Mini Masterchef Judge.!
By bloomer
Well,I don’t know what all the fuss is ,about this judging lark..I can do it just as well..what do you think?.Now whats this burning stick doing,stuck in the middle? oh,a birthday cake for mum,you say? please remove it,on ’elf ’and safety grounds..!
Now let me do a touch test..yep,it feels springy to the touch,well risen but icing looks a bit ‘iffy’. Plenty of jam filling,and the marbling effect looks evenly spread.
Right,now for the tasting…mmm,nice and moist.I think I like the brown bits best..Oh,so that is chocolate is it ?
THat was very nice,Grandma,and I know mum and dad enjoyed it too..I LIKE this new job :o))
This was a couple of weeks ago.and Thomas loved it..looks like I will be baking forever Lol.
7 Mar, 2011
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Wow,that was quick Yorkshire.Glad you liked it.He is always like that,and its a pleasure,when they are..:o)
7 Mar, 2011
I agree, a real happy chappy
7 Mar, 2011
He's absolutely adorable.
7 Mar, 2011
awww - so she passed the taste test then :D
7 Mar, 2011
Thanks Cinders,thought it would be a bit of humour..:o)
7 Mar, 2011
Looks like it was lovely to watch him trying it out..although we thought he was going to grab it all Lol.
7 Mar, 2011
As they say on Masterchef ... it doesn't get tougher than this! He's lovely, Sandra, so serious at first and then so happy! Lovely pics. : o ))
7 Mar, 2011
Ahhh Thomas enjoyed his first masterchef then... : O ))
7 Mar, 2011
Oh what a beautiful boy Thomas is Sandra, you must be so proud of him. He`s obviously got great taste in cakes too! :o)
7 Mar, 2011
Brilliant! lovely pics and a lovely cake too!
7 Mar, 2011
What a lovely happy little chappie Thomas is, great blog and delicious looking cake;0)
7 Mar, 2011
aww isnt he so cute sandra and knows a good cake when he sees one to :o)
7 Mar, 2011
He's a cutie! I wonder Baker or Gardener?
7 Mar, 2011
Lol Shirley,and thanks.He makes my day,when he comes:o)
He did Holly,but he smiles at anything to do with food ! Lol
Thank you Sandra.the cake wasn't perfect,..a bit of a rush job,but it passed the Thomas test :o)
Glad you liked it Karen..It had pink in it as well,but didn't show up much..I'm always worried if I add too much..and have done that looked horrible ! Lol
Thanks Carole,he is growing so will be nice when he learns what 'no' means..but slowly getting there..:o)
Thanks San,he is cute,but then again,I would say that,wouldn't I ?lol.
Thank you Helenium,I will encourage him to do both,and already have a bit of garden, with him in mind..:o)
7 Mar, 2011
Aren't grandchildren a joy? i love that last photo of him he looks so happy :o)
7 Mar, 2011
They certainly are,Sk,It is definitely a privelege,and we are making the most of every minute of it,tthank you..
7 Mar, 2011
Awwww thats lovely, isnt he gorgeous.
7 Mar, 2011
what a smile...;-)
7 Mar, 2011
Thank you Sticki...Nice to hear from you,are you ok ?
7 Mar, 2011
it is Sandra,and very infectious ,when he laughs,we all do..Lol.
7 Mar, 2011
:o) ok, thanks.
7 Mar, 2011
What a delight Thomas is :) Kids, grandmas (well nana's in my and baking cakes seem to go together so well.
And I agree grandchildren are a joy (mine are getting older now and a bit noisy...can't wait til the garden is done so they can have some area to run around!). Gotta be best when they are Thomas' age...just into everything and discovering/investigating all the time. Good idea to give him some garden space when he is a bit older too :)
7 Mar, 2011
Thank you,Whistonlass,I am looking forward to all those things..just hope I can keep up with him..Lol.
7 Mar, 2011
He s so cut Bloomer at least you got a honest tester, children alway s tells the truth even in actions.
8 Mar, 2011
Wonderful to see Thomas enjoying his cake :) It looks like he's going to be a chocaholic lol.
8 Mar, 2011
Thank you 6d,I agree..they are so open aren't they? At the moment,I can usually tell by his eyes,what he is planning to go for next, a dead giveaway.Lol.
Thanks Hywel,he probably is..and who can blame him ? :o)
8 Mar, 2011
Lol Bloomer
8 Mar, 2011
How delightful Bloomer, bless him, think you might have the job now as chief cake maker!
8 Mar, 2011
Thanks Grandmage..probably,but he might want to take over,one day..I hope. Lol.
8 Mar, 2011
Could be the new Master chef!!!!
8 Mar, 2011
That would be good :o)
8 Mar, 2011
He is gorgeous by the way!!
8 Mar, 2011
Thanks,we met him and his mum at lunchtime,first time he has dined at a supermarket cafe..ate his food,but waved at everyone around ! Bless him :o)
8 Mar, 2011
Oh, they are such sweeties at that age aren't they, then they become teenagers!!!!!! Lol.
9 Mar, 2011
An outing for lunch :) Lots of fun for you all. Our grandkids visited on the weekend (actually the roast chicken dinner was the real
Our 6 yr. old grandaughter and our 9 yr. old son played in the kitchen and had so many utensils and bits and pieces out (including the weighing scale and about 3 mixing bowls!!). Lacking "real" ingredients, they were "making" goodies with all of the equipment...stirring, weighing, imagining what they conconcted....they had a lot of fun :)
You've got that all to come, Bloomer.
I had a smile when you say he's been waving at everyone. They are quite chuffed with themselves when they get the hang of the wave...such a cheery sight :)
9 Mar, 2011
Just wonderful Bloomer, and that huge smile says it all.
9 Mar, 2011
Yes they are,Grandmage,and can't imagine the teenager stage yet,but all part of growing up Lol.
I can just see your grandchildren with all the cooking stuff W,lass.Isn't imagination wonderful? We have had a Roast chicken dinner tonight too,as they usually come over on Wednesdays.I had defrosted a little portion of stew for Thomas,as he usually loves it..but no,he wanted his own bits on his tray,as he wants to feed himself...ate it all,even Spring cabbage,
and turned away,when we tried to sneak some of the other,in between..! Let the fun commence..Lol
Thank you Stroller,I glad he is a very happy makes all the difference..:o)
9 Mar, 2011
Woops...just realized I wrote "our 9 yr. old son"....I do think miracles can happen but I'm a bit long in the tooth to have a 9 yr. old son! lol I should have written "our 9 yr. old GRANDSON."
I probably will find nobody even picked up on my mistake but just thought I'd set the record straight in case! :)
10 Mar, 2011
Lol,W.lass..I did notice,but thought that you meant realised it was your speedy typing :o)...but,with modern technology these days,anything is possible !..You could have made history,and a fortune :o)
10 Mar, 2011
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just look at that beautiful face in the last picture, what a happy little boy, won't be long before he is helping you to bake Bloomer, wonderful blog and brilliant photos,
7 Mar, 2011