My little bit of Heaven
By bjs
As many of you know mine is basically a spring garden ,in common with many others everything was late now it all comes at once
He likes posing so here he is alongside an Acer that grew from a seedling in the garden
Paeonia Lutea
Paeonia Lutea
John Downie
As above with Magnolia Susan
Azalea Lutea
Dads Chestnut and Susan
Pink Rhododendron
Sugar pink Rhododendron
As above
Daphne just opening
Close up
another Rhododendron
And another
Nancy Evans
Not Polygonatum.have lost label HELP
Close up
Pink again
Aquilegia the result of having Nora Barlow move in
As above
Clematis Multi Blue
Viburnum Mariesii
as Above
Athyrium Pictum’Regal red’
Omphalodes Cappsdocia ‘Cherry Ingram’ (I think)
Enough for tonight Enjoy
22 May, 2013
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Next post: Last chance of photos
I like "And another rhododendron" very much. Amazing colour. And Viburnum Mariesii, too. How high is the yellow peony?
22 May, 2013
Thank you for the joy and pleasure Brian.
22 May, 2013
Wonderful photos Brian, very pretty garden, and love Jamie.
22 May, 2013
Lovely Rhodies Brian also the daphne great shrubs.
22 May, 2013
All gorgeous Brian. You are about three weeks. ahead of my Vir M. &. C. Multi blue
22 May, 2013
It's quite a bit taller than me about 8ft (2.5 mtrs)
Dawn this is one of a small number of Clematis that thrive here,Larger flowered ones are not that happy.
22 May, 2013
You have garden heaven, look forward to seeing your future Clem pics
22 May, 2013
Stunning pictures Brian and a lovely collection of plants, I love the Paeonia Lutea;0)
22 May, 2013
Gorgeous photos and plants! Enjoyed looking at your photos!
22 May, 2013
Heaven indeed. That aquilegia is a distinct improvement on Nora Barlow - beautiful. Nancy Evans is so unusual, isn't she gorgeous?
22 May, 2013
Wonderful !! A joy to look at
22 May, 2013
your garden looks beautiful, so much colour, would brighten up anyone's day,
22 May, 2013
Simply spectactular.
23 May, 2013
Thank you for these lovely photos. I was choked to find my camera had run out of battery power when we visited your Shangri-la last week. My plants all travelled home safely. When we got to my daughters we found she has an acacia in flower. It was great to see the garden in Spring. It was quite different from our last visit. The plant whose name you can not remember is a Smilacina racemosa I think.
23 May, 2013
Just the most heavenly show Brian!
23 May, 2013
Members with acidic soil certainly score with Ericacious
plants that have matured, and provide screening from these horrible north winds.
Very enjoyable blog, thank you Brian.
23 May, 2013
23 May, 2013
Stunning Brian !!
23 May, 2013
Thanks scotsgran and Jent will put a label on it,I can't be expected to remember that name.
23 May, 2013
so so pretty and so colourful, love them all, the peoney is amazing, lovely colour yellow, must try harder in my garden to get more colour early on, although after saying that you are a lot further on than we are here think it is the light that slows mine down so much, too many trees cutting out the light. Ah well lots to look forward to I suppose, thanks for a beautiful blog with a fantastic photograph set. :O)
23 May, 2013
An amazing garden Brian packed full of vibrant colour I could almost hear the Bees buzzing around , and of course Jamie completes the look ... :o))
23 May, 2013
So much colour Brian, it looks wonderful :o)
23 May, 2013
What a lovely blog - your garden looks so pretty, Brian. :-))
23 May, 2013
Great garden Brian.Lovely Rhodos.
23 May, 2013
Sorry, one more question - do you know the name of this peony, please?
23 May, 2013
Those rhodedendrons are truly magnificent as is everything else. Nancy Evans is a very pretty one but I love all the pink ones too.
23 May, 2013
It is P.Lutea (I did label it)if you want fresh seed I will see if I can salvage some as they ripen before the squirrel's eat them all.
Like all peony they will take about four/five years to flower.
23 May, 2013
Brian is so very beautiful. Quite amazing!
23 May, 2013
Thank you, Brian, I will wish to get some, but I have never grow peonies this way, always by splitting their root system. So I am unaware how to seed them, when to seed them and how to take care for the rest.
24 May, 2013
thoroughly enjoying your garden plants, wonderful place to be right now despite the weather.
24 May, 2013
Thank you all for your comments on my little bit of Heaven. Part 2 coming shortly
Katarina may be able to acquire a young plant for you ,as said they are very scarce coming up in my garden as squirrel devours them other wise seed with cultural instructions .lol
24 May, 2013
Thank you!
24 May, 2013
How wonderful...absolutely beautiful !
26 May, 2013
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wonderful plants as always in your garden and great photography too!
22 May, 2013