Long border.part 2
By bloomer
I thought I would show you how things have grown since the last blog.
Sunshine and now welcome rain,make all the difference
this is Miscanthus Zebrina.(i think thats the name)with Crocosmia,Lucifer.
Euonymous Emerald and gold,with small headed Alliums,which aren’t showing up too clearly
Aclose up of the Allium .they self seed everywhere,but don’t mind that,as there is plenty of room
This is clematis ‘Elsa Spath’with its second flush of smaller flowers.. at last,it looks purple.ish:o)
Salix.I love the foliage on this
The yellow Achillea is just coming into flower.I split it into three this year,so
its a lot smaller.Usually its about 4ft ,but plenty of time to grow
Echinops. (Globe thistle.).
This is one of my favourite perennials in the border.Its never been so big
Close up of Echinops
The border as a whole,from Kitchen window
15 Jul, 2010
Previous post: Harewood House,Leeds...7/7/2010
Next post: My second home
Thanks Cazzalyn....it looks better now,as spring and winter look a bit bare except for bulbs,as most of the plants are Perennials,which was the plan...easier to maintain,and not many weeds :o))
15 Jul, 2010
A beautiful border and such a lovely stone background to show off all the colours.
15 Jul, 2010
Thank you,Grannysue,everyone seems to like the wall,as I do....There is a Bowling Green behind it...
15 Jul, 2010
Your plants look lovely and healthy Sandra.....and so colourful.. Well done you.!!
15 Jul, 2010
At least there's no danger of balls coming over the wall then....is there?....lol
15 Jul, 2010
what a beautifull border sandra, i have them alliums and glad to hear they spread themselves, i also have the little salix tree and love the colour to, so pretty ;o))
15 Jul, 2010
Looking beautiful Sandra :o)
15 Jul, 2010
all looking lovely Bloomer...........
15 Jul, 2010
Yes, I agree with all above. it looks wonderful!
15 Jul, 2010
It looks lovely Bloomer, I particularly like the Salix, its the best one I`ve ever seen of that variety. :o)
15 Jul, 2010
It looks super, the plants are so healthy and colourful.
15 Jul, 2010
Louise,thank you..I havent had one come over the wall yet,but maybe one day,an absent minded bowler might think he or she is playing cricket Lol
San,its nice we like the same plants...First time the Alliums seeded themselves,I thought it was grass,and almost pulled them up,as they were in a different place from the others..
Hywel,Holly and Karen,pleased you like it. It makes a nice start to the day every morning:o))
I think its my favourite little tree..but then again its the only little tree I have Lol.
Thanks for your lovely comment,Sandra,and to you Andrea..:o)
15 Jul, 2010
very pretty and such a good selection of quality plants. :o)
15 Jul, 2010
It's so full and colourful with that lovely stone background ,the salix is wonderful
15 Jul, 2010
Cheers,Sbg,and Nannymargaret,everything seems to do well in that border,but it had lots of preparation before I planted..after all the rubble was dug out.,and not really done anything much since,only keep it tidy,and weed free
16 Jul, 2010
what a lovely view you have from your kitchen...its all looking lovely...:-)
16 Jul, 2010
Thanks,Sandra,I'm pleased we had this extra bit of garden,as the window is quite high,and can't really see the front one much.
16 Jul, 2010
well done
16 Jul, 2010
Thanks Nannymargaret,..:o)
16 Jul, 2010
How lovely to see all your lovely flowers and shrubs they make a great view from your kitchen window, looks lovely with the wall as a backdrop! I just love the Echinopsi something I have never grown, your little Salix is a picture [wouldnt be without it] and your Lucifer looks great with the Zebrina Grass, it is further on than mine too! It all looks so colourful and healthy.
16 Jul, 2010
sandra iv done things like that before , pulling things up thinking they were weeds or grass lol
16 Jul, 2010
What a beautiful garden Bloomer, so lovely and colourful.
16 Jul, 2010
Such a lovely sight to view from your window, Sandra, I think it's all looking just about perfect. : o ))))
16 Jul, 2010
What lovely comments from you all,thank you.
Carole,the Zebrina grass is a few years old now,and it has been moved about 3 times.I seem to start off planting them in the back garden,realise they look too big,and they always end up in the long border...where they all thrive...
I have done that with things that have self seeded lots of times too.San....we are far too tidy,I think.Lol
Glad you like it,Grandmage,thanks.
I don't think I will ever do perfect,Shirley,does anyone?but nice of you to say so.thanks..:o))
16 Jul, 2010
Oh how pretty it all is. What a lovely site to see when your doing the washing up. I love it.You have worked really hard on the border. i to have Zebra grass and crocosmia growing together I think they compliment each other perfectly. Well done you
17 Jul, 2010
Nice to hear from you again Great..and thank you.They do go well together,and it wasn't really planned,just happened it was the only place to plant the grass...Lol.
17 Jul, 2010
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It's so full and colourful..Love it :-)
15 Jul, 2010