My Art Gallery.
By bloomer
These were some of last years pictures,but I have decided to frame them..hope my garden will look like this again ,this year..
2 Mar, 2011
Previous post: Thank you Shirley tulip.*
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Very pretty, Bloomer....such a lot of admirers :)
3 Mar, 2011
There's so much to look forward to in the coming spring and summer. Isn't it exciting ?? Your garden looks nice framed Sandra :o))
3 Mar, 2011
It will pick up again - What is the red plants ?? - All pictures are great - love the red ones a lot
3 Mar, 2011
love this ,must copy idea lol !!
3 Mar, 2011
Thank you everyone,Its nice to be able to dabble with something different..good fun..:o)
Paul,the last pic was an autumn one,and that is a Pyracantha growing up the wall.I also have some Crocosmia 'Lucifer' growing in front of it,but can't really tell if the flowers are still there,as it all seems to have blended in together.I will go to my pictures and look more closely....just checked,and its the pyracantha..the crocosmia's had finished...
3 Mar, 2011
Yes thought it looked like Lucifer - we have some of that - love it :):):)
3 Mar, 2011
What lovely pictures, I especially like the second one - you are so very clever.
3 Mar, 2011
I love them too,Paul,but don't they spread? I usually split them most years,but have plenty of takers waiting for some :o)
Thank you,Mariek, I am not clever by any means,just lucky I think.It took me ages for it to sink in ,how to do them,and still amazed that it worked ..Lol.
3 Mar, 2011
Not sure - mine has at the moment stayed in one place - would be nice if it did for me :):)
3 Mar, 2011
Very nice! I'm going to plant a lavender next to my Penstemon Garnet after seeing pic it
3 Mar, 2011
very clever how do you frame the pictures?
3 Mar, 2011
someone else been playing on Dumpr by any chance,
3 Mar, 2011
Sorry Paul,I will rephrase that..Mine stay in one place too,but the clumps of them spread out a I have to keep splitting them..which is what I should have said in the first place..duh .Lol.
Thanks Annella..I like them together too.just been checking my Penstemon,as it didn't look good,but I noticed new growth,lower down,so may be ok.
3 Mar, 2011
Teds, when you google,the first item on their site,shows a list of different things to try.Click on museum,at the bottom of the list,and it takes you straight to the gallery,and shows a selection of different sized frames.Just choose which one you prefer.You can also have frameless,which I tried for one of mine..good luck,and hope to see yours soon.:o)
Yes,Yorkshire..Its nice to just mess around on there...and sometimes I actually manage to do it right!..Lol.Thanks for your PM,will be in touch soon. :o)
3 Mar, 2011
3 Mar, 2011
great gallery.... : O ))
3 Mar, 2011
very clever Bloomer, the flowers look lovely.... will it be summer sooon pleees.......
3 Mar, 2011
very nice sandra, looks great and the people think so to :o)))
3 Mar, 2011
Thanks Holly and Pamg,...Can't wait for a warm spring,never mind summer..freezing here today.
Thanks San,I'm sure I have seen some of them before!.Lol.
3 Mar, 2011
Thanks Bloomer! I will give it a go when I have somthing good to frame.
3 Mar, 2011
Great selection, and so well framed.!
3 Mar, 2011
Wow great exhibition Sandra, tell me the name of the Gallery and I'll be on my way;0)
4 Mar, 2011
OK Teds,will look forward to that. :o)
Thanks Dd,..all my own work too!...Lol.
Think its called The Tate ..(and Lyle) Carole .:o))
4 Mar, 2011
love the pics Bloomer, especially the second one, The colours are very striking. Will be happy if the colour in my garden this summer is half as spectacular as yours.
6 Mar, 2011
thank you,Tilly.I'm sure yours will be,you have made a good start.:o)
6 Mar, 2011
What an eye catching presentation, I've been to a few lectures that would benefit from this kind of imaginative approach!
6 Mar, 2011
Thank you,that is a nice comment.A lot of us have found a site,called which enables us to do all sorts of artistic things.If you google it,you can go on it free,you don't have to subscribe..and its good fun.!Let us know,if you decide to have a go.One of the favourite things to do,is a picture of a flower,and it looks like a glass paper weight,when finished.If you look through some members photo's,you will see what I mean..or look at my blog 'Pretty in Pink' .
6 Mar, 2011
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Lovely Bloomer, very posh!!
2 Mar, 2011