Brrrr,...chilly !
By bloomer
Awoke to see a ‘touch of frost’ this morning ! Outside thermometer reads 2 degrees …lovely..NOT.! On the other hand,it has given it to be a lovely sunny day..I brought all my potted up fuchsias inside last night,as it was forecast to be cold..but didn’t expect it to drop so much…glad I took some pics,yesterday,before all the colour goes..
“Cliif Richard’ roses stiil doing well..
‘PinkGalore’ Fuchsia..before potting it up..
Glad to see my new Astilbe in flower..
All ready for next year
Fuchsias now inside..
hope all yours are safely tucked up now..
15 Oct, 2011
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I no like,either..! sunshine is lovely now..just been for my flu jab..took all of 15 minutes from going,to getting back home...great when we live so near :o)
I do hope the colour lasts a while yet..I'm not ready to see a white gardenLol.
15 Oct, 2011
Well done Bloomer. I took most of mine in to the greenhouse yesterday, but some I shall have to bring indoors. They are all still flowering so well aren't they. Like me you still have a lot of colour.
15 Oct, 2011
Thanks for the timely reminder Bloomer. I don't have many fuschias to bring in, but would hate to loose them. I know what I'll be doing today!
15 Oct, 2011
no sign o frost over the hill Bloomer. will have to watch forecast carefully and bring all my plants inside,
15 Oct, 2011
Same here... there was frost early this morning, then quite quickly it turned sunny and warm, absolutely beautiful out there still :)))
15 Oct, 2011
Oh dear. My daughters are spending the weekend with friends in Leeds. I hope they took their overcoats for the evening. Your garden is still active with plenty of green and colour Bloomer. Mine fell asleep already.
15 Oct, 2011
not tucked up yet here sandra, your very organised there, cold here today but quite hot in sun after lunch, iv done a bit but not enough gardening today, naughty me lol :o)
15 Oct, 2011
the sun as been out hear all day and no frost yet sat out this afternoon thinking may be last sunny day we get roll on spring.
15 Oct, 2011
horrid cold nights - but a superb day :))) lovely pics and astilbe in flower - wow!
15 Oct, 2011
What ? Frost already ? :o( Keep it in Yorkshire please. lol.
Well, I hope it didn't doo much damage. Your Astilbe is very late but nice to see it.
15 Oct, 2011
I will hate it when most of the summer colour has
gone,Cinders..but it inevitably will before long..on the whole,I think we have all had a pretty good show this year,despite not having much summery heat..maybe that's why ..a lot of our plants don't like to be scorched anyway....
hope you managed to get them protected Poppy..ideal day to do it..:o)
It was only a bit,Yorkshire just visible on the shed roof..but lots of condensation on the windows this morning..I couldn't see out of the Conservatory,or our bedroom window..but we have been walking around the park this afternoon..just glorious :o)
Glad you had a lovely day too,Michaella..I can cope with cold mornings,if we get some more days like this.:o)
So,your daughters are spending some quality time in Leeds,Costas..?:o) .They will no doubt be like most of the younger coats,and trying not to shiver.Lol. ! Thank you for your nice comments:o)
I am retired,San,so I have all the time in the world to do jobs outside..It's hard when you work..I remember it well ! Lol...but glad you managed to get out there.:o)
It looks like we have all had a bonus today.,Kimola...just makes you feel good,doesn't it ?
thanks Paul..glad to see you have a face again too ! Lol.
i haven't had this Astilbe long,another Morrisons bargain..I love it..:o)
Ok,Hywel,I will try..just for you ! Lol.My Astilbe is late flowering..but as I told Paul,I haven't had it very long,and it was quite small,with no signs of has put on lots of growth,so I presume it is me,when I saw a spike appearing :o).I wonder if I should mulch it well for winter..
15 Oct, 2011
Blimey, Sandra, you are well prepared! ... Tell me, do you keep the Fuchsias dry until next Spring ... or do you give them a drink of water occasionally? ... Can you tell I'm clueless about over-Wintering Fuchsias ... lol! ... :o)))
15 Oct, 2011
I am just so perfect,aren't I ,Shirley!! ..NOT...You have seen the size of my it doesn't take long ! I don't let them dry out,just keep them ticking over,if you know what I mean:o)...rightly or wrongly,as I'm not sure
if I should..but they usually survive.I am not keeping anything else this growhouse is empty,apart from storing keep it weighted down !
