
Please be aware that there are different types,the ones i have shown here are all corms and spend nine months of the year below ground without any leaves or flowers to see.
A lot of the blue ones especially Corydalis Flexuosa grow from a fleshy growth just below the surface this can stay green all year but will go into dormancy if it becomes to hot.While the likes of Corydalis Wilsonii the one I have shown with yellow flowers has a tap root and is in growth most of the year,according to my book on them there are around 750 recorded species of Corydalis and grow in many different situations,some near impossible for us to replicate.
Now i am not sure you wanted to know that but i wrote it
8 Apr, 2013
i wanted to know Bjs....i will definitely be looking for them at the plant sales next month..
9 Apr, 2013
I have only ever seen the yellow one in my g.c. boo hoo!
9 Apr, 2013
Hi Brian.
Just catching up with blogs ..
these pics are lovely :o)
9 Apr, 2013
The yellow one springs up all over my garden! Must look for some of these pink ones :)
9 Apr, 2013
Sew That one is probably Lutea and seeds everywhere when happy
9 Apr, 2013
I'd thought lutea was the only yellow one. Thanks for the info!
11 Apr, 2013
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Thank you for the pleasure BJ
7 Apr, 2013