A new Student for Pixi..:o)
By bloomer
Now that the "Apprentice " has mastered the art of how to water the garden….
He has decided he would also like to be an artist..a bit of a dilemma here..I think a painter in watercolours might be a suitable option..as he has his own 2" brush as well as an unlimited supply of water..
This is on his CV, Pixi,..but not a recent one .I am sure he is more adept now..oh,and apologies for the * C* word on the picture..:o)
Do you think he is in with a chance of getting a place in your class? I think so,not that I am biased or anything….but they do say,it’s not what you know,it’s who you know!!
14 Sep, 2011
Previous post: Melting Moments..for Nariz....
Next post: In the spotlight..:o))
Glad it made you smile,Pixi..just a daft thought I had this morning,or should I say,one of many ! Lol.
14 Sep, 2011
Nice to see the next generation landscape gardener starting early..definitely has a way with colour..that Gavin bloke will be as a nonentity to this one!
14 Sep, 2011
We all have them Bloomer! :)
14 Sep, 2011
He is such a cutie x
14 Sep, 2011
I do like the concentration, think maybe he is usurping the bees in your garden Bloomer, pollination by new gardener,lol....
Lovely photo`s, growing up very fast....
14 Sep, 2011
The card looks great! I wouldn't worry about it being a Christmas card: Look North did a feature a couple of days ago about some garden centres getting ready for Christmas now and a local hotel is taking bookings for Christmas parties with the first one being later this month!! All a bit early......
14 Sep, 2011
I agree Tet..and lovely they can dabble with different things..glad the 'seen and not heard' comment is a thing of the past..:o)
Thanks Annella..he loves it out there. :o)
He did look very intent,didn't he ?Funny you should mention bees,Linclass,he is fascinated by them..we have to really keep an eye on him,when one is about..he tried to pick one up !
Thanks Gdad,you will have had all this with your boys :o)
I couldn't believe that I have seen some shops have their cards in already.,and an ad on TV..just ridiculous..
14 Sep, 2011
pixi buries her head in the sand till next year!
14 Sep, 2011
Dig the hole big enough,and I will join you !
15 Sep, 2011
15 Sep, 2011
15 Sep, 2011
Brilliant Bloomer, Thomas is growing really fast now,
15 Sep, 2011
Lovely pics of Thomas, Sandra ... love the 'Cheeky' tee-shirt too! ... :o)
15 Sep, 2011
Thanks Nana d..he gives us a lot of pleasure :o)
He is,Yorkshire,and is saying a few words now.I will have to watch what I say..no swearing !.:o)
thanks Shirley..the right motif for him too..Lol.
15 Sep, 2011
Definately a budding artist! Talking about Christmas "Housing Units" have already got their Christmas Grotto and all the decorations installed! talk about commercialization gone mad!!
15 Sep, 2011
Hope he is better than I ever was,Carole..I can't believe that..already ?Poor children will feel as though they have to wait forever...I really hate it,when they start so early..
15 Sep, 2011
He's very talented - gardening and art - he'll go a long way ☺
16 Sep, 2011
16 Sep, 2011
have you been to Morrisons this week, offer on until Sunday, roasting joints of Pork shoulder boned, £2 per Kilo,
16 Sep, 2011
Always thinking of food Yorkie lol I think he is a budding genius Bloomer:-)) Pixi, how did you do that? :-)
16 Sep, 2011
Thanks Hywel..either would be a good career.:o)
No we haven't Yorkshire,,and freezer is full ! grr.
That would be nice,Ba..but think his dad has plans as a Man United player ! Lol.
16 Sep, 2011
No no no he must be an artist of some kind! :)
16 Sep, 2011
He might draw the crowds,Pixi! Sorry,that is sooo bad.Lol.
16 Sep, 2011
LOL! you got me lolling for real! hehe
16 Sep, 2011
He'll be redesigning your garden if you are not careful. Just make sure he does not use you as his gardener. These apprentices can be quite forceful personalities these days.
17 Sep, 2011
No chance,Scotsgran..I can be forceful,when it comes to MY garden!..Haven't decided where his little patch will be,as it's full ...maybe a pot or two will be enough for his attention span,for awhile yet :o)
17 Sep, 2011
Arent they sweet' watering the concrete instead of the flowers Lol!! I think his own window box would be good (you know the long boxes you can get) and then he can sprinkle lots of seeds in, carrots, radish, nasturtians etc.
20 Sep, 2011
A friend suggested the paint brush,and water,Grandmage..he loved it,and kept him amused for ages..he did 'paint' Lobelias in a pot .Lol...and watered a Primula to saturation point..almost needed a flood barrier ! Lol.I do have a spare trough in the loft..thanks for that idea..that would be good..We are having him all day,today,as his mum has to go into work...that is why I am on here early..7am..won't get chance later .:o)))))
21 Sep, 2011
Lol B. Have a fun day. x
21 Sep, 2011
It was,Grandmage,,and now we are both shattered..not staying on here long tonight ! :o)
21 Sep, 2011
Sweet dreams B.
21 Sep, 2011
Thanks Grandmage..feeling suitably refreshed this morning..already been to the village and walked back up the steep hill!..:o)...
22 Sep, 2011
That's very impressive B. Although we have just had a skip arrive to finally clear the garden so i will be busy telling the boys what to do!!! Lol.
22 Sep, 2011
a busy weekend for you then, glad you have got the
Management job! :o)
22 Sep, 2011
Thomas is clever and amazing child:-)))
11 Sep, 2012
Just a normal inquisitive little boy,Junna..:o) and re reading all the comments on this,almost a year ago..especially the one from Pansypotter..my dear friend :o)..Father Christmas was already at that place she mentioned,last Sunday! They had a job getting Thomas to leave. him ! Far too early..and cards already in the shops here...groan !:o(
11 Sep, 2012
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Lolol! Most definitely a new star pupil! Love the C card! :)))))))))
14 Sep, 2011