15 Oct, 2011
I said well prepared, Sandra, not perfect! ...Ok, I have the choice of keeping them in the plastic growhouse outdoors ... or the spare bedroom ... hmm ... I know which M would prefer! He dislikes the room looking like a greenhouse ... bet he wouldn't object if I was growing veg. though ... lol! ... :o)
15 Oct, 2011
I have left Fuchsias in the growhouse,in the past,Shirley..but mainly 'hardy' ones,which had only been in the garden one season,from cuttings,as didn't think they would survive outside..just double wrapped in fleece,and bubble wrap round the pots..any so called tender ones,have been brought inside..I didn't water those,and they were fine..just kept checking them,and removing all the dead leaves that dropped off.I have managed to keep some under the patio table(solid top),and wrapped them the same as the others..they were fine too..:o).It is difficult to decide ,isn't it ? Have you got a shed you could use? I have also done that,in the past..
15 Oct, 2011
wow! busy lady! I never take my fuschias inside? they always come back up again..I have no room or two things i guess i could put in the shed..the geraniums can go p in the studio..cant have lots of things in there or they would be no room to do the art class on Mondays :)
Aye good old Cliff eh?
15 Oct, 2011
I put his pic on for you,Pixi..I know you adore him ! Lol.
BTW,it was his 71st birthday yesterday..not the rose:o)
15 Oct, 2011
I could use the garage as it's our shed now ... too small for a car! ... Did you hear Cliff say he doesn't wear leather these days .. too hard to tell where the jacket stops and the neck begins .. lol!
15 Oct, 2011
Lol,Shirley..I heard the comment on 'Have I got news for you,' last night . love it ! ha ha.
15 Oct, 2011
grrrrrr! i dont like him at all! shame that rose is so pretty too ;)
lol Shirley!
15 Oct, 2011
Yes ... that was funny at times last night ... did you then watch 'Would I lie to you?' with Lee Mack? ... I would be hopeless on that programme ... got most of them wrong! . . . . .
15 Oct, 2011
Shall I change it by deed poll,Pixi ? Lol.
No,I didn't watch that,Shirley..but we usually do..watched something we recorded..I am no good on it either..I like Lee Mack..:o)
15 Oct, 2011
He speaks very highly of you too, Sandra! ...
15 Oct, 2011
I'm sure he does,Shirley..and why wouldn't he ? Lol.
15 Oct, 2011
15 Oct, 2011
No frosty nights here yet but i keep watch the weather forcast so i can go tuck my fuchsias in my greenhouse
16 Oct, 2011
Gorgeous photos, bloomer. Though I know there will be hard work and inexitable sadnesses, frost + foliage = such beauty. :)
18 Oct, 2011
sandra iv reduced my working days to two now thankfully, only doing thursday and friday, it will be lovely not to go in saturdays now, saying this i still feel i dont have enough time lol :o) so semi retired here.
18 Oct, 2011
hope you manage to get them tucked up soon,'s been very cold today,plus heavy rain and the strong wind has returned...had a baking day,and had to give in,and turn the heating on !
Thank you,Talamander..we will just have to accept the inevitable,and try to look at the positive things ahead .:o)
Oh,that's good, weekends..great.!You sounded as though you were ready to cut down your hours..I'm sure you will feel much better for it..I did two days for a long time,and then cut down to one,before I retired..mind you,I was 66 before I left !! I just enjoyed the company of customers,and the buzz of being busy...:o) ..Think my manager thought I was never going ! Lol.
18 Oct, 2011
yes i was ready sandra and i like my clients company so two days is good because i dont always see anyone when off depending what im doing, i have 15 years to go lol
19 Oct, 2011
We didnt get a frost Sandra so good job as most of my Fuchsias are still in the garden, Frost forecast for tonight though, Im ready have put a fleece jacket on my mini greenhouse and my beloved Lavender standard, Harry has been busy making me another plant staging in the utility room so will be filling it tomorrow. Also been out planting the last of my Daff bulbs. Ive lots of seedlings now of Hollyhocks and Poppies, so another couple of weeks and I will be potting them up, its endless isnt it lol. You seem to be very organised and ahead of everyone and your garden is still looking good with lots of lovely colour. I see Cliff is still blooming lovely lol Regarding my PC problems its very hit and miss I can see everyones comments, but it only occasionally lets me reply!
19 Oct, 2011
It has come colder tonight,Carole,but its been a nice sunny day..think it is going to get a little bit warmer at the weekend.I hope so,as friends coming to sound almost finished putting your plants to bed too..that new plant staging will be so handy ..I'm glad I bought another one to stand inside..but this year,I am only using three shelves,as not saving any Pelargoniums..that's good of handy Harry to make you one..:o)Glad you are at least managing to reply to some comments at least..!
19 Oct, 2011
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Havn't tucked mine up yet B. and we had a frost here too, we heard our neighbours scraping their windscreen at 7 this am.!! No like.! Your garden still has lovely colour.
15 Oct, 2011