East Riddlesden Hall,Keighley..The Gardens..
By bloomer
This is another National Trust property,we visited in the summer..I say,summer.but it was a bit of a damp grey day,..what’s new? but it did brighten up when we arrived..
We were allowed to also take pics inside,as long as we didn’t use the flash..which was great…These pics are only of the gardens,as I may write a blog of the house,at a later date,if anyone expresses an interest..it would be too long,with the gardens as well..
On arrival,we thought it looked a bit small,.but how wrong we were,when we went round the back …
This lady Gardener was splitting plants and re vamping some beds,outside the entrance..
As we got in the grounds,the first gardens were all geared up for the wildlife,and nature..and this lovely view was our first unexpected sight..
He was very willing to pose for us..:o)
Lots of school children visit here,and are very hands on..plenty of lovely artwork around..
We loved looking at all the creativity by the children,but time to move on to the more formal gardens,as we would have been here forever..:o)..Firstly ,all the wondeful fruit trees..
The flower borders..
Full circle back to the House..
The beautiful window..
Now it was time to visit the inside..and see that window close up..a lovely place,and we spent another long time in here..a great day out..hope you enjoyed it too..if you would like to tour the house with us,you only have to ask…:o)
19 Nov, 2011
Previous post: So this is where they are hiding!
Next post: A good gardener,is a tidy gardener..:o)
what a great place. i so love it when gardens encourage children. they obviously have close links with the youngsters. well done them...:-)
19 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog. I had a laugh at the sign about the mud pies ... lol
19 Nov, 2011
Thanks Pixi..we were pleasantly surprised when we started walking round..and the house was wonderful..I agree about the window,it's stunning...:o)
thank you,Sandra..there was so much more that the children had done..great to get them interested so early..
Thanks Sheilar..great sign isn't it? it made me laugh too
19 Nov, 2011
I enjoyed that visit, friendly gardens and very pretty borders, thanks bloomer ~ please can we see the inside too? was there cake and coffee??!!
19 Nov, 2011
Lovely blog and photos enjoyed the walk round with you.
19 Nov, 2011
Another lovely old place with wonderful gardens and lots of interest, I would love a peep inside especially if there is Coffee and scones on offer ;0))
19 Nov, 2011
PP i didnt know anyone else was as bad as me!!! glad to see you like the coffee and cakes too!!!
19 Nov, 2011
Never refuse coffee and cakes lol
19 Nov, 2011
nor me!!!
19 Nov, 2011
So lovely to encourage the little ones there! Brilliant. What a lovely place B. you have taken some nice pics. I like those 'lollipop' trees! and that window.
19 Nov, 2011
great and interesting blog sandra, love the wall placks and the doggy to, wonderfull views there :o))
19 Nov, 2011
Thanks Sticki..glad you enjoyed it..oh,yes..now do I ever go anywhere without having coffee/tea and cake/scone?
not if I can help it ! there was a lovely old converted building ,with a gift shop and a yummy cafe upstairs :o)
Are you drooling,Carole ? ..Lol.you will be having a naughty pudding on Thursday..so that will have to keep you going for now ! :o)..and as you have asked nicely,I will do a blog soon,on the house..
thanks G..glad you enjoyed the pics..the trees
are lovely.aren't they?
thanks San.I thought the plaque by the 4 year old was so good..and that friendly dog was so cute ..he loved attention too :o)
19 Nov, 2011
Great blog Bloomer..I enjoyed the little trip out..from my armchair, love to see how the little ones get involved & their artwork displayed for all to see..Scarecrow looks as if he has been at the apples & pears, going off his fat tum..:o)
19 Nov, 2011
lol@ naughty pudding :)
19 Nov, 2011
Such delightful gardens, something for old and young alike.
19 Nov, 2011
Lovely place! Great to see children (gardeners of the future) being encouraged and taught about gardens.
20 Nov, 2011
Thanks Joanella..I will look like that before long,if I don't lay off the 'naughty stuff.':o)....I'm sure you think the same,Pixi!
Thanks Dd,and Nariz..just what we thought..It would be nice if a lot more places did the same..:o)
20 Nov, 2011
20 Nov, 2011
Blimey ... that's a well dressed scarecrow ... complete with a tie! ... I love the fact that the children are involved in the gardens ... the next generation of gardeners perhaps ... Really enjoyed this blog, Sandra, yet another on the 'must visit' places ... :o)
21 Nov, 2011
Thanks Shirley..you will have to come to Yorkshire for a month,to see all your 'must visit' places now .:o))))
21 Nov, 2011
I would really love to do that, Sandra ... not possible though ... :o(
21 Nov, 2011
Maybe one day,Shirley....a bit at a time .:o)
22 Nov, 2011
22 Nov, 2011
I don't know how I missed this Sandra , it has so much more going on than I knew of , a lovely place I wish we had more time to spend there when we went to the party , perhaps next time we will be able to stay longer ,I love the way the children are involved , perhaps they wil one day be GOY members :o)
25 Jan, 2012
Glad you enjoyed it Amy..and pleased I mentioned it to you,after your comment on part 2..I knew it would be your kind of thing..hope you get to go again sometime.:o)
25 Jan, 2012
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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Wonderful blog Bloomer! Lovely place, especially loved that window!!!! ::))))))))))
19 Nov, 2011