Rievaulx Abbey..
By bloomer
After posting a blog about the Terrace high above the Abbey,I thought you might like to see our next visit afterwards..This is managed by English Heritage..unlike the other,which is N.Trust.Still a lovely hot sunny day..and lots to see of interest.
This line of trees is where the river Rye used to be..in later years,there was severe flooding,so it was diverted yet again..
It was lovely to spend a lot of time just browsing around the ruins..we then went to the visitor centre..as I enjoy this just as much,reading all the facts of how they lived..
I loved these ,and so well preserved..
Guess where we headed for next.? :o)
We stopped off at the pretty market town of Helmsley on the way back,which also has its own castle you can visit.It was quite busy,as it was market day.We enjoyed seeing some gardens and allotments on the walk into the centre,and the lovely flower displays in the town.a very pretty place.
hope you enjoyed another part of North Yorkshire..We hope to visit lots more it has to offer..maybe next year,but if the weather is kind to us ,who knows?
19 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Brrrr,...chilly !
Next post: Let's go back to August..
What a beautiful place and lovely photos. It must have been warm with you in your sundress! I enjoyed your trip, thank you! Interesting to read how they lived long ago.
19 Oct, 2011
Fascinating photos and interesting history..
... and lovely blue skies :o)
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks so much Bloomer for a host of reawakened memories. I love this place, been a couple of times, the last with some Aussie visitors who were stunned by the size of the ruins. It must have been a magnificent sight before the dissolution. This together with the terrace above makes for a great day out..stay overnight and Helmsley, the Castle and Duncombe Park (actually "in" the town) makes for a good mini holiday. The info was so interesting; some I remember and some I had forgotten. A great blog and superb pictures, thank you sooo much!
19 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog Bloomer, the pictures of the ruins are beautiful.
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks B. very interesting history there, I love the pic. of the nave of the church (pic.6) and what a lovely day you had. How do you keep so slim with all the cake you eat on these trips.LOL.!!
19 Oct, 2011
we were there earlier this year Bloomer, I put a photo on a blog of the same one you have, 2nd from bottom, like you we loved it and had a lovely day out, by the way, what was you doing in your pretty summer frock, don't tell me you dropped on a heat wave,
19 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog and photos i love going round old ruins
19 Oct, 2011
Ta Pixi..don't you remember we went 29th to 1st October..the heatwave days.! for my birthday treat..and went to Fountains Abbey as well? ..pic of the two old ruins,one of them being me .Lol...and that is as naughty as it gets now..a jam and cream scone ! :o)))
thank you,Sticki,glad you enjoyed it..hottest week of
the year..so timed it very well.:o)
Thanks Terra..I love all the history of old buildings such as this..pics look so much better in the sunshine too.:o)
Glad it brought back some nice memories,Tet..you can just imagine life there,can't you ? We didn't have time to explore Helmsley in the short time we had,but that can be another trip out,one day..we stay at a hotel just off the Ripon/Harrogate road,and only 10 minutes from Fountains Abbey and Brimham rocks.so a good base for exploring the area....
Thanks Annella..they seem to have a 'feeling' about them,and something special about old ruins..empathy I think ! LOl.
Thanks Grandmage,I like that pic too..I stood looking at that for ages..I am not a religious person,but I so admire how they must have struggled in all weathers to build this beautiful building..and what skills they had..
I don't know how I keep the weight off..must be my genes..notice I am always sitting down..you can't see the spare tyre ! Lol.
Thanks Yorkshire..I must have a look at your blog,as I must have missed it..again !.Let me know which one it is on please..We certainly hit it right weatherwise didn't we? It was like that the 3 days we were there...We should have been going the week after,but on seeing the forecast,we changed our booking...so glad,as it was awful then..wet and windy..!Wouldn't have wanted to be at the Abbey then!
thanks Carol,pleased you enjoyed it..,so do we..we have so much to see in Britain like this,and so lucky to have all this history..just not enough time! :o)
19 Oct, 2011
Bet you aren`t dressed like that today Bloomer, lol.
You really find the best places for your outings, I too like visiting and reading the history of anywhere I`m at, I can spend ages in the info areas.
Helmesley looks a lovely old town, give me olde worlde any day, not keen on the modern look....
Thanks Bloomer, I always enjoy your days out...
19 Oct, 2011
definitely not,lincslass..! Although the sun is shining and not quite as cold as yesterday..thank you for reading my blog..I am the same..not over keen on modern places..they are just a clone of every other town..same shops,no character,etc..might as well stay home...
19 Oct, 2011
Another lovely blog, packed full of memories...thanks Sandra......you were ever so lucky with the weather.....and I noticed the cream scones (sniff).....lol
19 Oct, 2011
Helmesley looks a great little town to visit, must look it up on the net especially if it has its own castle to visit. Like you we love these historic market towns. I`m so glad that monks chose this way of living as its left us with a very interesting legacy. Makes you wonder what our great grandkids will have to explore.
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks,Lou..if you hadn't moved from Harrogate,we could have met up..I would have shared it with you..unless of course you wanted a full one to yourself! ..no problem:o))
19 Oct, 2011
Thank you,Stroller..I'm sure you would love it,and there are so many places to visit in the area..I live quite near,but have not seen the half of it yet..but,given time..and money! :o)
19 Oct, 2011
just shown this blog to Ralph, he said was Russel in the gents when you took the flower photo, mine is the same but Pansies, on my Farndale daffodil blog,
19 Oct, 2011
Fantastic blog Bloomer with lovely photos:)
19 Oct, 2011
Amazing - I love the ruins - we have some near - supposed to be haunted too - Grace Dieu. Lovely pics - the very colourful flowers - hope you enjoyed your scones and tea :))))))))))))))))
19 Oct, 2011
do you know,Yorkshire,I think he was! Lol...Ralph must remember it well ???..I remember your Daffodil blog now,but will have another look...and see if I can spot Ralph with crossed legs! :o))
thank you Nana d..we had a lovely time .:o)
Thanks Paul..glad you enjoyed it..the flowers were gorgeous,as was the scone ..and the jam ..and cream!!
Cholesterol on a plate ...and I'm not supposed to have any of it..it's a treat when I am on holiday..:o)
19 Oct, 2011
Oh yeah :) i forget things lol
19 Oct, 2011
Very interesting again. I love plaaces like that :o) And what a pretty little village at the end.
Tea and scones thrown in aswell :o)
I always look forward to these blogs
21 Oct, 2011
thank you,Hywel..we love going to this part of Yorkshire..the scones are a bonus.:o).
22 Oct, 2011
That was so beautiful Bloomer, really enjoyed it. Did you really have to put the cream on so thick ?
22 Oct, 2011
Thank you,Cinders..and yes,it was a bit thick..but being from Yorkshire,we don't like to waste anything we have paid for ! Lol...or you could say ,I was just greedy :o))
23 Oct, 2011
Beautiful pics Sandra ... you sure you're not working for the Tourist Board up there? :o)))
27 Oct, 2011
Recent posts by bloomer
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all .xx
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- Spared by 'Babet' .
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- This years display..
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Wow lovely blog! Was this recently? You have summer dress on! Brr not up here its ccccold!
Love the old ruins of the Abbey, love all your blogs :)))))
Naughty woman again I see! lol
19 Oct, 2011